5 stage of Psychosexual development

5 stage of Psychosexual development 

  1. The first stage is the oral stage,
  2. The second stage is the anal stage
  3. The third stage is the phallic stage
  4. The fourth stage is latency
  5. The fifth stage is the genital stage

Sigmund Freud proposed a theory that humans behave in such a way because they are constantly seeking pleasure. Because people evolve, this process of seeking pleasure evolves through stages. Each period of pleasure seeking that a person goes through is represented by a stage of psychosexual development. These stages represent the process of maturing into an adult.

  • The first stage is the oral stage, which begins at birth and lasts about a year and a half. During the oral stage, the child finds pleasure in behaviors such as sucking or other mouth-related activities. 
  • The second stage is the anal stage, which lasts about a year or a year and a half to three years. The child defecates from the anus during the anal stage and is often fascinated by their defecation. This stage of development is frequently associated with the child's toilet training. They become intrigued by faeces and urine. Children start to see themselves as separate from their parents. They start to crave assertiveness and autonomy.
  • The third stage is the phallic stage, which occurs between the ages of three and five (by this age, the majority of a person's personality has formed). The child becomes aware of their sexual organs during the phallic stage. The child begins to understand who they are. Finding acceptance and love from the opposite sex is pleasurable. 
  • The fourth stage is latency, which lasts from the age of five until puberty. The child's sexual interests are suppressed during the latency stage.
  • The fifth stage is the genital stage, which lasts from puberty to adulthood. Puberty sets in during the genital stage. Children have now matured and begin to consider others rather than just themselves. Pleasure is derived from other people's affection.

Freud believed that there is tension between the conscious and unconscious because the conscious attempts to suppress what the unconscious wishes to express. He developed three personality structures to explain this: id, ego, and superego. The id, the most primitive of the three, operates on the pleasure principle: seek pleasure while avoiding pain. 


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