100 MCQ on Anthropology with answers

100 MCQ on Anthropology with answers

 1. Anthropology is basic study of
a)      Human being
b)      Community
c)      Male and female
d)      None of these
Answer: a
2. The sub discipline of anthropology that studies diversity of human behavior in the past is
a)      physical anthropology
b)      archaeology
c)      linguistic anthropology
d)      cultural anthropology
Answer: b
3. The study of the bodies and behaviour of human-like species such as monkeys and apes is called
a)      anthropology
b)      apeology
c)      primatology
d)      archaeology
Answer: c
4. The field of anthropology that studies cross-cultural knowledge and use of plants is called
a)      ethnobotany
b)      forensic anthropology
c)      vegetal anthropology
d)      there is no such field
Answer: a
5. Students who major in anthropology can make a living in which career(s)?
a)      teaching
b)      business/consulting
c)      government/policy
d)      all of the above
Answer: d
6. Which of these is NOT part of the anthropological perspective?
a)      cross-cultural study
b)      ethnocentrism
c)      holism
d)      cultural relativism
Answer: b
7. The perspective that all aspects of a culture must be studied in interconnection with each other is
a)      holism
b)      cross-cultural study
c)      glocalization
d)      cultural relativism
Answer: a
8. The written description of a culture that an anthropologist produces from his/her research is called
a)      ethnocentrism
b)      ethnicity
c)      ethnocide
d)      ethnography
Answer: d
9. The attitude that you can understand or judge another culture in terms of your own culture is called
a)      cultural relativism
b)      cultural anthropology
c)      ethnocentrism
d)      ethnoculturalism
Answer: c
10. Who said “Ideas about race, culture and people-hood or ethnicity have long served to orient anthropology’s inquiries ….”
a)      Eric R. Wolf
b)      Magnus Hundt
c)      Otto Casmann
d)      Bartholins
Answer: a
11. Word Anthropology first appeared in Renaissance Germany in the works of
a)      Magnus Hundt
b)      Otto Casmann
c)      Bartholins
d)      Both a & b
Answer: d
12. Who defined l’anthropologie as follows: Anthropology, that is to say the science that treats of man, is divided ordinarily and with reason into Anatomy, which considers the body and the parts, and Psychology, which speaks of the soul.
a)      Bartholins
b)      Étienne Serres
c)      Charles Darwin
d)      Paul Broca
Answer: a
13. Name the neurosurgeon who had taken an interest in the pathology of speech
a)      Bartholins
b)      Étienne Serres
c)      Charles Darwin
d)      Paul Broca
Answer: d
14. Who defined anthropology as “the science of the nature of man”?
a)      Waitz
b)      Étienne Serres
c)      Charles Darwin
d)      Paul Broca
Answer: a
15. Cultural anthropology in particular has emphasized
a)      cultural relativism
b)      holism,
c)      Use of findings to frame cultural critiques
d)      All of these
Answer: d
16. In Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries, the British tradition of __________ tends to dominate.
a)      Social anthropology
b)      biological or physical anthropology;
c)      cultural anthropology
d)      None of these
Answer: a
17. In the United States, anthropology has traditionally been divided into the four field approach developed by _______ in the early 20th century:
a)      Franz Boas
b)      Étienne Serres
c)      Charles Darwin
d)      Adam F. Kollár
Answer: a
18. Ethnology term coined and defined by
a)      Étienne Serres
b)      Charles Darwin
c)      Adam F. Kollár
d)      Franz Boas
Answer: c
19. Kardiner in his study of relationship between culture and personality is
a)      Present personality
b)      Grooming personality
c)      Basic personality
d)      All of the above
Answer: c
20. In nature a mode or strategy for survival is known as
a)      An association
b)      Artificial selection
c)      An adaptation
d)      Adaptive radiation
Answer: c

 21. Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, are students of

a)      Morgan
b)      E.B Taylor
c)      Franz Boas
d)      None of these
Answer: c
22. In the case of skeletalized human remains, which of the following features is not of potential use in making a personal identification?
