Har Ghar Jal Quiz with answers: Jal Ka Gyan, Ab Hua Aasaan

Har Ghar Jal Quiz with answers: Jal Ka Gyan, Ab Hua Aasaan

MyGov's Har Ghar Jal Quiz: Test your Jal Jeevan Mission awareness & win cash prizes! Free online quiz for all. (India) Dive into the 'Har Ghar Jal Quiz' and enhance your knowledge about water! Discover the ease of understanding water concepts with 'Jal Ka Gyan.' Learn how accessing clean water has become simpler. Stay informed, stay hydrated, and make water awareness a part of every home with this enlightening quiz experience

  1. 1-For transporting water samples to a laboratory for testing, one needs to be very careful for?

    a. Chloride test / क्लोराइड परीक्षण b. Fluoride test / फ्लोराइड परीक्षण c. TDS test / टीडीएस परीक्षण d. Bacteriological test / बैक्टीरियोलॉजिकल परीक्षण

    Answer: d. Bacteriological test / बैक्टीरियोलॉजिकल परीक्षण

  2. 2-Where do you find sub-zero temperature?

    a. Deserts / रेगिस्तान b. Coastal area / तटीय क्षेत्र c. Higher altitude in hilly region / पहाड़ी क्षेत्र में अधिक ऊंचाई पर d. Plain / मैदान

    Answer: c. Higher altitude in hilly region / पहाड़ी क्षेत्र में अधिक ऊंचाई पर

  3. 3-Water supply through pipelines and tube wells to the farm is known as?

    a. Fertilization / निषेचन b. Hydration / हाइड्रेशन c. Irrigation / सिंचाई d. Pollination / परागन

    Answer: c. Irrigation / सिंचाई

  4. 4-We want a good water purification system to?

    a. give us distilled water / हमें डिस्टिल्ड पानी देता है b. help give good sleep / अच्छी नींद में मदद करता है c. give water with BIS standards / बीआईएस मानकों के साथ पानी प्रदान करता है d. Give us bad water / हमें खराब पानी देता है

    Answer: c. give water with BIS standards / बीआईएस मानकों के साथ पानी प्रदान करता है

  5. 5-A water supply is providing TDS of 200. Do you think this is a problem?

    a. True / सही b. FALSE / गलत

    Answer: b. FALSE / गलत

  6. 6-What particle in drinking water causes skin diseases and cancer?

    a. Arsenic / आर्सेनिक b. Fluoride / फ्लोराइड c. Radium / रेडियम d. Sulphate / सल्फेट

    Answer: a. Arsenic / आर्सेनिक

  7. 7-When was 73rd Constitution Amendment made?

    a. 1993 / 1993 b. 1973 / 1973 c. 2003 / 2003 d. 2013 / 2013

    Answer: a. 1993 / 1993

  8. 8-A community can plan, implement, and manage its own drinking water supply scheme!

    a. True / सही b. FALSE / गलत c. May be. / शायद d. Can't say / कह नहीं सकता

    Answer: a. True / सही

  9. 9-Who is responsible to approve Village Action Plan (VAP)?

    a. District Water and Sanitation Mission / जिला जल एवं स्वच्छता मिशन b. State water and Sanitation Mission / राज्य जल एवं स्वच्छता मिशन c. Community / समुदाय d. Gram Sabha / ग्राम सभा

    Answer: d. Gram Sabha / ग्राम सभा

  10. 10-The implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission contributed to the reduction of waterborne diseases in rural areas?

    a. True / सही b. False / गलत

    Answer: b. False / / गलत


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