What is the difference between structural functionalism and conflict theory in social work?

What is the difference between structural functionalism and conflict theory in social work?

Structural functionalism and conflict theory are two major theoretical perspectives in sociology and social work. They offer different views on how society works and how social problems emerge.

  • Structural functionalism sees society as a system of interrelated parts that work together to maintain stability. The different parts of society, such as the family, the economy, and the government, all play a role in maintaining social order. Functionalists believe that social problems are caused by a breakdown in the social system and that they can be solved by restoring the system to its normal functioning.
  • Conflict theory sees society as a system of conflict between different groups, each with its own interests. These groups compete for power and resources, and this competition can lead to social problems. Conflict theorists believe that social problems can be solved by changing the distribution of power and resources in society.

The key differences between structural functionalism and conflict theory:

Structural functionalism

  • Sees society as a system of interrelated parts that work together to maintain stability.
  • Believes that social problems are caused by a breakdown in the social system.
  • Solutions to social problems focus on restoring the social system to its normal functioning.

Conflict theory

  • Sees society as a system of conflict between different groups, each with its own interests.
  • Believes that social problems are caused by the unequal distribution of power and resources in society.
  • Solutions to social problems focus on changing the distribution of power and resources in society.
  • View of society:
    • Structural functionalism sees society as a system of interrelated parts that work together to maintain stability.
    • Conflict theory sees society as a system of conflict between different groups, each with its own interests.
  • Causes of social problems:
    • Structural functionalism believes that social problems are caused by a breakdown in the social system.
    • Conflict theory believes that social problems are caused by the unequal distribution of power and resources in society.
  • Solutions to social problems:
    • Structural functionalism believes that social problems can be solved by restoring the social system to its normal functioning.
    • Conflict theory believes that social problems can be solved by changing the distribution of power and resources in society.

In summary, structural functionalism sees society as a harmonious system, while conflict theory sees society as a conflict-ridden system. Structural functionalists believe that social problems can be solved by restoring the social system to its normal functioning, while conflict theorists believe that social problems can be solved by changing the distribution of power and resources in society.

Both structural functionalism and conflict theory have their own strengths and weaknesses. Structural functionalism is a powerful tool for understanding how society works, but it can be too simplistic in its view of social problems. Conflict theory is more complex, but it can also be more difficult to apply to real-world problems.

In social work, both structural functionalism and conflict theory can be useful for understanding social problems and developing interventions. However, social workers should be aware of the limitations of both perspectives and use them in a balanced way.

Here are some examples of how structural functionalism and conflict theory have been used in social work:

  • Structural functionalism has been used to understand the role of the family in society. Functionalists argue that the family serves a number of important functions, such as providing socialization for children, economic support, and emotional nurturing. They also argue that the family is essential for maintaining social stability.
  • Conflict theory has been used to understand the causes of poverty. Conflict theorists argue that poverty is caused by the unequal distribution of power and resources in society. They argue that the poor are exploited by the wealthy and that this exploitation leads to social problems such as crime and violence.

Social workers can use both structural functionalism and conflict theory to understand social problems and develop interventions. For example, a social worker working with a family in poverty might use structural functionalism to understand the role of the family in society and then use conflict theory to understand the causes of poverty. The social worker could then use this understanding to develop interventions that help the family overcome poverty.


Structural functionalism and conflict theory are two important theoretical perspectives in social work. They offer different views on how society works and how social problems emerge. Social workers can use both perspectives to understand social problems and develop interventions.

I hope this blog has been helpful! 


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