34 MCQ on Social Case Work Process with answer

The following MCQ is based on Social Case Work Process with an answer 

READ:- MCQ on Social Case Work 

34 MCQ on Social Case Work Process with answer 

1-What is social case work?

a) The study of social phenomena

b) The study of individual psychology

c) A method of social work that helps individuals improve the balance between their coping efforts and the environmental demands

d) The study of social inequalities

Answer: c) 

Read: The Phase of Social Case Work Process 

2-According to Mary Richmond, what are the three phases of social casework practice?

a) Psycho-social study, diagnosis, and treatment

b) Social investigation, assessment, and intervention

c) Termination, evaluation, and management

d) Social inquiry, intake, and orientation

Answer: b)

3-What is the aim of social case work intervention?

a) To exacerbate the client's distress

b) To hinder the client's adaptive skills

c) To alleviate the client's distress and restore, maintain, or enhance social functioning

d) To prevent the client from achieving self-realization

Answer: c) 

4-What is the process of termination in social casework?

a) Ending the process when the worker has confidence in the client's ability to cope with present and arising situations

b) Ending the process when the worker thinks that the client is no longer in need of help

c) Ending the process when the client is dissatisfied with the intervention

d) Ending the process when the worker wants to terminate it

Answer: a) 

5-What is the purpose of social investigation in social case work?

a) To identify the client's problem and formulate intervention, rehabilitation, and aftercare strategies

b) To assess the client's psychological functioning

c) To provide therapy to the client

d) To provide medication to the client

Answer: a) 

6-What is the importance of social investigation in social case work?

a) It helps in securing information about the client's problems.

b) It provides a clear and effective diagnosis.

c) It yields clues to the pathological patterns of communication.

d) All of the above.

Answer: d) 

7-What are the different kinds of tools and techniques used in social investigation during social case work process?

a) Observation and interviewing.

b) Clinical diagnosis and etiological diagnosis.

c) Listening and giving direction during interview.

d) Birth, weaning, food habits, mobility, toilet training, etc.

Answer: a) 

8-What is social diagnosis in case work process?

a) It is the attempt to arrive at an exact definition of the social situation and personality of a given client.

b) It is the effort to deduce from the material available what the client's problem is.

c) It is an explanation formulated in the light of known facts.

d) All of the above.

Answer: d) 

9-What is dynamic diagnosis in social case work?

a) It gives an understanding of the current problem of the client and the forces currently operating within the client.

b) It attempts to classify the client by the nature of his sickness/problem.

c) It is useful only when it becomes apparent that a specific diagnosis is needed.

d) It yields clues to the pathological patterns of communication.

Answer: a)

10-What is the objective of social case work intervention?

a) To increase the client's distress

b) To maintain the client's current state

c) To restore, maintain, or enhance the client's social functioning and alleviate their distress

d) To make the client dependent on the worker

Answer: c)

11-According to Hamilton, what is the focus of treatment?

a) Relieving the immediate problem only

b) Modifying any basic difficulties that precipitated the problem

c) Both relieving the immediate problem and modifying any basic difficulties that precipitated it

d) Neither relieving the immediate problem nor modifying any basic difficulties that precipitated it

Answer: c) 

12-What are the phases of the social case work process?

a) (i) initial phase, (ii) motivation and role induction, (iii) primary contract, (iv) diagnosis and assessment, (v) establishing intervention goals, (vi) developing intervention plan, (vii) preparation for actual intervention, (viii) intervention in practice, (ix) monitoring and evaluating the effects of intervention, and (x) planning of follow-up and termination of the therapeutic relationship

b) (i) initial phase, (ii) diagnosis and assessment, (iii) intervention in practice, (iv) planning of follow-up and termination of the therapeutic relationship

c) (i) initial phase, (ii) motivation and role induction, (iii) primary contract, (iv) developing intervention plan, (v) monitoring and evaluating the effects of intervention, and (vi) planning of follow-up and termination of the therapeutic relationship

d) (i) initial phase, (ii) primary contract, (iii) establishing intervention goals, (iv) intervention in practice, (v) monitoring and evaluating the effects of intervention, and (vi) planning of follow-up and termination of the therapeutic relationship

Answer: a).

12 -What are the methods of social intervention?

a) Direct, indirect, and internal

b) Direct, environmental modification, and administration of practical service

c) Counselling, therapeutic interviewing, and clarification

d) Free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference

Answer: b) 

13-What is the purpose of counseling in social casework?

a) To give the client advice on how to live their life

b) To provide the client with all the answers to their problems

c) To help the client solve a problem they cannot solve on their own

d) To help the client become dependent on the worker

Answer: c)

14-What is the primary goal of the social investigation phase in social casework?

A) To determine the effectiveness of the intervention program

B) To relieve the client's suffering and restore, maintain, or improve their social functioning

C) To gather all the necessary facts using logical and inferential reasoning to understand the client's personality and situation

D) To decide on the termination process of the intervention program

Answer: C

15-What are the four operational methods proposed by Perlman for the initial phase of social casework?

