10 daily Social Work MCQ 13th December 2022

 1. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) was established on

(A) 10th December 1946

(B) 10th December 1947

(C) 10th December 1948

(D) 10th December 1949

Answer: (A)

2. In 1948 the OAS charter for the protection and promotion of Human Rights was adopted in

(A) Bogota

(B) Vienna

(C) Strasbourg

(D) San Jose

Answer: (A)

3. The Right to be registered as a voter is a

(A) Constitutional Right

(B) Fundamental Right

(C) Legal Right

(D) Human Right

Answer: (A)

4. The Anti-Slavery Society was founded in 1837 by

(A) P. Archer

(B) J. Peter

(C) P. Benenson

(D) D. Wilson

Answer: (A)

5. UN Charter had been adopted at San Francisco onwww.netugc.com

(A) June 23, 1945

(B) June 25, 1945

(C) June 27, 1945

(D) June 29, 1945

Answer: (B)

6. The World Summit for Social Development (WSSD) was held in March 1995 in

(A) Copenhagen

(B) Helsinki

(C) Hague

(D) Vienna

Answer: (A)

7. Which of the following was the first international treaty having significant portents for International Human Rights Law?

(A) Congress of Vienna

(B) Geneva Convention

(C) League of Nations

(D) Treaty of Westphalia

Answer: (D)

8. Who of the following was the pioneer of United Nations Peace keeping operations?

(A) Trygve Li

(B) Kofi Annan

(C) U. Thant

(D) Dag Hammarjskold

Answer: (D)

9. Who among the following wrote the book ‘The Theory of Justice’?

(A) Thomas Hegal

(B) John Rawls

(C) Jean Jacques Rousseau

(D) Thomas Hobbes

Answer: (B) 

10. Who among the following defined rights as “those conditions of social life without which no man can reacts in general, to be his best”?

(A) Harold J. Laski

(B) Bernard Bosanquet

(C) Leonard Hobhouse

(D) Hurst Hannum

Answer: (A)


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