50-Medical Social Work MCQ

50  Medical Socia Work MCQs

1. The finding that personality disorders are ‘dimensional’ means that …

  1. people should never be labelled with personality disorder diagnoses
  2. personality disorders are correlated with personality trait dimensions
  3. there is no underlying category boundary between people who have a particular disorder and those who do not
  4. personality disorders differ from one another along a few dimensions

Answer: C

2. Which statement about multiple personalities (dissociative identity disorder) is correct?

  1. The ‘alter’ personalities are usually timider than the ‘host’ personality
  2. People who suffer from it are easily hypnotized
  3. It is equally common in men and women
  4. It has been diagnosed at a steady rate over the past century

Answer: B

3. According to the traumatic theory of dissociative identity disorder, what is ‘dissociation’?

  1. A splitting of consciousness
  2. A form of internal avoidance
  3. A way of protecting the self against trauma
  4. All of the above

Answer: D

4. The cognitive approach to personality …

  1. focuses on the attributes that people possess
  2. focuses on people’s emotional responses to situations
  3. focuses on how perception and cognition are influenced by personality traits
  4. focuses on processes of thinking and information processing

Answer: D

5. According to Skinner’s behaviourism …

  1. mental processes are not a legitimate focus for scientific study
  2. people’s behaviour is a result of their learning histories
  3. people have collections of specific habits rather than broad traits
  4. all of the above

Answer: D

6. According to Maslow, people …

  1. have a natural tendency to self-expression
  2. have a natural tendency to self-actualization
  3. have a natural tendency to self-complexity
  4. have a natural tendency to self-aggrandizement

Answer: B

7. Which of the following statements is the best definition of Rotter’s concept of locus of control?

  1. The belief that the outcomes of one’s behaviour is or is not under our control
  2. The belief that one is or is not responsible for the outcomes of one’s behaviour
  3. The belief that one is capable of successfully carrying out a behaviour
  4. The belief that one can control one’s impulsive tendencies

Answer: A

8. Which of the following statements best displays Albert Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy?

  1. I am the greatest
  2. I can do whatever I set my mind to do
  3. My future is bright
  4. I am my own boss

Answer: B

9. George Kelly argued that personal constructs are …

  1. bipolar
  2. hierarchical
  3. categorical
  4. all of the above

Answer: D

10. An ‘idiographic’ approach to personality maintains that …

  1. personality psychology should seek generalizations about people
  2. a standard set of descriptive concepts can be applied to all people
  3. people should be investigated as unique individuals
  4. personality research should study large samples of people

Answer: C

11. The psychological concept of ‘attribution’ is closest to which of the following concepts?

  1. Concept
  2. Explanation
  3. Interpretation
  4. Judgement

Answer: B

12. Which of the following is an external, unstable attribution for why something happened to a person?

  1. Fate
  2. The weather
  3. Hard work
  4. Bad mood

Answer: B

13. Which of the following statements about defensive pessimists is incorrect?

  1. They hold unrealistically low expectations about how well they will perform
  2. They withdraw effort from tasks on which they think they will do poorly
  3. They perform just as well as optimists
  4. They are motivated to minimize future disappointment

Answer: B

14. Which of the following forms of coping illustrates the indicated kind of coping strategy?

  1. Emotion-focused: attacking a person who is making you unhappy
  2. Problem-focused: recognizing that an issue is causing you difficulties
  3. Emotion-focused: imagining that a problem will just go away
  4. Problem-focused: actively trying to change how you feel about a stressor

Answer: C

15. In coping research, high ‘goodness of fit’ exists when people engage in …

  1. problem-focused coping for uncontrollable stressors
  2. problem-focused coping for problem-based stressors
  3. emotion-focused coping for uncontrollable stressors
  4. emotion-focused coping for emotion-based stressors

Answer: C

16. Which of the following statement is true of self-esteem?

  1. Mean levels of it have been declining in recent decades
  2. It is the global evaluation of the self-concept
  3. It has been shown to have numerous positive effects
  4. All of the above

Answer: B

17. Which of the following does defensive self-esteem represent?

  1. Low explicit self esteem and low implicit self-esteem
  2. Low explicit self-esteem and high implicit self-esteem
  3. High explicit self-esteem and low implicit self-esteem
  4. High explicit self-esteem and high implicit self-esteem

