100 MCQ on History with Answer

100 MCQ on History with Answer

Master History with 100 Challenging MCQs & Answers! Brush up on key events, figures, and dates. Perfect for history buffs, students prepping for exams, or anyone wanting to ace their historical knowledge.

1. Harihara Raya I who ruled the Vijaynagara Empire for the period 1336-1356 belonged to which dynasty?

A. Sangama Dynasty

B. Saluva Dynasty

C. Tuluva Dynasty

D. Aravidu Dynasty

Answer A

2. During the Gupta Empire, the term “UPARIKARA” was used for

A. An extra tax levied on all subjects.

B. Periodic supplies of fruits, firewood, flowers etc.

C. It was a voluntary offering by people to the king.

D. King’s customary share of the production normally amounting to 1/6th of the production.

Answer A


3. Tuluva Narasa who ruled the Vijaynagara Empire for the period 1491-1503 belonged to which dynasty?

A. Sangama Dynasty

B. Saluva Dynasty

C. Tuluva Dynasty

D. Aravidu Dynasty

Answer C


4. Chola Empire was divided into:

A. Mandalams, Nadu, Kurram & Valanadu

B. Mandalams, Nadu, Malkhand & Avanti

C. Mandalams, Bhoomi, Avanti &Valanadu

D. Mandalams, Nadu, Kurram & Malkhand

Answer A


5. For which period did Harihara Raya II of Sangma dynasty ruled the Vijaynagara Empire?

A. 1446-1465

B. 1485-1491

C. 1491-1505

D. 1377-1404

Answer D


6. The traces of Janapadas and Mahajanpadas are found in___?

A. Vedic text

B. Buddha text

C. Jaina text

D. All the above

Answer D


7. Which one of the following was the capital of Kosala?

A. Sravasti

B. Shuktimati

C. Kaushambi

D. Indraprastha

Answer A


8.  Champa was the capital of which one of the following Mahajanapadas in Ancient India?

A. Anga

B. Magadha

C. Vajji

D. Kasi

Answer A


9. Bimbisara was the founder of which one of the following dynasties?

A. Nanda

B. Haryanka

C. Maurya

D. Shunga

Answer B


10. A Janapadin was the ___ of a janapada.

A. Servant

B. Minister

C. Army General

D. Ruler

Answer D

11. Which of the following Mughal King reign during the large scale famine in Gujarat and Deccan?

A. Aurangzeb

B. Jahangir

C. Akbar

D. Shahjahan

Answer D 

12. Which of these is not correctly matched regarding the reign of Shahjahan?

A. Chintamani - Hindi poet

B. Jagannath Pandit - Poet laureate

C. Asaf Khan - Wazir

D. Sunder Das - Singer

Answer D
13. Consider the following statement (s) related to the Zeb-un-nisa

I. Zeb-un-nisa chose to live voluntarily with Shah Jahan and later was awarded great honour by Aurangzeb 

II. Zeb-un-nisa was the sister of Shah Jahan 


A. Both I and II are correct

B. Both I and II are incorrect

C. Only I is correct

D. Only II is correct

Answer C
14. Which of the following are correct regarding Shahjahan?
 I. Ousted the Portuguese from Hugli II. Created the office of Amin for assessment of revenue III. Kahabat Khan was appointed governor of Lahore IV. Ali Mardan Khan surrendered Kandhar to Mughals Codes:

A. I, II and III

B. I, II and IV

C. II, III and IV

D. All the above

Answer B
15. Consider the following statement (s) related to the Dara Shikoh
 I. Dara Shikoh was the youngest son of Shahjahan II. Dara Shikoh was the devotee of Qadiri Silsila Codes:

A. Both I and II are correct

B. Both I and II are incorrect

C. Only I is correct

D. Only II is correct

Answer D

16. What is the full name of Aurangzeb?

A. Muin-ud-din Mohammed Aurangzeb

B. Nuruddin Mohammed Aurangzeb

C. Jalal-ud-din Mohammed Aurangzeb

D. Nasiruddin Mohammed Aurangzeb

Answer A
17. Aurangzeb came to power after winning the war of succession and by defeating his three brothers

A. Dara

B. Shuja

C. Askari

D. Murad

Answer C
18. Which Sikh guru was executed by Aurangzeb?