A) Conducting an interview, objective observation, document and record examination, and gathering information from secondary sources

B) Helping the client in discussing his or her problems, partializing and focusing, assisting the client in interacting with the agency, and having something to do with the client

C) Obtaining information about the client's difficulties and social relationships, controlling the environment for the client's benefit, training and leading the client and others who play a vital role in his or her life, and conducting a special test or assessment

D) Identifying the clients' and their families' social realities, formulating intervention, rehabilitation, and aftercare plans, determining the agency's actual character and problem-solving methods, and examining the type, significance, cause(s), onset, and precipitants of the presenting problem.

Answer: B

16-What is the main goal of the social diagnosis phase in social casework?

A) To evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention program

B) To get as close to an exact definition of a client's social position and personality as feasible

C) To gather all the necessary facts using logical and inferential reasoning to understand the client's personality and situation

D) To relieve the client's suffering and restore, maintain, or improve their social functioning

Answer: B

17-What is the goal of social diagnostic (evaluation)?

a) To get as close to an exact definition of a client's social position and personality as feasible.

b) To determine the best way to treat a client's problem.

c) To determine the cause of a client's problem.

Answer: a) 

18-What is dynamic diagnosis?

a) The process through which the caseworker seeks to categorize the client according to the nature of his illness/condition.

b) A diagnosis focused on elucidating the origins of the client's problem.

c) A diagnosis that answers the inquiry, "What is the problem?" and what factors contribute to its alleviation.

Answer: c) A diagnosis that answers the inquiry, "What is the problem?" and what factors contribute to its alleviation.

19-What is the goal of social casework intervention?

a) To diagnose a client's problem.

b) To alleviate the client's distress while repairing, maintaining, or strengthening an individual's social functioning.

c) To strengthen the ego's adaptive abilities and the functioning of the person-situation system.

Answer: b) 

20-What is the primary contract in the intervention process?

a) Motivation and role induction.

b) Diagnosis and assessment.

c) Setting intervention goals.

Answer: a) Motivation and role induction.

21-What is the last phase of the intervention process?

a) Developing an intervention plan.

b) Monitoring and evaluating intervention effects.

c) Planning follow-up and termination of the therapeutic relationship.

Answer: c) Planning follow-up and termination of the therapeutic relationship

21-Which of the following is not a direct intervention strategy used by social caseworkers?

a) Counseling

b) Therapeutic interviewing

c) Interpretation

d) Environmental modification

Answer: d) 

22-When is supportive intervention provided for a client's immediate benefit?

a) When a client needs direction due to anxiety

b) When a client needs direction due to ignorance

c) When a client needs direction due to deficits in ego strengths

d) When a client needs long-term assistance

Answer: c) 

23-What is the primary focus of environmental modification?

a) Altering the client's social and physical circumstances

b) Providing the client with psychological assistance

c) Developing insight in the client

d) Providing the client with practical services

Answer: a) 

24-What is the primary objective of social intervention?

a) To alleviate the client's tension

b) To provide psychological assistance

c) To modify the client's behavior

d) To develop insight in the client

Answer: a) T

25-Which of the following techniques is used to modify behavior?

a) Free association

b) Dream interpretation

c) Positive enforcement

d) Resistance analysis

Answer: c) 

26-What is the purpose of therapeutic interviewing?

a) To provide practical services to the client

b) To focus on personality, competence, and self-actualization

c) To alter the client's environment

d) To develop insight in the client

Answer: b) 

27-Which of the following is not a type of counseling?

a) Marriage counseling

b) Occupational counseling

c) Family counseling

d) Environmental counseling

Answer: d) Environmental counseling

28-What is the primary goal of the administration of practical services?

a) To provide psychological assistance

b) To modify behavior

c) To alter the client's environment

d) To help the client choose and use community resources

Answer: d) 

29-When is clarification used by social caseworkers?

a) To alter the client's environment

b) To develop insight in the client

c) To modify behavior

d) To provide practical services

Answer: b) 

30-What does termination mean in social casework?

a) Beginning the process

b) Continuing the process indefinitely

c) Ending the process

d) None of the above

Answer: c) 

31-Who decides how the social casework process will be terminated?

a) The client

b) The social caseworker

c) Both the client and the social caseworker

d) The manager of the company

Answer: c) 

32-Why is it important to plan follow-up on a gradually decreasing basis after termination?

a) To ensure the client can handle present and future situations

b) To cut off the client's dependence on the company

c) To avoid abrupt endings

d) All of the above

Answer: d)

33-What is the purpose of evaluation in social casework?

a) To check if the intervention program is working as planned

b) To see if the goals have been met

c) To identify whether changes need to be made to the program

d) All of the above

Answer: d) 

34-What does a social caseworker evaluate during the evaluation process?

a) The content of the program

b) How well the program works

c) How strong the client has become

d) all the above

e) All of the above

Answer: d) 

Read more about -Social Casework 


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