a)      Bone disorders
b)      Dentition
c)      Tattoos
d)      Surgical implants
Answer: c
23. One of unique aspects of cultural anthropology is
a)      spending long periods living in the communities they study
b)      The use of questionnaires in their fieldwork
c)      The collection of quantitative behaviour data
d)      Subjecting people to laboratory experimentation
Answer: a
24. Which of following kin term systems distinguishes between cross and parallel cousins
a)      Hawaiian
b)      Eskimo
c)      Sudanese
d)      Iroquois
Answer: d
25. Egoistic, special type of suicide presented by Emile Durkheim spring from
a)      Excessive regulation
b)      Excessive individualism
c)      Over migration with group
d)      None of these
Answer: c
26. Which of following kinds of work would applied anthropology include?
a)      Cultural resource management
b)      Medical anthropology
c)      Ethno botany
d)      All of the above
Answer: a
27. Medical anthropology is a study about?
a)      Health
b)      Disease
c)      Mental health
d)      All of the above
Answer: b
28. Biological anthropology includes study of
a)      Non-human primates
b)      Fossil record of human evolution
c)      Human variation
d)      All of the above
Answer: d
29. Who are leaders in economic, military, political, and religious affairs?
a)      King
b)      Big man
c)      Chiefs
d)      Political leader
Answer: c
30. Research is usually use in field of
a)      Biology and chemistry
b)      Math’s and physics
c)      Sociology and anthropology
d)      Urdu and English
Answer: c
31. In caste society groups of persons engaged in specific occupations and characteristics which is called
a)      Impurity
b)      Purity
c)      Clean
d)      None of these
Answer: b
32. Feminist anthropologists shows that there is no difference
a)      with women and girl
b)      Men and boys
c)      Women and men
d)      None of these
Answer: c
33. Term used to refer to biological maximum number of birth is
a)      Sex ratio
b)      Fertility
c)      Fecundity
d)      Natural increase
Answer: c
34. Systems are ones in which kinship group membership and inheritance passes through female line
a)      Matrilineal
b)      Patrilineal
c)      Matriarchy
d)      Patriarchy
Answer. a
35. Cultural ecology process of
a)      Human nature
b)      Human Adaptation
c)      Human behaviour
d)      Human made culture
Answer. b
36. Sociology should relinquish every attempt at discovering origins and forms of evolution
a)      Aristotle
b)      Karl Marx
c)      Claude Levi Strauss
d)      Herbert Spenser
Answer. c
37. Humans to transform themselves from plant and dead animal in Africa to a truly global species behavior patterns and knowledge by people as members of a society
a)      Culture
b)      Tradition
c)      Way of living
d)      None of these
Answer. a
38. Mode of production that includes gathering of food that is available in nature, by gathering, fishing, or hunting
a)      Foraging
b)      Horticulture
c)      Pastoralist
d)      Agriculture
Answer. a
39. Davis’s work focused on issues of personality development, childhood socialization, and educational testing of intelligence in