Answer: C

16. Which of the following statements about self-complexity is incorrect?

  1. High self-complexity makes people more vulnerable to stressful life events
  2. High self-complexity involves having more self-aspects
  3. High self-complexity involves having self-aspects with little overlap
  4. High self-complexity can sometimes indicate a lack of self-concept clarity


17. Psychometric reliability refers to the degree to which a test is …

  1. free from measurement error
  2. consistent
  3. dependable
  4. all of the above

Answer: D

18. The items in a personality test correlate strongly with one another. What kind of reliability or validity does this imply?

  1. Convergent validity
  2. Content validity
  3. Internal consistency
  4. Retest reliability

Answer: C

19. To assess the convergent validity of a new test of self-esteem, a researcher should establish that…

  1. it correlates highly with a different test of self-esteem
  2. it does not correlate too highly with a different test of self-esteem
  3. it correlates highly with a test of narcissism
  4. it does not correlate too highly with a test of narcissism

Answer: A

20. Consider the following statements about a hypothetical personality test. Which one is not possible based on the relationship between reliability and validity?

  1. The test is high in predictive validity and high in reliability
  2. The test is high in predictive validity and low in reliability
  3. The test is low in predictive validity and high in reliability
  4. The test is low in predictive validity and low in reliability

Answer: B

21. To test the predictive validity of a test of extraversion, a researcher could show that people’s scores on the test correlate with …

  1. their scores on another extraversion test
  2. their scores on the same extraversion test at a later date
  3. another person’s ratings of their extraversion
  4. their frequency of attending parties over a two-month period

Answer: D

22. Which of the following is not a weakness of interview methods of personality assessment?

  1. They allow interviewers to follow personal lines of questioning
  2. They are sensitive to the interpersonal dynamics between interviewer and interviewee
  3. They have advantages when it comes to assessing personality disorders
  4. They are time-consuming

Answer: c

23. A test-taker who repeatedly answers ‘false’ on a personality inventory with true/false response options is showing which response bias?

  1. Malingering
  2. Faking bad
  3. Nay-saying
  4. Self-deception

Answer: C

24. Which of the following statements is not correct about personality inventories?

  1. They tend to have high inter-rater reliability
  2. They assess a single personality characteristic
  3. They are developed through a process of selecting the best items from a larger set
  4. They are susceptible to several response biases because they rely on self-report

Answer: B

25. The rationale for using projective tests is that they …

  1. allow people to use the defence mechanism of projection
  2. have superior re-test reliability
  3. are labour-intensive
  4. avoid self-report biases

Answer: D

26. Which of the following statements is correct about the Rorschach inkblot test?

  1. All of the blots are monochromatic
  2. Interpretation is based only on the content of people’s responses
  3. It aims to bypass the test-taker’s defences
  4. It has demonstrated strong evidence of incremental validity

Answer: C

27. Which of the following do the Thematic Apperception Test not aim to assess?

  1. Traits
  2. Defence mechanisms
  3. Motives
  4. Object relations

Answer: A

26. Which of the following is not a weakness of many projective personality tests?

  1. Poor predictive validity
  2. Poor inter-rater reliability
  3. Susceptibility to faking good bias
  4. Susceptibility to poor incremental validity relative to inventories

Answer: C

27. Implicit personality tests …

  1. rely on rapid responses to stimuli presented on computer screens
  2. attempt to bypass the response biases that plague self-report inventories
  3. often do not correlate strongly with inventory-based measures of the same characteristic
  4. all of the above

Answer: D

28. The repertory grid is unlike self-report inventories because it …

  1. assesses characteristics (constructs) that are unique to each person
  2. is a projective test
  3. is unsystematic
  4. has very few items

Answer: A

29. What have most studies of clinical versus actuarial prediction shown?

  1. Psychologists with access to personality test data make more valid predictions than statistical formulas
  2. Psychologists and statistical formulas make equally valid predictions
  3. Statistical formulas make more valid predictions than psychologists
  4. Statistical formulas fail to make valid holistic personality assessments

Answer: C

30. When it first appeared in English, the word ‘personality’ referred to what?

  1. Personhood
  2. Character
  3. Temperament
  4. Individuality

Answer: A

31. ‘Personality’ comes from the Latin persona, meaning ….