A. Tegh Bahadur

B. Arjun Dev

C. Hargobind

D. Gobind Singh

Answer A
19. Which of these is not one of the titles adopted by Aurangzeb?

A. Alamgir

B. Padshah

C. Sultan Sulaiman

D. Ghazi

Answer C
20. Which one of the following traders first came to India during the Mughal period?

A. Portuguese

B. Dutch

C. Danish

D. Britis

Answer A


21. Who is the excavator of Harappa site?

A. Daya ram sahni
B. Rakhal das Bannerji
C. Mackey
D. B.K. Thapar

Answer A


22. Dholavira is situated at the bank of River:

A. Indus
B. Ravi
C. Luni
D. Ghaggar
Answer C

23. What is true about Lothal - ancient site?

I. Lothal was an ancient port of Indus civilization.
II. It was excavated by the S.R. Rao
III. Currently it is situated in the Pakistan.


A. Only I , II
B. Only I, III
D. All of the above

Answer A


24. Which is the correct chronology of the excavation of the site in the Indus civilization?

I. Mohenjo-Daro
II. Chanhudaro
III. Harappa
IV. Lothal

Select the correct code:

A. III, I, II & IV
B. I, III, II & IV
C. II, I, III & IV
D. III, IV, II & I

Answer A


25. In the Vedic age, who was the head of “Grama”?

A. Kulapa
B. Gramini
C. Vispati
D. Gopati

Answer B


26. Which of the following is true regarding the Aryan Economy?

I. Aryans, crossed the nomadic stage.
II. Lion, elephants, & Boar were not known to them.
III. Coins were known to them.

A. Only I
D. All of the above

Answer A


27. The local name of Mohenjodaro is:

A. Mould of the living
B. Mould of the tree
C. Mould of the dead
D. Mould of the survivor

Answer C


28. Choose the Incorrect pair:

A. Yoga darshan            Patanjali
B. Mimansa                   Jaimini
C. Vedant                      Badarayana
D. Nyaya  Darshana        Kapila

Answer D


29. Who were the immediate successors of the Mauryas in Magadha?

A. Pandyas
B. Sungas
C. Kushanas
D. Satvahanas

Answer B


30. Which one of the following item was collected only in case under the Mauryas?

A. Kara
B. Bhaga
C. Pranaya
D. Hiranya

Answer C


31. What was the time period of Indus Civilization / Harappan Civilization?

A. 2400 BC - 1700 BC

B. 2500 BC - 1700 BC

C. 2400 BC - 1750 BC

D. 2500 BC - 1750 BC

Answer D


32. Which one of the following was an important Port of the eastern coast during Gupta period?

A. Kalyan

B. Tamralipti

C. Sopara

D. Baroch

Answer B


33. The temple of Konark was built by Narasimha of the

A. Maratha Administration

B. Chola Administration

C. Ganga Administration

D. Vijayanagar Administration

Answer C


34. Which among the following is the oldest dynasty?

A. Maurya

B. Gupta

C. Kushan

D. Kanva

Answer A


35. Aryabhatta, believed to have been born in the 5th century AD, was a most renowned scholar of:

A. Astronomy

B. Biology

C. Medicine

D. Physiology

Answer A


36. The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli in Delhi is believed to record the achievements of

A. Ashoka

B. Chandragupta Maurya

C. Samudragupta

D. Chandragupta II

Answer D


37. Who of the following was a contemporary of Alexander the Great?

A. Bimbisara

B. Chandragupta Maurya

C. Ashoka

D. Pushyamitra Sunga

Answer B


38. Gupta Empire declined in the fifth century A. D. as a consequence of

A. Chalukya raids

B. Greek invasion

C. Hun invasion

D. Pallava raids

Answer C


39. Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription?

A. Chandragupta Maurya

B. Samudra Gupta

C. Vikramaditya

D. Skand Gupta

Answer B


40. Who among the following Kushan Emperors was the first to introduce the gold coinage in India?

A. Vima Kadphises

B. Vima Taktu

C. Vasishka

D. Kujula Kadphises

Answer A


41. Who was the first Gupta ruler who assumed the title of Maharadhiraha?

A. Skandhgupta

B. Chandragupta I

C. Chandragupta II

D. kumaragupta

Answer B


42. Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. Chandragupa I started the Gupta Era in 319- 20 AD.

