5 Characteristics of Community

5 Characteristics of Community

Last blog we have understood what is a community?  A community is a group of individuals who share a common space, set of beliefs, and set of practices. They are viewed as being entwined in a web of relationships that fosters commonality and a sense of cooperation. Communities are viewed as homogeneous units that exhibit a certain degree of relationship, which is viewed as the fundamental essence of community.

5 Characteristics of Community 

  1.  Human Scale
  2.  Identity and Belonging
  3. Obligations
  4.  Gemeinschaft
  5.  Culture: 

The following Characteristics can be observed in a community:

1) Human Scale: Communities are made up of individuals who interact face to face. In that sense, they are primary groupings that have a direct touch with one another. Individuals are aware of one another and hence have influence over the variety of interactions they engage in. Social structures are sufficiently compact for individuals to possess and control.

2) Identification and Belongingness: There is a sense of belonging and acceptance of one another, as well as a sense of security. Thus, one experiences a sense of belonging to or membership in a community. Membership entails acceptance by others, as well as dedication or loyalty to the group's objectives. This sense of belonging is critical and highly valued. The community can morph into a person's notion of self. Identity also plays a part in the individual experiencing not only a sense of belonging to one community but also a sense of distinction from other communities. Institutions and common practices within communities can contribute to identity formation and build a sense of belonging. This also implies that individuals may experience a shift in their sense of belonging to shifting institutions. These can be regarded as eroding a community's cohesiveness.

3) Obligations: Belonging entails certain rights and responsibilities. Mutuality of trust and reciprocity are first and foremost involved in maintaining communal life through participation in collective activities, sharing, and engaging with others. Participation in community events while adhering to customs and traditions is prescribed by the members' collective desire.

4) Gemeinschaft: This means that individuals play a variety of roles in their interactions with one another. These exchanges are not contractual in nature, yet are required. These are critical for individuals' self-development as well as for the development of a diverse variety of talents and abilities for the benefit of others and the community as a whole.

5) Culture: Each community has its own culture, which is perpetuated and shaped by its people through its social structures, economic systems, and power interactions. In that sense, a culture encompasses and embraces the way of life of a group of people.


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