15 Multiple-Choice Questions on Ego Psychology

15 Multiple-Choice Questions on Ego Psychology

Test your understanding of Ego Psychology with our 15 multiple-choice questions. Learn about key concepts, theories, and applications. Improve your psychology knowledge today!


  1. Ego psychology emphasizes the role of the ego in:

    • a) Mediating between the id and superego
    • b) Determining personality solely
    • c) Creating neurotic symptoms
    • d) Controlling the unconscious
  2. Which theorist is primarily associated with the development of ego psychology?

    • a) Sigmund Freud
    • b) Carl Jung
    • c) Alfred Adler
    • d) Anna Freud
  3. The concept of ego defenses is crucial in ego psychology. Which of the following is NOT a common ego defense mechanism?

    • a) Sublimation
    • b) Projection
    • c) Rationalization
    • d) Unconditional positive regard
  4. Ego psychology places a strong emphasis on:

    • a) Childhood experiences
    • b) The collective unconscious
    • c) Striving for superiority
    • d) The importance of social relationships
  5. Anna Freud, a key figure in ego psychology, focused on:

    • a) The role of the id in child development
    • a) The importance of dreams in understanding the psyche
    • a) Techniques for child psychoanalysis
    • a) The collective unconscious
  6. The ego's ability to realistically assess and respond to the external world is known as:

    • a) Reality principle
    • b) Pleasure principle
    • c) Defense mechanism
    • d) Inferiority complex
  7. Ego psychology differs from classical psychoanalysis by:

    • a) Focusing more on the unconscious
    • b) Placing less emphasis on the importance of early childhood experiences
    • c) Giving more attention to the ego's adaptive functions
    • d) Ignoring the role of defense mechanisms
  8. Which of the following is NOT a key concept in ego psychology?

    • a) Ego identity
    • b) Object relations
    • c) Collective unconscious
    • d) Autonomy
  9. Erikson's psychosocial stages of development are closely related to which concept in ego psychology?

    • a) Ego identity
    • b) Defense mechanisms
    • c) Reality principle
    • d) Inferiority complex
  10. The ego's ability to balance conflicting demands from the id, superego, and external world is referred to as:

  • a) Ego strength
  • b) Defense mechanism
  • c) Sublimation
  • d) Projection
  1. A core assumption of ego psychology is that:
  • a) Humans are inherently good
  • b) The unconscious is the primary motivator of behavior
  • c) The ego is a dynamic and adaptive structure
  • d) Personality is fixed in childhood
  1. Ego psychology has influenced the development of which of the following therapeutic approaches?
  • a) Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • b) Humanistic psychology
  • c) Psychodynamic therapy
  • d) Behaviorism
  1. Which of the following is an example of an ego defense mechanism?
  • a) Feeling angry at a friend after being criticized by a boss
  • b) Achieving success in one's career to compensate for feelings of inadequacy
  • c) Denying the reality of a painful event
  • d) All of the above
  1. Ego psychology emphasizes the importance of:
  • a) Early childhood experiences exclusively
  • b) The role of the unconscious in determining behavior
  • c) The ego's capacity for growth and development
  • d) Biological factors in personality development
  1. A key goal of ego-psychological therapy is to:
  • a) Strengthen the ego's ability to function effectively
  • b) Access the unconscious mind through dream analysis
  • c) Modify maladaptive behaviors through conditioning
  • d) Achieve unconditional positive regard


  1. a
  2. d
  3. d
  4. d
  5. c
  6. a
  7. c
  8. c
  9. a
  10. a
  11. c
  12. c
  13. d
  14. c
  15. a


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