30 MCQs on Industrial Relations with Answers

30 MCQs on Industrial Relations with Answers

  1. Test your knowledge of Industrial Relations with these 30 challenging multiple-choice questions and answers!

    This comprehensive quiz covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of industrial relations to the latest trends and developments in the field. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply interested in learning more about this crucial aspect of the workplace, this quiz is the perfect way to assess your understanding.

  2. 1-What is Industrial Relations? a. Manufacturing processes b. Relationship between industries c. Relationship between employers and employees d. International trade agreements

    Answer: c. Relationship between employers and employees

  3. 2-Which of the following is NOT a primary objective of Industrial Relations? a. Enhancing productivity b. Ensuring job security c. Promoting social justice d. Maximizing profits for employers

    Answer: d. Maximizing profits for employers

  4. 3-Collective bargaining is a process primarily between: a. Government and employees b. Employers and employees c. Trade unions and employers d. Customers and suppliers

    Answer: c. Trade unions and employers

  5. 4-What is the purpose of a grievance handling system in Industrial Relations? a. To encourage strikes b. To resolve disputes c. To promote favoritism d. To ignore employee concerns

    Answer: b. To resolve disputes

  6. 5-Industrial disputes are most commonly resolved through: a. Strikes and lockouts b. Collective bargaining c. Mediation and arbitration d. Employee termination

    Answer: c. Mediation and arbitration

  7. 6-The Wagner Act is associated with: a. Labor unions b. Collective bargaining c. Employment discrimination d. Workplace safety

    Answer: a. Labor unions

  8. 7-Which term refers to the practice of hiring temporary or part-time workers to perform tasks traditionally done by full-time employees? a. Downsizing b. Outsourcing c. Flexibility d. Casualization

    Answer: d. Casualization

  9. 8-The concept of "workplace democracy" in Industrial Relations emphasizes: a. Authoritarian management b. Employee participation in decision-making c. Strict hierarchy d. Union suppression

    Answer: b. Employee participation in decision-making

  10. 9-What is the primary goal of a shop steward in a unionized workplace? a. Maximizing profits b. Employee discipline c. Representing union members d. Promoting management interests

    Answer: c. Representing union members

  11. 10-Which of the following is an example of an unfair labor practice by employers? a. Encouraging union membership b. Bargaining in good faith c. Interfering with employees' right to organize d. Providing competitive wages

    Answer: c. Interfering with employees' right to organize

  12. 11-What does the term "lockout" mean in the context of Industrial Relations? a. Temporary suspension of work by employees b. A planned shutdown of a facility for maintenance c. Employer refusal to allow employees to work d. A form of industrial sabotage

    Answer: c. Employer refusal to allow employees to work

  13. 12-Which legislation in the United States governs collective bargaining and labor relations? a. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) b. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) c. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) d. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    Answer: c. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

  14. 13-In the context of Industrial Relations, what does "whistleblowing" refer to? a. Reporting illegal or unethical behavior within the organization b. Providing confidential information to competitors c. Engaging in strikes and protests d. Rejecting collective bargaining agreements

    Answer: a. Reporting illegal or unethical behavior within the organization

  15. 14-Which of the following is an advantage of employee participation programs in Industrial Relations? a. Increased conflict b. Decreased productivity c. Improved communication and morale d. Suppression of worker voice

    Answer: c. Improved communication and morale

  16. 15-What is the main purpose of a trade union? a. Maximizing profits for employers b. Representing the interests of employees c. Eliminating competition among workers d. Promoting discrimination in the workplace

    Answer: b. Representing the interests of employees

  17. 16-What is the role of an ombudsman in Industrial Relations? a. Leading strikes b. Investigating and resolving employee complaints c. Managing human resources d. Promoting unfair labor practices

    Answer: b. Investigating and resolving employee complaints

  18. 17-Which term describes a situation where an employer hires additional workers to perform the duties of striking employees? a. Picketing b. Strikebreaking c. Mediation d. Arbitration

    Answer: b. Strikebreaking

  19. 18-What is the purpose of a trade union strike? a. To maximize profits b. To improve working conditions c. To suppress employee rights d. To eliminate competition among workers

    Answer: b. To improve working conditions

  20. 19-What is the significance of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the field of Industrial Relations? a. Enforcing labor laws globally b. Promoting international trade agreements c. Advancing social justice and labor rights worldwide d. Supporting unfair labor practices

    Answer: c. Advancing social justice and labor rights worldwide

  21. 20-Which of the following is NOT a form of industrial action? a. Lockout b. Picketing c. Productivity improvement d. Slowdown

    Answer: c. Productivity improvement

  22. 21--What is the purpose of a "no-strike" clause in a collective bargaining agreement? a. To encourage strikes b. To prohibit workers from striking during the agreement period c. To allow unlimited strikes d. To support unfair labor practices

    Answer: b. To prohibit workers from striking during the agreement period

  23. 22-What is the main focus of Industrial Relations research? a. Maximizing profits b. Employee motivation c. Understanding and managing workplace relationships d. Eliminating job security

    Answer: c. Understanding and managing workplace relationships

  24. 23-What does the term "voluntary arbitration" refer to in Industrial Relations? a. Mandatory resolution of disputes b. Employee participation programs c. Negotiation without third-party involvement d. Forced labor practices

    Answer: c. Negotiation without third-party involvement

  25. 24-What is the primary purpose of a union strike fund? a. Maximizing profits for employers b. Providing financial support to striking workers c. Suppressing collective bargaining d. Eliminating competition among workers

    Answer: b. Providing financial support to striking workers

  26. 25-Which principle of Industrial Relations emphasizes fair and just treatment of employees in the workplace? a. Authoritarianism b. Equity c. Discrimination d. Exploitation

    Answer: b. Equity

  27. 26-What is the role of the Ministry of Labour or Department of Labor in Industrial Relations? a. Supporting unfair labor practices b. Enforcing labor laws and regulations c. Maximizing profits for employers d. Suppressing employee rights

    Answer: b. Enforcing labor laws and regulations

  28. 27-Which factor is NOT considered when determining wages in the context of Industrial Relations? a. Employee productivity b. Cost of living c. Competitors' wages d. Employee gender

    Answer: d. Employee gender

  29. 28-Which type of bargaining involves negotiations over wages, hours, and working conditions between employers and unions? a. Distributive bargaining b. Integrative bargaining c. Cooperative bargaining d. Competitive bargaining

    Answer: a. Distributive bargaining

  30. 29-What is the purpose of a "cooling-off period" in Industrial Relations? a. Encouraging strikes b. Temporarily suspending union activities c. Promoting unfair labor practices d. Maximizing profits for employers

    Answer: b. Temporarily suspending union activities

  31. 30-Which term describes the process of bringing in a neutral third party to assist in resolving a labor dispute? a. Mediation b. Arbitration c. Conciliation d. Strikebreaking

    Answer: c. Conciliation


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