  1. privacy
  2. person
  3. mask
  4. attitude

Answer: C

32. Why is an emotion not a personality characteristic?

  1. It is an intellectual characteristic
  2. It is a physical property
  3. It is transient
  4. It is a broad pattern

Answer: C

33. Which of the following characteristics is difficult to define as either intellectual or non-intellectual individual differences?

  1. Creativity
  2. Emotional intelligence
  3. Social intelligence
  4. All of the above


34. How could we conceptualize the relationship between a musical taste and a personality disposition?

  1. The disposition could be one facet of the taste
  2. The disposition could be an enduring version of the taste
  3. The taste could be one facet of the disposition
  4. The taste could be an enduring version of the disposition

Answer: C

35. Prentice (1990) showed that …

  1. personality characteristics are dispositional inferences
  2. personality characteristics are central to how people define themselves
  3. personality characteristics are important in impression formation
  4. personality characteristics are components of stereotypes

Answer: B

36. Which of the following concepts best exemplifies a personality characteristic?

  1. A disposition
  2. A mood
  3. A habit
  4. An attitude

Answer: A

37. Which of the following would probably not be considered a personality characteristic?

  1. Irritation
  2. Curiosity
  3. Extraversion
  4. Carelessness

Answer: A

38. Which of the following would probably be considered a personality characteristic?

  1. Anxiety
  2. Mathematical aptitude
  3. Voting conservative
  4. Friendliness

Answer: D

39. Which statement best communicates the relevance of personality for social perception?

  1. Impression formation focuses on intellectual characteristics
  2. Personality characteristics are peripheral to the self-concept
  3. Dispositional inference is a serious bias in impression formation
  4. Stereotypes are largely composed of personality characteristics

Answer: D

40. Which of the following statements best defines ‘character’?

  1. Personality characteristics that relate to morality and self-control
  2. Personality characteristics that relate to being distinctive
  3. Personality characteristics that relate to social learning
  4. Personality characteristics that relate to innate tendencies

Answer: A

41. Which of the following statements best defines ‘temperament’?

  1. Personality characteristics that are heavily socialized
  2. Personality characteristics that relate to emotional instability
  3. Personality characteristics that are innate and biologically based
  4. Personality characteristics that relate to anger

Answer: C

42. Personality psychology is the only part of psychology that …

  1. focuses on individual differences
  2. focuses on the whole person
  3. focuses on dispositional inference
  4. focuses on specific mechanisms of the mind

Answer: A

43. Many subdisciplines within psychology treat individual differences as …

  1. a nuisance
  2. random error
  3. uninteresting
  4. all of the above

Answer: D

44. Social psychology differs from personality psychology by …

  1. emphasizing internal influences on behaviour
  2. emphasizing the whole person
  3. emphasizing external influences on behaviour
  4. emphasizing subcomponents of the person

Answer: C

45. Emotional intelligence is different from other intelligences in that …

  1. it is a set of skills
  2. it can be measured using tests easily
  3. the focus is on emotional reasoning, ability and knowledge
  4. it is a new type of intelligence

Answer: C

46. Emotional intelligence can be studied through …

  1. the abilities-focused approach
  2. the integrative model approach
  3. the mixed-model approach
  4. all of the above

Answer: D

47. Which of the following describes how Ability Emotional Intelligence and Trait Emotional Intelligence are different?

  1. The way they are measured
  2. The way they are conceptualized
  3. The way they correlate with other constructs
  4. All of the above

Answer: D

48. Incremental validity refers to …

  1. the additional contribution a new psychological idea makes to existing knowledge
  2. the additional evidence provided by new research
  3. the way research findings are reinterpreted
  4. the way statements are written in new tests

Answer: A

49. When predicting intellectual academic performance in medical students, EI showed …

  1. it is essentially social skills
  2. large incremental validity
  3. no incremental validity
  4. a deterioration in its display

Answer: C

50. Which of the following is the best predictor of academic performance?

  1. Trait EI
  2. IQ
  3. Personality
  4. None of these

Answer: B



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