a)      1940
b)      1950
c)      1930
d)      1941
Answer. a
40. Who presented that capitalism is the product of one sect of Christianity?
a)      Max Weber
b)      Karl Max
c)      Emile Durkheim
d)      Spenser
Answer. a
41. Social class position in a true ?open class? structure is based upon in which
a)      Ascribed criteria
b)      Race
c)      Family position
d)      Achieved criteria
Answer. d
42. Applied anthropology make somewhat greater use of
a)      Qualitative method
b)      Quantitative method
c)      Both A and B
d)      None of these
Answer. b
43. Process by which cultural traits spread from one group or society to another is called
a)      Folkways
b)      cultural diffusion
c)      counter culture
d)      cultural complexes
Answer. b
44. What is definition of a literate person?
a)      A person who can read
b)      A person who can read and write
c)      A person who can only write
d)      None of these
Answer. b
45. Which of following factors would come under term of diversity??
a)      Gender
b)      Socio-economic status
c)      Cultural background
d)      All of these
Answer. d
46. Enculturation is process by which
a)      Culture is reduced
b)      A child learns his or her culture
c)      A culture is transformed
d)      Culture becomes adaptive
Answer. b
47. Applied anthropology falls into categories which are
a)      4
b)      2
c)      1
d)      5
Answer. b
48. Another component of radical ecology is
a)      Ecofeminism
b)      Ecology
c)      Ethnocentrism
d)      All of the above
Answer. a
49. A family consisting of step relations is called
a)      Plural family
b)      Joint family
c)      Extended Family
d)      Compound family
Answer. c
50. Movement of people between positions on different levels
a)      Traveling of groups from one place to another
b)      Participation in the cultural activities of modern age
c)      Migration from rural to urban areas
d)      Social Mobility
Answer. d
51. Clifford Geertz characterized culture as
a)      A process of enculturation
b)      A biological necessity
c)      A set of control mechanisms and behaviour
d)      only partially shared
Answer. c
52. Principle of descent in which people think of themselves related to both their mother’s kin and their father’s kin at same time is called
a)      Bilateral descent
b)      Unilateral descent
c)      Double descent
d)      Parallel descent
Answer. a
53. Social structure of a society is network of
a)      Institutional Relations
b)      Value system
c)      Traditions
d)      Compliance to norms
Answer. d
54. All human societies have exchange institutions whereby goods and services are transferred from one local group to another is called
a)      Business
b)      Exchange system
c)      Trade
d)      Market place
Answer. c
55. A verities of language traditionally, term was applied to regional dialects but applied to verities of particular social groups are called
a)      Mother toung
b)      National Language
c)      Languages
d)      Dialects
Answer. d
56. Crime is learned in Associations who said this
a)      Paul H. Norton
b)      Edwin Sutherland
c)      Wright Mills
d)      George Simple
Answer. b
57. Process by which individuals are socially attached to their parents are called
a)      Assimilation
b)      Affine
c)      Filiations
d)      None of these
Answer. c
58. Feminist anthropology is study of
a)      Male
b)      Both Male and Female
c)      Women and women’s
d)      Genders
Answer. c
59. As identified in “Shamanism,” current popular and self-help movements with connections to shamanism include all of following except
a)      Elitism
b)      New Age
c)      Neo-shamanism
d)      Self-actualization
Answer. b
60. Stratified samples fall under
a)      Probability sampling design
b)      Non-Probability sampling design
c)      Multi-stage sampling design
d)      None of these
Answer. a
61. Phenomena when educated and highly skilled people emigrate to a new country, their home country loses, is referred as
a)      Chain migration
b)      Life-time migration
c)      Brain Drain
d)      Mover
Answer. c
62. Problem solving process began?
a)      Clarification of the situation
b)      Establishment of alternatives
c)      Identification of the difficulty
d)      Isolation of the cause
Answer. c
63. Symbolic anthropology was also a reaction against
a)      materialism and Marxism
b)      Material and economic
c)      symbols and mental
d)      None of these
Answer. a
64. Cultural anthropology to understand human ecology and adaptation was introduced by
a)      Julian steward
b)      Malinowski
c)      E.B Taylor
d)      Morgan
Answer. a
65. A women who shares a husband with one or more other women in a polygynous union are called
a)      Co-friend
b)      Co-women
c)      Co-wife
d)      None of these
Answer. c
66. A property given by a family to its daughter upon marriage for benefit of her new conjugal household is
a)      Gift
b)      Dowry
c)      Give and take
d)      Gift
Answer. b
67. Symbolic anthropology can consider as a reaction to
a)      Structuralism
b)      Actions
c)      Culture
d)      None of these
Answer. a
68. All human societies have exchange institutions by goods and service are transferred from one place to another is called
