The Top 8 Difference between National Education Policy 1986 and 2020


Why Education is important?

“Education”, is a key the factor for everyone to bring the nation’s development, social change, and from different aspects like knowledge, skills, values, critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity, etc meanwhile education plays a crucial role everywhere. It brings skills, learns discipline, improves moral thoughts, develops academic and curricular activities. As we know from the very beginning education is learning and continuous process from where a person can grasp from each other through discussion, involving in social activities where he/she must learn good manner and habits, which grows our inherent qualities and it became easier to judge through extrovert behavior and also from various sources a person can learn.

Types of Education

In this 21st century, we have observed many impossible things which being possible as per period. If there is a way there is a win. It speaks wherever people move, education exists there. Many good things happen for a good reason. There are 2 kinds of Education: Online And Offline

Online Education: It denotes, in this kind of education we called it distancing learning or taking an online class without attending school or college, it may be individual or group classes. There are four factors like

  1. Lessons from home comfortable
  2. Interaction through the internet with flexible time
  3. Two-way communication, no other students and no friends
  4. Get knowledge

Offline Education: It signifies, This promotes face to face class where physical proximity takes place. Where Student and teacher’s relationship builds stronger, physical presence plays an important role. Here is four factors like-:

  1. Getting used to other students accent
  2. More people more friends
  3. Fixed schedule and hour
  4. A chance to enjoy school and college environment

Why does education Policy need?

·      We need to extend our education system far and wide; a good education policy is needed to achieve the perfect goal. Education policy formation is a governmental rule and regulation where the particular department of people discusses with proper planning and implementation into action with various policies and schemes. Education occurs in many forms through many institutions. It includes early childhood education, Kindergarten through to 12th grade, two and four years colleges and universities, graduate and professional education, adult education, and job training.

·         The important aspects of this policy emphasize a person from a diversified group can join in education, without any discrimination he/she gets a place to enjoy his/her right to education article. On grounds on caste, creed, race, ethnicity, gender, and religion he/she should get equal treatment as per governmental law.


  The Top 8 Difference between NEP 1986 V/S NEP 2020


1986 NEP

2020 NEP


1. 10+2 SYSTEM

- 10 years of schooling and 2 years of Higher studies.



1. -5+3+3+4 academic structure

This says the age group of 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years respectively.

-This will include 12 years of schooling and 3 years of Anganwadi and pre-schooling.


2. Anganwadi Learning from 3 to 6 years and will not add an informal education system.



2. Schooling From As early as Age 3

-All children will be part of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) from age of 3.

- This will be delivered through


 b)Anganwadis co-located with primary schools;

 c)Pre-primary schools/sections covering at least age 5 to 6 years co-located with existing primary schools.

3.One language at the primary level and three languages at the upper primary and secondary level.



3.Compulsory Teaching in mother tongue/regional language up to class 5th :  

-The mother tongue or local or regional language will be the medium of instruction in all schools up to Class 5 (preferably till Class 8 and beyond), according to the NEP.


4.No Such thing added in this Policy



4.Construction of Bal Bhavans: 

-Every state or district will be directed to establish 'Bal Bhavans' as a special daytime boarding school, to participate in art-related, career-related, and play-related activities.


5. A student will get a Physical certificate at every stage.


5. Academic Bank of Credit:

- This is for storing academic scores digitally.

-The academic credit stored in a digital locker will be like a bank credit through which a student will be able to resume education after a break as specified by the higher education commission later.



6. A student will get its graduate certificate only after completion of the full term Course. No exit in the middle of the term.



6.Multiple entries and exit points in higher education:

- For promoting higher education this policy added multiple entry and exit options.

- For the 4-year program, students can exit after one year with a certificate, after two years with a diploma and a Bachelor's degree after three years, and Bachelor's with research after 4 years.



7. The report card of a student contains only the mark secured by a student in every subject followed by the percentile it achieved.


7. 360-degree approach towards report/progress card: 

-The progress card of all students for school-based assessment will be redesigned.

- It will be a dynamic 360-degree, multidimensional report card that will reflect in great detail the progress and uniqueness of each learner in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.

-The progress card will include self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment.



8. In higher studies, a student can choose from arts, science, and commerce.


8. NEP ends science-commerce-arts streams:

 Students will now be able to choose subjects like history and physics at the same time in class 11 and 12.


After all, a strong nation will deliver in all fields through its audacity to change. India is in the right direction for changes in the Education system. With a more dynamic approach, a perfect Education policy is suggested. This policy will decide the future of India. This gives more freedom to the student for choosing their subject as per their interest. Hope you enjoy this article and please don’t forget to like and share.



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