MCQ on Roles and Responsibilities of Group Leaders.

 Read Roles and Responsibilities of Group Leaders.

  1. What is the primary responsibility of group leaders in social group work? A. Creating a safe environment B. Identifying group goals and objectives C. Facilitating group processes D. All of the above

Answer: D

  1. What skills should group leaders possess to be effective in social group work? A. Effective communication skills B. Conflict resolution skills C. Knowledge of group dynamics and processes D. All of the above

Answer: D

  1. What is one of the challenges faced by group leaders in social group work? A. Resistance to change B. Group size C. Lack of resources D. Location of the group

Answer: A

  1. What is the responsibility of group leaders in managing group dynamics? A. Maintaining group cohesion and unity B. Balancing individual needs and group goals C. Dealing with power struggles and cliques D. All of the above

Answer: D

  1. What is the ethical responsibility of group leaders in social group work? A. Maintaining confidentiality and privacy B. Upholding professional standards and conduct C. Addressing power dynamics and oppression D. All of the above

Answer: D


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