10 MCQ on Human Rights in the Indian Context

  1. Which of the following is an essential value emphasized in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution? A. Justice B. Equality C. Liberty D. All of the above Answer: D. All of the above

  2. What is the primary role of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in India? A. Ensuring access to education for all citizens B. Investigating human rights violations C. Implementing affirmative action measures D. Protecting religious freedom Answer: B. Investigating human rights violations

  3. Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to equality? A. Right to life and personal liberty B. Right to freedom of speech and expression C. Right against discrimination D. Right to freedom of religion Answer: C. Right against discrimination

  4. Which human rights issue in India pertains to violence against women? A. Caste-based discrimination B. Right to education C. Gender equality D. Religious freedom Answer: C. Gender equality

  5. The decriminalization of homosexuality in India was a result of which significant event? A. Supreme Court ruling B. Amendments to the Indian Constitution C. NHRC's recommendation D. Legislative Act passed by the Parliament Answer: A. Supreme Court ruling

  6. Which constitutional provision guarantees the right to freedom of speech and expression in India? A. Directive Principles of State Policy B. Fundamental Rights C. Preamble D. None of the above Answer: B. Fundamental Rights

  7. Which human rights issue in India relates to social hierarchy and discrimination based on birth? A. Gender equality B. Religious freedom C. Caste-based discrimination D. Right to education Answer: C. Caste-based discrimination

  8. What is the primary purpose of affirmative action and reservations in India? A. Ensuring gender equality B. Eliminating religious discrimination C. Eradicating caste-based discrimination D. Promoting LGBTQ+ rights Answer: C. Eradicating caste-based discrimination

  9. Which of the following is an example of a directive principle in the Indian Constitution related to human rights? A. Right to privacy B. Right to education C. Right to freedom of religion D. Right against discrimination Answer: B. Right to education

  10. Which section of society faces challenges related to communal tensions and conflicts in India? A. Religious and ethnic minorities B. LGBTQ+ community C. Women and gender-nonconforming individuals D. Children and child laborers Answer: A. Religious and ethnic minorities


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