25 MCQ on Models of Social Action

25 MCQ on Models of Social Action

25 MCQ on Models of Social Action

Question 1: Which sociologist is associated with the concept of "value-rational action" in the model of social action? A. Max Weber B. Karl Marx C. Emile Durkheim D. Auguste Comte Answer: A. Max Weber

Question 2: In Max Weber's typology of social action, what does "affective action" refer to? A. Action driven by rationality and purpose B. Action driven by emotions and feelings C. Action driven by values and beliefs D. Action driven by tradition and customs Answer: B. Action driven by emotions and feelings

Question 3: Which model of social action emphasizes the role of emotions and spontaneous reactions in human behavior? A. Affective model B. Rational model C. Value-rational model D. Instrumental model Answer: A. Affective model

Question 4: Which model of social action is characterized by a calculative, goal-oriented approach? A. Instrumental model B. Affective model C. Traditional model D. Value-rational model Answer: A. Instrumental model

Question 5: In the context of social action, what does "instrumental-rational action" entail? A. Action driven by emotions and feelings B. Action driven by values and beliefs C. Action driven by calculations and goals D. Action driven by tradition and customs Answer: C. Action driven by calculations and goals

Question 6: Which model of social action involves actions based on established customs and traditions? A. Traditional model B. Value-rational model C. Instrumental model D. Affective model Answer: A. Traditional model

Question 7: In Max Weber's typology of social action, what does "traditional action" refer to? A. Action driven by emotions and feelings B. Action driven by values and beliefs C. Action driven by established customs and habits D. Action driven by calculations and goals Answer: C. Action driven by established customs and habits

Question 8: Which model of social action involves actions driven by values and ethical beliefs? A. Value-rational model B. Instrumental model C. Affective model D. Traditional model Answer: A. Value-rational model

Question 9: What does "communicative action" signify in the context of social action models? A. Actions aimed at influencing others through communication and dialogue B. Actions driven by emotions and feelings C. Actions driven by rational calculations D. Actions driven by tradition and customs Answer: A. Actions aimed at influencing others through communication and dialogue

Question 10: Which model of social action focuses on collective actions aimed at changing social structures and systems? A. Collective action model B. Rational model C. Value-rational model D. Affective model Answer: A. Collective action model

Question 11: Which model of social action is rooted in the pursuit of self-interest and personal gain? A. Self-interested model B. Value-rational model C. Collective action model D. Traditional model Answer: A. Self-interested model

Question 12: In the context of social action models, what does "rational-legal action" refer to? A. Action based on established legal rules and regulations B. Action based on emotions and feelings C. Action based on collective decisions D. Action based on traditions and customs Answer: A. Action based on established legal rules and regulations

Question 13: Which model of social action focuses on altruistic actions driven by concern for others? A. Altruistic model B. Affective model C. Traditional model D. Value-rational model Answer: A. Altruistic model

Question 14: In Max Weber's typology of social action, what does "goal-rational action" refer to? A. Action driven by emotions and feelings B. Action driven by established customs and habits C. Action driven by calculations and goals D. Action driven by values and beliefs Answer: C. Action driven by calculations and goals

Question 15: Which model of social action emphasizes actions driven by collective decisions and consensus? A. Collective action model B. Rational model C. Value-rational model D. Affective model 

Answer: A. Collective action model

Question 16: In the context of social action models, what does "political action" emphasize? A. Actions driven by political ideologies and motivations B. Actions driven by emotions and feelings C. Actions driven by economic considerations D. Actions driven by established customs and traditions Answer: A. Actions driven by political ideologies and motivations

Question 17: Which model of social action focuses on actions driven by economic interests and gains? A. Economic model B. Instrumental model C. Affective model D. Value-rational model Answer: A. Economic model

Question 18: In Max Weber's typology of social action, what does "value-spheres" refer to? A. Different domains of life that influence social action, such as economics, politics, and religion B. Emotional aspects that drive social action C. Tradition-based actions within a society D. Collective actions driven by consensus Answer: A. Different domains of life that influence social action, such as economics, politics, and religion

Question 19: Which model of social action emphasizes actions driven by religious beliefs and convictions? A. Religious model B. Value-rational model C. Affective model D. Economic model Answer: A. Religious model

Question 20: In Max Weber's typology of social action, what does "affectual action" refer to? A. Action driven by emotions and feelings B. Action driven by economic considerations C. Action driven by established legal rules and regulations D. Action driven by political ideologies Answer: A. Action driven by emotions and feelings

Question 21: Which model of social action emphasizes actions based on following established norms and customs? A. Normative model B. Affective model C. Economic model D. Value-rational model Answer: A. Normative model

Question 22: In the context of social action models, what does "ethical action" emphasize? A. Actions driven by ethical principles and moral values B. Actions driven by economic interests C. Actions driven by emotions and feelings D. Actions driven by political ideologies Answer: A. Actions driven by ethical principles and moral values

Question 23: Which model of social action is characterized by spontaneous, unplanned actions without a clear goal? A. Unplanned model B. Affective model C. Rational model D. Economic model Answer: A. Unplanned model

Question 24: In Max Weber's typology of social action, what does "zweckrational action" refer to? A. Action driven by calculations and goals B. Action driven by emotions and feelings C. Action driven by collective decisions D. Action driven by established legal rules and regulations Answer: A. Action driven by calculations and goals

Question 25: Which model of social action focuses on actions driven by societal norms and expectations? A. Normative model B. Economic model C. Value-rational model D. Collective action model Answer: A. Normative model



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