10 Type of Reports for NGO

10 Type of Reports for NGO


  1. Introduction.
  2. Monthly Progress Report.
  3. Quarterly Report.
  4. Half Yearly Report.
  5. Annual Report.
  6. Project Completion Report.
  7. Project Evaluation Report.
  8. Project Monitoring Report 
  9. Program Report.
  10. Project Status Report.
  11. Budget Comparison Report.

Rightways of reporting and information delivery process can make a significant impact on an organization. The credibility of reporting represents the credibility of an organization. Most of the reports are described by their periodicity, the time in which something took place, or according to their submission period. The following passage is the preliminary introduction to the various reporting process of an organization. let us look at a few sets of reports and which are absolutely needed for an organization.

10 Type of Reports for NGO 

    Monthly Progress Report(MPR) 
    the monthly report is written an account of the project of the organization in order to update its status and progress. It is like assessment tools to project in order to promote continuous progress and make an impact change on a project. It is the professional responsibility of every project member to accurately report to the best of their knowledge. 

     Quarterly Report (QR)

It is a progress report from the office to the donor agencies as per the agreement or in some cases the coordinator presenting a project report to the head office. And it is used by the organization in every three months.
     Half Yearly Report( HYR) 
It is a progress report in most cases submitted to the donor agencies with the financial statement requesting for the next installment.
      Annual Report (AR) 
An annual report is a comprehensive report of an organization’s program and activities throughout the proceeding year. It helps in assessing the year’s operation and provides the organization's view for the coming year and its future prospects. These reports each organization must provide at the end of the financial year. The second important document of the organization  is Annual Report this report has two major part as
1-Description of the activities of the yea
2-Statement of the income and expenditure
Sometimes the reports are printed and bound in book form with extensive information the submission period is immediately after the end the financial year  on March 31st  or following the calendar year after 31st December

      Project Completion Report (PCR
It is a consolidated report with the statement of the account of any project from its beginning till the end showing the project as completed as per the plan or if not completed showing the reasons and this is to be submitted immediately after the completion of the projects period, normally within two or three months after the completion of the projects. It is a systematic and structured reporting format provided by the organization.

     Project Evaluation Report (PER) 
It is periodically assessment of any particular project continuing of completed indicating the project advancement. The submission period can be any time according to the organizational arrangement. Evaluation can be two types.
1-In the middle & formative level
2Summative after completion of the project.

     Project Monitoring Report(PMR) 

Project monitoring is a system process of keeping the progress of the project.It is to be prepared at the end of every month

      Program Report (Field Report ) 
A specific report has to be prepared and distributed among the concerned people immediately after program such as training, meeting, seminars, workshops, etc. These reports should be presented promptly to the sponsoring agencies, participants, resources persons.
     Project Status Report (PSR) 
It gives clear details about each project of the organization at a particular time.

     Budget Comparison Report (BCR) 
The actual financial statement is regularly compared with the budget plan .This helps us to identify the deviation that may creep in the process and we shall able to find the means of rectifying the deviation.

Reports can be customized and prepared in accordance with the need and requirements. There are other sorts of reports have been incorporated to make organizational communication more transparent. Nowadays the technology and software are being used in streamlining the reporting system in order to make it faster and accurate.

Best Wishes


  1. Richard Morris Titmuss CBE FBA was a pioneering British social researcher and teacher who lived from 1907 to 1973. He established the academic discipline of social administration (today commonly referred to as social policy in universities) and held the first chair in the field at the London School of Economics.

    In ways that parallel the efforts of Alva Myrdal and Gunnar Myrdal in Sweden, his publications and writings from the 1950s contributed to establish the characteristics of Britain's post-World War II welfare state and of a universal benefit society. The Richard Titmuss Chair in Social Policy at the LSE, which is presently held by Julian Le Grand, is named after him.

    At the LSE, where he was the first professor of Social Administration, he transformed the teaching of social work and social workers and established Social Policy as an academic discipline. He also contributed to a number of government committees on the health service and social policy.[3] He also did some consulting in Africa, sometimes together with Professor Brian Abel-Smith, who was later his successor in his chair.

    रिचर्ड मॉरिस टिटमस सीबीई एफबीए एक अग्रणी ब्रिटिश सामाजिक शोधकर्ता और शिक्षक थे, जो 1907 से 1973 तक रहे। उन्होंने सामाजिक प्रशासन के अकादमिक अनुशासन की स्थापना की (आज आमतौर पर विश्वविद्यालयों में सामाजिक नीति के रूप में संदर्भित) और लंदन में इस क्षेत्र में पहली कुर्सी संभाली। अर्थशास्त्र का स्कूल।

    स्वीडन में अल्वा मर्डल और गुन्नार मायर्डल के प्रयासों के समानांतर, 1950 के दशक के उनके प्रकाशनों और लेखों ने ब्रिटेन के द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के बाद के कल्याणकारी राज्य और एक सार्वभौमिक लाभ समाज की विशेषताओं को स्थापित करने में योगदान दिया। एलएसई में सामाजिक नीति में रिचर्ड टिटमस चेयर, जो वर्तमान में जूलियन ले ग्रैंड के पास है, का नाम उनके नाम पर रखा गया है।

    एलएसई में, जहां वे सामाजिक प्रशासन के पहले प्रोफेसर थे, उन्होंने सामाजिक कार्य और सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं के शिक्षण को बदल दिया और सामाजिक नीति को एक अकादमिक अनुशासन के रूप में स्थापित किया। उन्होंने स्वास्थ्य सेवा और सामाजिक नीति पर कई सरकारी समितियों में भी योगदान दिया। उन्होंने अफ्रीका में कुछ परामर्श भी किया, कभी-कभी प्रोफेसर ब्रायन एबेल-स्मिथ के साथ, जो बाद में उनकी कुर्सी पर उनके उत्तराधिकारी थे।

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