Quiz on reaction formation with answers


  1. What is reaction formation? a) A defense mechanism in which a person replaces an unwanted impulse with its opposite b) A conscious effort to suppress unwanted thoughts or feelings c) A strategy to protect one's self-esteem in the face of criticism d) A form of therapy to overcome emotional distress

Answer: a) A defense mechanism in which a person replaces an unwanted impulse with its opposite

  1. Who proposed the idea of defense mechanisms? a) Sigmund Freud b) Anna Freud c) Carl Jung d) Alfred Adler

Answer: a) Sigmund Freud

  1. Which book by Anna Freud discussed the concept of defense mechanisms? a) The Interpretation of Dreams b) The Psychopathology of Everyday Life c) Beyond the Pleasure Principle d) The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense

Answer: d) The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense

  1. Why is it challenging to recognize reaction formation in everyday life? a) Because it is expressed in an exaggerated or showy way b) Because it is often unconscious and buried in the subconscious c) Because it is easy to identify through self-examination d) Because it is a deliberate effort to protect one's self-esteem

Answer: b) Because it is often unconscious and buried in the subconscious

  1. Which defense mechanism involves a refusal to acknowledge reality? a) Reaction formation b) Repression c) Denial d) Projection

Answer: c) Denial

  1. What is an example of reaction formation? a) A person who refuses to accept their anger and acts passively b) A teenager who expresses contempt for their parents to avoid acknowledging feelings of love or affection c) A drug addict who preaches against substance abuse d) A woman who proclaims a perfect relationship with her mother when they have a history of conflict

Answer: b) A teenager who expresses contempt for their parents to avoid acknowledging feelings of love or affection

  1. What did Baumeister, Dale, and Sommer find in their review of research on reaction formation? a) That reaction formation does not exist b) That reaction formation is a conscious effort to protect one's self-esteem c) That reaction formation defends the ego, as Freud expected d) That reaction formation is only observed in individuals with certain personality disorders

Answer: c) That reaction formation defends the ego, as Freud expected

  1. What did the study by Weinstein and her colleagues find regarding reaction formation? a) Participants who exhibited reaction formation were more likely to identify as gay b) Participants who exhibited reaction formation were less likely to identify as gay c) Participants who exhibited reaction formation showed greater hostility towards individuals who identified as gay d) Participants who exhibited reaction formation showed greater acceptance towards individuals who identified as gay

Answer: c) Participants who exhibited reaction formation showed greater hostility towards individuals who identified as gay

  1. How can addressing reaction formation be beneficial for an individual? a) It helps them suppress unwanted thoughts and feelings b) It enables them to exaggerate their true beliefs and preferences c) It helps them accept their true feelings and impulses d) It protects their self-esteem from external criticism

Answer: c) It helps them accept their true feelings and impulses

  1. What can a mental health professional do to help an individual address reaction formation? a) Encourage them to suppress their true feelings and impulses b) Explore their behavior with them and provide an objective perspective c) Exaggerate their true beliefs and preferences d) Protect their self-esteem from external criticism

Answer: b) Explore their behavior with them and provide an objective perspective.


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