Training and Development in Administration

Training and Development in Administration


  1. Introduction
  2. Needs Assessment
  3. Training Design
  4. Training Delivery
  5. Evaluation and Feedback
  6. Succession Planning
  7. Conclusion


Training and development are critical components of administration that can have a significant impact on the success of an organization. By providing employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively, organizations can improve productivity, increase employee satisfaction, and ultimately achieve their goals.

This blog will provide an overview of the components of administration related to training and development, including needs assessment, training design, delivery, evaluation, feedback, and succession planning.

By understanding these components and implementing effective training and development programs, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement and growth. This can not only benefit the organization by enhancing its overall performance but also help employees to develop their careers and achieve their professional goals.

The first component of administration related to training and development is needs assessment. This involves the process of identifying the training needs of employees, which can be done through organizational, task, or individual needs assessments. It is essential to identify training needs accurately to ensure that the training provided is relevant, effective, and aligned with the organization's objectives.

The next component is training design, which involves creating a training program that meets the identified needs of employees. This includes selecting appropriate training methods, designing effective training materials, and ensuring that the content is aligned with the organization's goals and objectives.

Delivery is another critical component of administration related to training and development. This involves deciding on the most effective way to deliver the training, such as classroom, on-the-job, e-learning, or a combination of these methods. Effective delivery is essential to ensure that the training is engaging, informative, and memorable.

Evaluation and feedback are also important components of training and development administration. This involves assessing the effectiveness of the training program and obtaining feedback from employees to identify areas for improvement. Various evaluation methods, such as reaction, learning, behavior, and results, can be used to measure the effectiveness of the training program.

Lastly, succession planning is a critical component of training and development administration. This involves identifying and developing future leaders within the organization to ensure that there is a pipeline of qualified individuals who can take on leadership roles. By investing in the development of future leaders, organizations can ensure their long-term success and continuity.

Needs Assessment

The first step in developing a training and development program is conducting a needs assessment. This process involves identifying the specific areas in which employees require training to improve their job performance. There are three types of needs assessments: organizational, task, and individual.

Organizational needs assessments involve analyzing the overall performance of the organization, including factors like employee satisfaction, turnover rates, and productivity. By identifying areas that require improvement, the organization can develop training programs that address these issues.

Task needs assessments involve identifying the specific tasks that employees must perform as part of their job. By analyzing work processes and reviewing job descriptions, organizations can determine the skills and knowledge employees need to perform these tasks effectively.

Individual needs assessments involve evaluating the skills and knowledge of individual employees. This can be done through performance evaluations, self-assessments, or interviews. By understanding the specific training needs of each employee, organizations can develop customized training programs that address their individual needs.

Overall, conducting a needs assessment is critical to developing an effective training and development program. By identifying areas where employees require additional training, organizations can ensure that the training provided is relevant and effective. This, in turn, can lead to improved employee performance, increased productivity, and greater overall success for the organization.

Training Design

Training design is the second component of administration related to training and development. It involves developing a training program that meets the identified needs of employees.

Effective training design requires careful consideration of several factors, including the training objectives, the training content, the training methods, and the resources available for training.

The training objectives should be specific, measurable, and aligned with the needs identified during the needs assessment process. Clear objectives help ensure that the training program meets the needs of both the employees and the organization.

The training content should be designed to address the identified training needs and achieve the training objectives. It should be relevant, engaging, and easy to understand. The content should also be structured in a way that facilitates learning and retention.

The training methods should be selected based on the identified training needs and the resources available for training. Methods may include classroom instruction, on-the-job training, e-learning, or a combination of these approaches. The training methods should be effective, efficient, and engaging to ensure that employees learn and retain the necessary skills and knowledge.

Finally, the resources available for training, including equipment, materials, and personnel, should be identified and allocated based on the needs of the training program. Adequate resources are essential to ensure that the training program is delivered effectively and efficiently.

Effective training design is critical to the success of the training and development program. By designing a training program that meets the identified needs of employees, organizations can improve employee performance, increase productivity, and achieve their goals.

Training Delivery

Training delivery is the third component of administration related to training and development. It involves delivering the training program to employees in a way that maximizes learning and engagement.

Effective training delivery requires careful planning and preparation. This includes selecting the appropriate training methods, preparing the training materials, and scheduling the training sessions.

The training methods selected should be appropriate for the identified training needs and the resources available. Classroom instruction, on-the-job training, and e-learning are common methods used in training delivery. The training methods should be engaging, interactive, and relevant to ensure that employees learn and retain the necessary skills and knowledge.

The training materials should be well-prepared and organized. This includes creating visual aids, handouts, and other materials that support the training content. The materials should be designed to facilitate learning and retention.

Scheduling the training sessions is also an important aspect of training delivery. The training should be scheduled at a time when employees can attend without disrupting their work schedules. The training should also be delivered in a way that minimizes disruptions to the workplace.

Effective training delivery is critical to the success of the training and development program. By delivering the training program in a way that maximizes learning and engagement, organizations can improve employee performance, increase productivity, and achieve their goals.

Evaluation and Feedback

Evaluation and feedback is the fourth and final component of administration related to training and development. It involves assessing the effectiveness of the training program and providing feedback to employees.

Effective evaluation and feedback require a systematic and objective approach. This includes developing evaluation criteria, collecting and analyzing data, and providing feedback to employees.

Evaluation criteria should be developed based on the training objectives and should be specific and measurable. Data should be collected using a variety of methods, such as surveys, tests, and observation, and should be analyzed to determine the effectiveness of the training program.

Feedback should be provided to employees to help them improve their performance. This feedback should be specific and actionable, highlighting areas where improvement is needed and providing suggestions for improvement. Feedback should also be provided in a supportive and constructive manner to encourage employees to continue to develop their skills and knowledge.

Effective evaluation and feedback are critical to the success of the training and development program. By assessing the effectiveness of the training program and providing feedback to employees, organizations can identify areas for improvement, address any gaps in knowledge or skills, and ensure that the training program continues to meet the needs of both the employees and the organization.

Succession Planning

Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing internal employees who have the potential to fill key leadership positions within an organization. It is a critical component of administration related to employee development.

Succession planning involves assessing the current workforce and identifying employees who have the potential to fill future leadership positions. This includes evaluating their skills, knowledge, and experience, as well as their potential for growth and development.

Once potential candidates have been identified, the organization can develop and implement a plan to prepare them for leadership roles. This may include providing training and development opportunities, mentoring and coaching, job shadowing, and other developmental experiences.

Effective succession planning can provide several benefits to the organization, including ensuring a smooth transition of leadership, minimizing disruption to business operations, and maintaining organizational stability. It can also improve employee engagement and retention by providing opportunities for career advancement and growth.

In summary, succession planning is an important component of administration related to employee development. By identifying and developing internal employees with the potential to fill key leadership positions, organizations can ensure the continuity and success of their operations.


In conclusion, training and development is an essential component of administration that can help organizations improve employee performance, increase productivity, and achieve their goals. The four components of administration related to training and development include needs assessment, training design, training delivery, and evaluation and feedback. By carefully planning and implementing each of these components, organizations can design and deliver effective training programs that meet the identified needs of employees. Additionally, succession planning is a critical component of administration related to employee development that can ensure the continuity and success of organizational operations. By identifying and developing internal employees with the potential to fill key leadership positions, organizations can minimize disruption to business operations and improve employee engagement and retention. Overall, effective administration of training and development and succession planning are essential for organizations to remain competitive and achieve long-term success.


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