Concept Meaning objective and principles of program planning

Concept Meaning objective and principles of program planning


The preparation of meaningful programs based on people/community needs is the first step in any systematic endeavor to promote urban development. It is an essential obligation of urban development professionals to create such programs that are in tune with the demands of the general public. Working with individuals to identify unacceptable conditions or issues and establish viable remedies, objectives, or goals is often referred to as program planning. This is a deliberate attempt to fulfill the needs, interests, and desires of the individuals who will benefit from urban development programs. As a result, urban development experts who create and implement development programs should prioritize the issue of people's needs.

Let us first define the words program, plan, and program planning in the context of urban development before delving into the details of the program planning process.

Program-:A program is a written statement that outlines suggested developmental activities, the issues they address, the actions to be taken, and the resources needed.

Planning - A plan is a timetable for development work that outlines several tasks over a period of time. It provides answers to questions like what, why, how, and when the job should be done, as well as who should do it and where it should be done.

Program Planning -The process of determining on the direction and intensity of development education activities to bring about desired change among people/communities is known as programme planning.

Development programme:-A description of the circumstances, aims, challenges, tactics, and solutions to development problems and issues is referred to as a development program. The development programs created for metropolitan regions may differ from those formulated for rural areas. Development programs change over time, based on the difficulties and problems that have arisen at that time. 

To an urban development worker, good programme planning is like a compass to a sailor.

A well-planned growth program has several advantages. Any development program's goal is to persuade individuals to modify their lifestyles and ways of earning a living. The assumption is that change is required, and if people are unaware of this, it is important to educate them and develop their demands. According to Kelsey and Hearne (1966), the following are important objectives of having a program planning. 

  1. To guarantee that what is to be done and why is well considered
  2. To provide a standard against which all future ideas will be judged
  3.  To set goals against which progress may be tracked and assessed.
  4. To be able to distinguish between major/deep-rooted problems and small / less important ones, as well as between permanent and temporary changes.
  5. To create a shared understanding of the methods and objectives among different functions and organisations.
  6. To maintain continuity throughout staff changes.
  7. Avoid wasting resources and money by increasing efficiency.
  8. To justify spending and maintain cash flow.
  9. To have a written statement available for public consumption.
In Program Planning Identification is Required.
Efforts to create change via development programs are only successful if they are focused on the people's most urgent needs and are effective in assisting them in meeting those needs. People engage in development programs only if they believe the program will benefit them in addressing personal, family, group, or community needs that they identify. As a result, the aspect of need and need identification should be the primary focus. In summary, individuals are only concerned with urban development programs based on their own perceptions of needs, not the perceptions of program planners.
Successful program planning is accurately recognizing what people desire, believe they need, and then converting these things into a practical, well-organized, and coordinated set of forceful developmental actions, which is appropriately referred to as a program. Effective change programs are created by identifying people's needs and coordinating actions to satisfy those needs.
The most successful urban programmes are those that are designed in response to the needs of the people, for the people, and by the people.

Principles of Program Planning  

The planning of an urban development program must be based on well-established concepts that must be properly understood and implemented. The following are the main principles:
  1. The development of a program should be based on a thorough examination of the facts.
  2.  Action problems are chosen based on people's needs that have been identified.
  3. The goals and solutions must be attainable and satisfying
  4. The programme should be long-term and flexible enough to accommodate long-term changes, as well as short-term adjustments and crises.
  5. The program should be balanced and focused.
  6. The program should have a clear work plan.
  7. The planning of a program is a continual and coordinated activity.
  8. Program planning should be informative and focused on achieving desired outcomes.
  9. A provision for assessment of results should be included in the program planning.


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