Social Work Concepts: Community practice


  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical models of community practice
  3. Community practice versus micro practice
  4. Non-traditional settings
  5. Limitations 


Community practise, also known as macro practise or community work, is a branch of social work in the United States that focuses on larger social systems and social change and is connected to the historical roots of social work in the United States. Community organising and community organisation, community building, social planning, human service management, community development, policy analysis, policy advocacy, mediation, electronic advocacy, and other larger system interventions are all part of the field of community practise social work. In the United Kingdom, the term is frequently applied to community work or health visitors.

Although community practise overlaps with many other applied social science disciplines, including urban planning, economic development, public affairs, rural sociology, and nonprofit management, its roots can be traced back to the 1890s. A Master of Social Work degree is typically required for community practise social workers (MSW). In the United States, there are several MSW programmes that offer community practise concentrations, while others offer specialisations in one or more types of community practise, such as social services administration or policy analysis. The Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA), which publishes The Journal of Community Practice, is the professional organisation for community practitioners in the United States.

Theoretical models of community practice

Because of the applied nature of community work, theory is not always considered necessary or even utilised. Despite this, a variety of theoretical models of community practise exist to guide practitioners toward social action. From proto-models used during the Progressive Era to the present day, these theoretical models have evolved. 

Community workers Marie Weil and Dorothy Gamble have created eight theoretical models of community practise based on the work of Jane Addams, Bessie McClanehan, Robert P. Lane, Murray Ross, Jack Rothman, Sam Taylor, and Robert Roberts.
  1. Neighborhood and community organizing 
  2. Organizing functional communities 
  3. Social, economic, and sustainable development 
  4. Inclusive program development 
  5. Social planning 
  6. Coalitions 
  7. Political and social action 
  8. Movements for progressive change 

Community practice versus micro practice 

Historically, social work practise has been classified into two types: micro practise and macro practise. Although there is frequently overlap in skills between the two areas, micro-practitioners generally focus on working with individuals, whereas macro-practitioners focus on bringing about change in larger social, political, or community systems. Community organisers, political organisers, fundraisers, programme managers, and community educators are examples of macro-social work professions that use community practise methods. A third category of social work practise is sometimes referred to as'mezzo practise.' Mezzo practise is distinguished by its combination of micro and macro aspects, with interventions focusing on smaller groups or systems. Whereas macro practise frequently focuses on policy or systemic changes, some researchers and practitioners believe that mezzo practise focuses on change at the community or neighbourhood level. Because there is frequently overlap between macro and mezzo practise, some argue that mezzo practise is a sub-category of macro social work. Despite accounting for a smaller proportion of social work practise, mezzo practise is an effective way to bridge some of the perceived gaps between micro and macro practise methods.

Non-traditional settings

Traditionally, social work practise takes place in an office or an agency setting. Community practise, on the other hand, may make use of alternative spaces. The use of existing spaces for services provided by social work and community organising, which arose from the nineteenth-century settlement house tradition, truly makes the services community based. Nontraditional settings include public spaces, which are frequently part of the service industry and where members of the community gather socially. These spaces must be rooted in the community's cultural heritage. The spaces should also be one-of-a-kind to the community and heavily used for gatherings. Nontraditional spaces' primary role is not to provide social work services, though they can be used to do so. These are outreach venues, where social work services use existing gathering spaces to bring services to the community in order to provide additional resources to more people.

The goal of using existing gathering spaces as a venue for social work is to build on a community's existing structures. Communities have a variety of characteristics that can be used to provide services and organise activities. Furthermore, organising around an existing collective identity or shared experience provides a foundation for group cohesion and may increase organisational effectiveness. Entry into these spaces may require time and diligence on the part of the organiser. Once in these spaces, it is critical to recognise and build on existing leadership.

Nontraditional settings provide access to multiple generations as well as cultural access. These spaces are frequently viewed as a point of convergence for multiple generations, where cultural values and traditions are learned and passed down. In many cases, these spaces are open to members of the community who do not speak English.


Macro-social workers and those using community practise methods may face a number of constraints that make their work in the community more difficult.

Because macro-community practise is an ongoing and relatively time-consuming process, when projects or efforts are perceived to fail, the consequences can be felt throughout the community and by the organizer(s). The community may reject or distrust the individuals or organisations leading the organising efforts, creating barriers to future community involvement. Similarly, community organisers and organisations, like micro-social workers, may burn out as a result of distress and chronic exposure to clients. However, macro-social workers may experience burnout in community practise as a result of unsuccessful efforts or unique community constraints, causing them to shift from macro to micro-based work.

Currently, community practise social workers are a minority within the larger social work profession. In 2010, less than 20% of students enrolled in Master of Social Work programmes in the United States had a macro-practice concentration. Community organising, community planning, social policy, and programme evaluation are among the concentrations available. This compares to 56% of students specialising in direct practise and clinical social work. Because macro-social work is less common in the field, macro-social workers may feel underprepared, unrepresented, and unsupported.


  1. Gibelman, M. (1999). The search for identity: Defining social work -- past, present, future. Social Work, 44(4), 298-310.
  2. Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (
  3. Journal of Community Practice (
  4. Weil, Marie (1996). Community Practice: Conceptual Models (1 ed.). The Hayworth Press. ISBN 0-7890-0024-5.


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