a)      Distribution
b)      Redistribution
c)      Business
d)      Trade
Answer. d
69. Best known as an ethnographer are
a)      Jane Goodall
b)      Dian Fosse
c)      Margaret Mead
d)      Farley Mowat
Answer. c
70. Concept alienation was first introduced by
a)      Max Weber
b)      Karl Marx
c)      August Comte
d)      C.W. Mills
Answer. b
71. Gerontology is study of
a)      Human beings
b)      Special groups
c)      Aged and aging
d)      All of these
Answer. c
72. Totem symbolized the
a)      Culture
b)      Community
c)      Society
d)      People
Answer. c
73. Anthropology is best way for
a)      Seminor
b)      Presentation
c)      Field work
d)      None of these
Answer. c
74. Which anthropologist indicates about ethnographic fieldwork?
a)      Margaret Mead
b)      Napoleon Chagnon
c)      Charles Darwin
d)      Bronislaw Malinowski
Answer. d
75. Anthropology is study of
a)      Natural things
b)      Archeology
c)      study about human beings
d)      Study about Languages
Answer. d
76. Which one is a basic institution for socialization of children?
a)      School
b)      Religion
c)      Family
d)      Community
Answer. c
77. Biological characteristics distinguishing male from female is called
a)      Heterosexuality
b)      Gender
c)      Sex
d)      Homosexuality
Answer. c
78. Sociolinguistics came to be called by
a)      Mother toung
b)      Language and culture
c)      Hymes
d)      all of the above
Answer. c
79. Male bias or tendency to underestimate or ignore female perspective is
a)      Gender
b)      Androcentrism
c)      Male and Female
d)      None of these
Answer. b
80. Applied anthropology as currently practiced in
a)      Pakistan
b)      China
c)      America
d)      Japan
Answer. c
81. How does anthropology differ from other social sciences such as economics and sociology
a)      Anthropology is holistic and integrative in its approach.
b)      The other social sciences are holistic and integrative in their approach
c)      Anthropology specialize in the workings of specific systems
d)      Anthropology is more important
Answer. a
82. Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is
a)      Available acreage
b)      Improved technology
c)      Motivation to achieve
d)      None of these
Answer. a
83. What term we usually use specifying that children are in kin group of their father, and not their mother
a)      Patriarchy
b)      Matrilineal
c)      Patriliny
d)      Patrilocal
Answer. c

84. --------------------is a discipline, which serves the infinite curiosity about human beings.
a)      cultural anthropology
b)      anthropology
c)      social anthropology
d)      ethnology.
Answer. c
85. The establishment of Asiatic society of Bengal in----------------
a)      1774
b)      1770
c)      1775
d)      1776
Answer. a
86. Mana is a ------------------- term meaning Power
a)      french
b)      melanesian
c)      greek
d)      latin
Answer. b
87. The term magic has been derived from the --------------- word
a)      greek
b)      latin
c)      french
d)      polynesian
Answer. c
88. The Polynesian term taboo means
a)      custom
b)      tradition
c)      prohibition
d)      forbidden
Answer. c
89. ------------------------- are the part-time religious practioners and mostly females
a)      sorcerer
b)      medium
c)      priest
d)      shaman
Answer. a
90. ---------------- family formed by the agglomeration of nuclear family units or parts of them
a)      compound
b)      composite
c)      group
d)      polygamous
Answer. a
91. ----------------- is the marriage where a bridegroom is allowed to stay in the bride’s house, a few days before the marriage.
a)      marriage by trial
b)      marriage by intrusion
c)      marriage by purchase
d)      marriage by probation
Answer. a
92. ------------------- have considered religion as a product of the evolutionary development of human brain.
a)      sociologists
b)      psychologists
c)      anthropologists
d)      philosophers.
Answer. c
93. -------------------- found sacred part and profane part in supernatural field.
a)      frazer
b)      durkheim
c)      spencer
d)      tylor
Answer. b
94. Animism is the earliest concept towards the religion forwarded by ----------------------
a)      tylor
b)      malinowski
c)      radcliff brown
d)      durkheim
Answer. a
95. Mana is a ------------------ term meaning Power
a)      french
b)      latin
c)      melanesian
d)      greek
Answer. c
96. The term magic is derived from the --------------- word ‘magi’ means secreat deeds.
a)      latin
b)      french
c)      greek
d)      melanesian
Answer. b
97. ------------------------ is a malevolent practice with the help of the spirits.
a)      witch craft
b)      practioner
c)      shaman
d)      sorcery
Answer. b
98. A ------------------ is usually a part-time male specialist.
a)      shaman
b)      sorcery
c)      witch craft
d)      priest.
Answer. a
99. ------------------- is used as synonym of shaman
a)      sorcerer
b)      witch doctor
c)      priest
d)      shaman
Answer. b
100. The ----------------- term taboo means forbidden
a)      polynesian
b)      french
c)      greek
d)      latin
Answer. a


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