MCQ on Leadership Development in Community Organization

MCQ on Leadership Development in Community Organization

  1. Which of the following is not a type of leadership style discussed in the passage? A) Autocratic leadership B) Transactional leadership C) Transformational leadership D) Servant leadership Answer: B) Transactional leadership

  2. What are the key competencies and skills for effective leadership discussed in the passage? A) Problem-solving, time management, and team building B) Active listening, emotional intelligence, and adaptability C) Visionary thinking, strategic planning, and decision-making D) Conflict resolution, empathy, and flexibility Answer: C) Visionary thinking, strategic planning, and decision-making

  3. Why is self-awareness and emotional intelligence important in leadership? A) They promote empathy and effective communication B) They help leaders to build strong personal brands C) They enhance a leader's ability to identify strengths and weaknesses D) All of the above Answer: D) All of the above

  4. What is one strategy for developing effective leadership skills discussed in the passage? A) Building a strong personal brand B) Encouraging open and honest communication C) Resolving conflicts effectively D) Providing resources and support Answer: A) Building a strong personal brand

  5. Which of the following is not a stage of team development? A) Forming B) Storming C) Organizing D) Performing Answer: C) Organizing

  6. Why is effective team communication important for building effective teams? A) It fosters a sense of ownership and commitment B) It increases productivity and efficiency C) It promotes a positive work culture D) All of the above Answer: D) All of the above

  7. What is a critical skill that leaders need to have to build effective teams? A) Strategic planning B) Time management C) Conflict resolution D) Delegation Answer: C) Conflict resolution

  8. What is the importance of empowering others in leadership? A) It fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility B) It enhances job satisfaction and retention C) It increases productivity and efficiency D) All of the above Answer: D) All of the above

  9. What is the importance of leading change in community organization practice? A) It keeps the organization relevant and responsive to changing needs B) It increases innovation and creativity C) It enhances organizational effectiveness and efficiency D) All of the above Answer: D) All of the above

  10. What are the steps that leaders can follow to lead change effectively? A) Establish a sense of urgency, create a coalition of support, and identify opportunities for growth B) Identify the need for change, create a vision for the future, and communicate that vision C) Gather and analyze information, make informed decisions and take action, and evaluate outcomes D) Provide resources and support, delegate responsibilities, and recognize and reward achievements Answer: B) Identify the need for change, create a vision for the future, and communicate that vision


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