B. Samudragupta was the greatest king of Gupta dynasty.

C. Chandragupta II was succeeded by his son Skandagupta.

D. During the reign of Skandagupta, Gupta Empire was invaded by Huns.

Answer C


43.  Who was the last great ruler of Gupta dynasty?

A. Skandagupta

B. Kumaragupta I

C. Chandragupta Ii

D. None Of these

Answer A


44. Which of the following is incorrectly matched (in Gupta administration)?

A. Bhukti…….province

B. Vishya……state

C. Vithika…..city

D. Gram…….village

Answer B


45. Choose the correct option

I. Dharmpala was the founder of the Pala Empire.

II. Mihir Bhoja belongs to Pratihar dynasty.

III. Mihir bhoja was the devotee of Lord KRISHNA.

A. Only I, II

B. Only I, III

C. Only II

D. All of the above

Answer C


46. Who among the following foreigners was the first to visit India?

A. Hiuen-Tsang

B. Megasthenese

C. I Ching

D. Fahien

Answer B


47. Which of the following are two works of Kalidasa?

A. Raghuvamsha and Kiratarjuniya

B. Kumara Sambhav and Raghuvamsha

C. Malti Madhava and Kumara Sambhava

D. Malti Madhav and Kumara Sambhava

Answer B


48. Who was the first Indo-Greek king, who became Buddhist?

A. Antiochus II

B. Apollodotus I

C. Apollodotus II

D. Menander II

Answer D


49. Who among the following built the Gomateshwara statue at Sravanabelagola ?

A. Chandragupta Maurya

B. Kharvela

C. Amoghavarsha

D. Chamundaraya

Answer D


50. Which among the following Mudra is the gesture of Buddha as depicted in his first sermon?

A. Abhaya Mudra

B. Dhyana Mudra

C. Dharmachakra Mudra

D. Bhumisparsa Mudra

Answer C

51. What were the crops raised by the Harappans?

I. Cotton

II. Wheat

III. Barley  

IV. Peas

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

A. I, II, III and IV

B. I, II and III

C. II, III and IV

D. II and III

Answer A


52. Which of the following statements about the Harappan people is incorrect?

A. The Harappans were phallus worshippers.

B. They worshipped gods in the form of human beings.

C. They placed their gods in temples.

D. They looked upon the earth as a fertility goddess.

Answer C


53. Which of the following statements about the Rigvedic Aryans is incorrect?

A. We do not find any trace of widow remarriage in the Rigvedic period.

B. We have some indications of polyandry in this period.

C. There are no examples of child marriage in this period.

D. The practice of levirate was known.

Answer A


54. Who among the following occupied the supreme position in the Later Vedic pantheon?

A. Indra

B. Prajapati

C. Agni

D. Varuna

Answer B


55. Which type of pottery was most popular with the Later Vedic people?

A. Black-slipped Ware

B. Black and Red Ware

C. Painted Grey Ware

D. Red Ware

Answer D


56. Which of the doctrines of Jainism was added by Mahavira?

A. Do not speak a lie.

B. Observe continence.

C. Do not commit violence.

D. Do not steal.

Answer B


57. Who is said to be responsible for the spread of Jainism in Karnataka?

A. Ajatashatru

B. Chandragupta Maurya

C. Bimbisara

D. Mahapadma Nanda

Answer B


58. In what respect did Jainism differ from Buddhism?

A. In its stress on the doctrine of ahimsa

B. In denying the authority of the Vedas

C. In opposing animal sacrifice

D. In its attitude towards trade

Answer A


59. The Pitaka that contains pronouncements attributed to the Buddha, laying down numerous rules for the conduct of the order is:

