International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor (2021)

International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor (2021)

The year 2021 has been designated as the International Year to End Child Labor (IYECL). Together with Alliance 8.7, Save the Children has committed to accelerating the process of eradicating child labor in all its forms by 2025 in light of the growing poverty that is being exacerbated by Covid-19:

Save the Children will step up its programming and lobbying efforts in 2021 to protect kids from child labor and bring them back to school and learning in a secure environment. To do this, we will concentrate on how supply chain monitoring and corrective mechanisms relate to child protection and social protection systems and policies, while also recording and disseminating lessons learned and advancing the best interests of the child.

These initiatives will contribute to Save the Children's goal of eradicating all types of child labor by 2025.

Definition of child labor

Child labor, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), is "work that robs children of their youth, their potential, and their dignity, and that is damaging to physical and mental development."

According to the ILO, child labor encompasses any work that puts children in risk, is damaging to them, or keeps them from going to school. "Children being enslaved, separated from their families, exposed to major risks and illnesses, and/or left to fend for themselves on the streets of large cities" are some of the worst aspects of child labor.

Greater Exposure

An initiative of the United Nations to emphasize the significance of ending this problem is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor. The UN invites member nations, organizations, and individuals to observe the year with "events aiming at increasing awareness of the need of the eradication of child labor, and to share best practices in this area," as stated in resolution A/RES/73/327.

The effort aims to advance the 17 global sustainable development goals listed in the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. Combating global poverty, which is one of the main causes of child labor, is one of these objectives.

How Can You Help?

Here are three easy ways that you can support the battle against child labor:
  1. The first step in solving a problem is to educate yourself about the causes of the problem. Then, spread the word by informing people in your area of the prevalence and impacts of child labor as well as the easy steps they can take to stop it.
  2. Only by forgoing child employment in the first place will businesses be able to successfully combat child labor. You can contribute by identifying businesses that disregard the law and launching a regional or international campaign to make their violations known.
  3. Even if they are released from forced labor, many areas of extreme poverty prevent children from having access to inexpensive education, making it unlikely that they will be able to complete their education. Supporting groups working to establish accessible education there is one way you can contribute.



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