International Year of Crystallography (2014)

International Year of Crystallography (2014)

In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of X-ray crystallography and to highlight the global significance of crystallography in human life, the United Nations promoted the International Year of Crystallography in 2014. This event was sponsored by UNESCO and the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). On January 20 and 21, 2014, Paris hosted the International Year of Crystallography's inaugural ceremony. Numerous events will thereafter take place all around the world to commemorate the International Year of Crystallography. 

The majority of crystallographic organizations worldwide organize various activities. Among these are the German Gesellschaft für Kristallographie, Turkish Crystallographic Association, American Crystallographic Association, European Crystallographic Association, and International Union of Crystallography.

The Year of Crystallography fostered universal access to crystallography-related knowledge and activities. The fundamental discipline of structural science is crystallography. They include:
  • Displaying the DNA structure.
  • Assisting people in creating and comprehending computer memories.
  • Describing the process by which cells produce proteins.
  • Aiding in the creation of potent new substances and medications.


In honor of IYCr2014, the International Union of Crystallography introduced IUCrJ, a brand-new peer-reviewed journal. Early in 2014, a year-opening event was held at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, France. Students participate in IYCr2014 competitions, seminars, and other events.


The IYCr2014's primary goals are:

  • To raise public understanding of crystallography, the science that underlies most technological advancements in contemporary society
  • To motivate young people through open exhibitions, conferences, and practical school demonstrations
  • To demonstrate the relevance of science worldwide
  • To expand the African Crystallography program and establish equivalent ones in Asia and Latin America
  • To encourage global scientific collaboration, particularly North-South contributions
  • To advance crystallographic research and teaching, as well as the field's connections to other sciences
  • To include the SESAME project established under the UNESCO umbrella as well as the main synchrotron and neutron radiation facilities around the world in the IYCr2014 celebrations

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