International Year of Biodiversity (2010)

The International Year of Biodiversity (IYB), which took place globally in 2010, was a yearlong celebration of biological diversity and its significance. The 61st session of the UN General Assembly declared the year in 2006, coinciding with the deadline of the 2010 Biodiversity Target. It was intended to "elevate biological diversity nearer to the top of the political agenda," influence decision-makers, and aid spread awareness of the value of biodiversity through activities and events.

The International Year of Biodiversity honors life on earth and the importance of biodiversity to people's daily lives. The International Year of Biodiversity in 2010 will be promoted by a variety of activities and events that the public is invited to take part in. The variety of life on earth, or biodiversity, is expected to be protected by action. Individuals, governmental entities, and non-governmental groups all want to take part in this event in various ways.


The following events are planned during the International Year of Biodiversity:
  • Incorporating biodiversity-related content into school curricula.
  • Choosing wisely when it comes to consumption to preserve biodiversity.
  • Participating at the International Aichi/Nagoya E-Conference on the Post 2010
  • Biodiversity Objective (also known as ANIEC 2010).
  • Following CBDNews on Twitter. The initials "CBD" stand for the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • Taking part in the Green Wave, a multi-year international effort that allows kids and teenagers the ability to spread awareness of biodiversity and the necessity of reducing its loss.
Events have been planned by organizations from nations including (but not limited to) Brazil, Colombia, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Norway, and Japan to promote the International Year of Biodiversity. Conferences, multimedia performances, photo exhibits, and nature congresses are some of these activities.


The word "biological diversity," also referred to as "biodiversity," refers to the diversity of life on earth as well as the natural patterns it creates. The diversity of plants, animals, and microorganisms is frequently used to explain this diversity. There are 1.75 million species known, largely tiny animals like insects. Though estimates range from three to 100 million, some experts think there are actually roughly 13 million species.

Food supplies, leisure and tourism opportunities, sources of wood, pharmaceuticals, and energy are all at risk due to the loss of biodiversity. Additionally, it obstructs crucial ecological processes. The UN General Assembly declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity on December 20, 2006. It stated that the focal element of the occasion would be the Convention on Biological Diversity secretariat. The assembly also requested the secretariat cooperate with other UN agencies, environmental agreements, and groups to raise awareness of the ongoing loss of biodiversity on a global scale.

The goal of the International Year of Biodiversity is to raise awareness of the value of biodiversity by encouraging global efforts to preserve it. Numerous partners have agreed to actively participate in or plan initiatives and events for this one-year event.


The International Year of Biodiversity has the following primary objectives:
  • Raise awareness of the risks to biodiversity and the need of protecting it in society
  • Amplify the successes that governments and communities have made in preserving biodiversity
  • Encourage creative ways to lessen risks to biodiversity.
  • Encourage people, groups, and governments to take immediate action to stop the loss of biodiversity
  • Start a conversation with stakeholders on what to do after 2010


The logo for the International Year of Biodiversity aims to evoke the ideas of discovery and realization. The design incorporates a variety of symbolic iconographic components to represent the diversity of life on Earth, including marine, flora, and animal characteristics. Together, they show how biodiversity is life and how individuals understand their role in this process.

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