A. Vinaya Pitaka

B. Sutta Pitaka

C. Abhidhamma Pitaka

D. All the three Pitakas

Answer A


60. The Veda that contains charms and spells toward off evils and diseases is  

A. Rigveda

B. Atharvaveda

C. Samaveda

D. Yajurveda

Answer B


61. In Jainism, 'Perfect Knowledge' is referred to as

A. Nirvana

B. Ratna

C. Kaivalya

D. Jina

Answer C

62. The daughter who milks animals in the Vedic period was known as

A. Kubha

B. Duhitr

C. Komi

D. Sardha

Answer B

63. Bimbisara was succeeded by.

A. Ashoka

B. Ajatashatru

C. Vasudeva

D. Chandragupta Maurya

Answer B

64. Which of the following Kushan kings, who assumed the title "the Lord of the Whole World"?

A. Kadphises I

B. Kadphises II

C. Kanishka

D. Huvishka

Answer B

65. The fourth Buddhist Council was held at.

A. Pataliputra

B. Vaishali

C. Kundalavana

D. Bodh Gaya

Answer C

66. Megasthenes was succeeded as ambassador by

A. Darius

B. Demetrius

C. Deimachos

D. Philip

Answer C

67. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List-I                                             List-II

A. Ashoka's son                  1.  Brihadratha

B. Conqueror of                  2. Ashvaghosha  Yarkand

C. Buddhist Monk                3. Kanishka

D. Last Mauryan ruler           4.  Kunala


       A  B  C  D

(a)  1  2  3  4

(b)  4  3  2  1

(c)  3  1  4  2

(d)  2  1  3  4

Answer B

68. The author of the "The Peri plus of the Erythraean Sea’ was a :

A. Historian

B. Poet

C. Sailor

D. Musician

Answer C

69. During Karikala's rule the important Chola port was

A. Calicut

B. Puhar

C. Korkai

D. Thondi

Answer B

70. The most famous Chera ruler was

A. Udiyanjeral

B. Nedunjeraladan

C. Senguttuvan

D. Sengannan

Answer C


71. The most important source of our information on ancient India's cultural history are:

A. archaeological excavations

B. antiquities and monuments

C. literature and epics

D. inscriptions and coins

Answer C

72. The granary discovered at Harappa was located:

A. within the citadel at Mohenjodaro

B. in the "Lower town'

C. near the river Ravi

D. beside the western gate of the city

Answer C

73. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

    List-I                                                   List-II

a. Rock-cut Rathas                                  1. Ellora

b. Kailasa Temple                                    2. Mahabalipuram

c. Brihadisvara Temple                            3. Nachnakuthara

d. Parvati Temple                                    4. Thanjavur


       A  B  C  D

(a)  1  2  4  3

(b)  1  4  2  3

(c)  2  4  3  1

(d)  2  1  4  3

Answer D

74. In his inscriptions Ashoka calls himself:

A. Devanampriya Priyadarshni king

B. Asoka Priyadarshi

C. Dhammasoka (Dharmasoka)

D. Daivaputra

Answer A

75. Which one of the following Harappan sites is NOT located in Gujarat?

A. Surkotada

B. Rangpur

C. Sutkagendor

D. Desalpur

Answer C

76. Which one of the following Indus cities has houses with doors on the main streets?

A. Lothal

B. Surkotada

C. Chanhudaro

D. Banawali

Answer A

77. Which of the all Harappan sites, which has the most impressive drainage system?

A. Harappa

B. Banawali

C. Dhaulavira

D. Mohenjodaro

Answer A

78. Which of the following was not one of the ruling dynasties of South India in the Sangam Age?

A. Chola

B. Chera

C. Pandya

D. Pallava

Answer D

79. Which was probably the most popular assembly in which even women enjoyed an equal status with men in the Early Vedic period?

