The Theme, Quote, and Slogan for World Humanitarian Day 2023

The Theme, Quote, and Slogan for World Humanitarian Day 2023

World Humanitarian Day is an international day dedicated to recognizing humanitarian personnel and those who have died working for humanitarian causes. It is observed on August 19 every year, the day the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, was bombed in 2003, killing 22 people, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sergio Vieira de Mello.

The day is a chance to celebrate the work of humanitarians around the world who work tirelessly to save lives and bring hope to people in need. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges faced by humanitarian workers and the importance of supporting their work.

History of World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day is an international day observed on August 19 every year to pay tribute to all the humanitarian workers who have lost their lives in the course of their work. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009, following the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, in 2003, which killed 22 people, including Sergio Vieira de Mello, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Significance of World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day is a day to remember the sacrifices made by humanitarian workers and to raise awareness of the challenges they face. It is also a day to call for greater support for humanitarian action and to promote a culture of peace and respect for human rights.

Theme of World Humanitarian Day 2023

The theme of World Humanitarian Day 2023 is "No Matter What". This theme highlights the dedication and resilience of humanitarian workers, who continue to work tirelessly to help people in need, regardless of the risks and challenges they face.

Quote from World Humanitarian Day 2023

The quote for World Humanitarian Day 2023 is from the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan: "Humanitarian action is about saving lives, but it is also about building hope." This quote reminds us that humanitarian work is not just about providing immediate relief but also about helping people rebuild their lives and communities.

Slogan for World Humanitarian Day 2023

The slogan for World Humanitarian Day 2023 is "#NoMatterWhat". This slogan is a call to action for everyone to support humanitarian action and stand in solidarity with humanitarian workers.

Ways to Celebrate World Humanitarian Day

There are many ways to celebrate World Humanitarian Day. Here are a few ideas:

  • Learn more about the work of humanitarian organizations.
  • Donate to a humanitarian organization.
  • Volunteer your time for a humanitarian organization.
  • Spread awareness about the importance of humanitarian action.
  • Use social media to raise awareness about World Humanitarian Day.
  • Wear a blue ribbon, the color of solidarity with humanitarian workers.

Some additional facts about World Humanitarian Day:

  • The day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009.
  • The first World Humanitarian Day was observed in 2010.
  • The day is also known as the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of Acts of Terrorism.
  • In 2021, the theme for World Humanitarian Day was "Protecting Humanity: Dignity, Safety, and Rights".
  • The quote for World Humanitarian Day 2021 was "We stand with the victims of conflict and violence."
  • The slogan for World Humanitarian Day 2021 was "#WithYou".


World Humanitarian Day is a day to remember the sacrifices made by humanitarian workers and to celebrate their dedication to helping others. It is also a day to call for greater support for humanitarian action and to promote a culture of peace and respect for human rights. By taking action on World Humanitarian Day, we can help make the world a better place for everyone.


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