What is Social Service ? Explained.

What is Social Service ? Explained.

What is Social Service ? Let's understand. People who live in a civilised society are free, respectful, decent, and dignified. To help them achieve this, they get a wide range of services, such as health and housing, as well as education, recreation, and other things to help them grow. 

Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary 1996:1304 says that service is "an act of helpful activity; help." There is no such thing as "spoon-feeding" when you use the word "help." This word comes from the Teutonic word "helpan," which means aid or help given to another in a way that makes them more effective in their socially-expected roles as a responsible member of society.

 Thus, social service in its broadest sense means any help or help that society gives to its members so that they can use their full potentials to do the things that society wants them to do and remove any barriers that stand in the way of their development or social functioning. In H.M. Cassidy's book, Social Services, he says that the term "social services" means "those organised activities that are primarily and directly concerned with the conservation, protection, and improvement of human resources." These activities include "social assistance, social insurance, child welfare, corrections," "mental hygiene," "public health," "education, recreation, labour protection, and housing" (Friedlander, 1963:4). 

Social services, then, are those services that society thinks about and provides to its members in order to help them grow, function, and lead a decent, moral, and free life. These services benefit everyone in society, no matter what their religion, caste, race, language, region, culture, etc. is.

Also, in literature, people use the words "public service" and "social service." The difference between "social services" and "social programmes" is that the former are thought of and provided by people in society who are well-informed about how to help people and society grow, whereas the latter are thought of and provided by people in society who are well-informed about how to help people and society grow. Despite this small difference, both terms are often used together and thought of as synonyms for each other.

At the moment, the state is slowly withdrawing from the social sector, leaving everything to market forces, corporations, organizations, and civil society groups. It's better to use the term "social services" instead of "public services."

Social welfare services are those "social/public services" that are meant to help the weaker and more vulnerable parts of society compete more effectively with other parts of society to join the "mainstream."

The following are some of the characteristics of social services:

1) Social and public services are seen and organized by society and the state.

2) These services benefit everyone in society.

3) These services cover everything that has an impact on the quality of life of people, which is a very broad range.

4) These services are meant to help people grow, protect their rights, and feel a sense of responsibility to society.

There are a lot of important social services for social work because: – 

1) Social work is all about improving people and the world around them.

Social work aims to improve effective social functioning and create new social institutions that are needed and modify existing institutions so that people can fully realise their potentials and contribute their share to society's proper functioning in a way that is best for them and the world as a whole.

By conserving and improving the environment, social work helps to make sure there are enough resources for future generations to live a good life, too, so that they can, too.


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