A. Sabha

B. Samiti

C. Gana

D. Vidatha

Answer D

80. Which one of following pairs is not correctly matched?

A. Samaveda Samhita - Origins of Indian music

B. Atharvaveda Samhita - Origins of Indian medicine

C. Rigveda Samhita - Earliest prose

D. Yajurveda Samhita - Origins of rituals

Answer C

81. In which one of the following do we come across a detailed account of the municipal administration of Mauryas?

A. The Arthashastra of Kautilya

B. The account of Megasthenes

C. The Mudrarakshasa

D. Mauryan inscription

Answer B

82. The Mehrauli pillar inscription belongs to the period of the:

A. Mauryas

B. Kushanas

C. Sungas

D. Guptas

Answer D

83. Which one of the following works deals with the history of Kashmir?

A. Gaudavaho

B. Harshacharita

C. Rajatarangini

D. Vikramankadevacharita

Answer C

84. Which one of the following mentioned division of the Mauryan Society into seven classes?

A. Ashoka's Edicts

B. Indica

C. Kautilya's Arthshastra

D. Vishnu Purana

Answer B

85. The varnas came to be transformed into the hereditary castes during the:

A. Later Vedic period

B. Gupta period

C. Mauryan period

D. Vedic period

Answer A

86. Consider the following statement(s) what Ajanta Painting portray

I. Buddhist elements

II. Secular aspects

III. Jain culture

Which of these statements is/are correct?

A. Only I

B. Both I and II

C. I, II and III

D. Only III

Answer A

87. Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

A. Hoyasalas : Dwarasamudra

B. Kakatiyas : Warangal

C. Pallavas : Devagiri

D. Chalukyas : Kalyani

Answer C

88. Which one of the following is associated with the Gupta Age of Indian History?

A. Visit of Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang

B. Significant contribution to Indian astronomy by Aryabhatta

C. Significant contribution to poetry and literature by Banabhatta

D. Macedonian invasion

Answer B

89. Who among the following wrote commentaries on Harshavardhana's administration and the   court life in Kannauj?

A. AI-Beruni

B. Fa-Hien

C. Hiuen-Tsang

D. Ibn Batutah

Answer C

90. The Jaina saint credited with the spread of Jainism in Karnataka (south India) was:

A. Bhadrabahu

B. Adinatha

C. Parshvanatha

D. Mahavira

Answer A

91. The greatest Chola king in the dynasty of the Cholas of Thanjavur was

A. Parantaka

B. Rajaraja-I

C. Rajendra-I

D. Kulottunga

Answer B

92. The main focus of the Rigvedic culture was

A. Indo-Gangetic Valley

B. Punjab and Delhi region

C. Indus Valley

D. Region between the Swat and the Indus

Answer C

93. The Veda, which is partly a prose work, is

A. Atharvaveda

B. Samaveda

C. Yajurveda

D. Rigveda

Answer C

94. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

List-I                                  List-II

A. Nyaya                           1. Jaimini

B. Vaisheshika                    2. Badarayana

C. Sankhya                        3. Gautam

D. Yoga                             4. Kanada

E. Purva Mimamsa               5. Kapila

F. Uttara Mimamsa              6. Patanjali


       A  B  C  D  E  F

(a)  5  6  4  1  2  3

(b)  4  3  2  1  5  6

(c)  3  4  5  6  1  2

(d)  1  2  3  4  5  6

Answer C

95. Nagarjuna is known as the Einstein of India because:

A. Like Einstein he had a rare insight into the nature of the universe.

B. He was one of the greatest physicists of all time.

C. He propounded the theory of Shunyavada similar to Einstein's theory of Relativity.

D. He was a great dialectician.

Answer C

96. Which of the following is not matched correctly?

A. Vardhamana Mahavira's father-Siddhartha

B. Vardhamana Mahavira's mother- Trisala

C. Vardhamana Mahavira's wife-Yashoda

D. Vardhamana Mahavira's daughter-Cheiiana

Answer D

97. In which of the following sects was Bindusara interested?

A. Buddhism

B. Jainism

C. Ajivakas

D. Lokayata

Answer C

98. The correct descending order of the Mauryan officers, at the district level, was

A. Rajuka, pradeshika, yukta

B. Yukta, rajuka, pradeshika

C. Pradeshika, yukta, rajuka

D. Pradeshika, rajuka, yukta

Answer D

99. Harappan weapons were made of

A. stone

B. copper

C. bronze

D. all the above

Answer D

100. Which one of the four varnas mentioned in the Purushasukta of the mandala X of the Rig Veda is referred in the other parts of Rig Veda in the sense of a Varna?

A. Brahmanas

B. Kshatriyas

C. Vaishyas

D. Shudras

Answer D




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