What is Urban Community?Explained.

What is Urban Community?Explained.

What  Urban Community? Explained.- 'Urban' communities need to be looked at in terms of their variety and heterogeneity. Cities also have to be thought of in a different way by different people. They mean different things to them. Stakeholders have different ideas about how the city should be built, and these ideas have to be figured out in order for community-based community development to happen. There is always tension and conflict when people have different ideas about how things should be done. The way people talk about community development depends on which point of view is most popular.

For us to understand urban communities, we look at sociology, economics, and public administration to learn more about them. In terms of interventions, we use ideas from social work methods. One that is used the most is the community organization method and group work. Communities can be vulnerable, or they can be looked at from a strength's point of view. For social workers, the social justice perspective helps them look at urban communities, whether they are slums, elite class, or communities that have been moved.

What is Urban Community Explained?

'Urban' means being in or near a city. It is a way to show what life is like in a city or town. It comes from the Latin word Urbnus. Urbnus means city, and the root urb means city.

Urban is a word that refers to a city or a small town. It's important to look at things like demographics and the environment to figure out what kind of place it is. You can tell whether something is a village or town or a city by how many people live there and how complicated their organization is. Urban areas have a lot of people, a lot of non-agricultural activities, and a lot of good things for people to do, like better health and education infrastructure. However, there is a huge difference in how these things are distributed and how easy it is for people to get them in cities.

In sociology, we try to figure out how things work together

Max Weber thinks that cities are more advanced because they have a market and a group of people who specialize in selling things. Other religious, political, economic, technological, and complex administrative structures in a city help to make the trade and commerce network even better than it already is. There are a lot of industrial and service businesses in the area. City also has a lot of different people, no one knows who they are, and so on.

Louis Wirth (1938) thinks of urban areas as large, dense, and long-term settlements of people from different social groups. When a village has a group of people called "primary groups," these secondary groups, such as corporations, voluntary groups, representative forms of government, and the media, take their places instead. Such relationships are also thought of as impersonal, short-term, superficial, and often predatory.

Robert Redfield came up with the idea of a "folk-urban model" in the 1940s. In this model, he compared the image of city life with the image of the folk community. This model was called "folk-urban" (invariably rural). The latter is thought of as small, sacred, highly personal, and homogeneous, while the urban is thought of as always impersonal, heterogeneous, secular, and disorganized.

Gideon Sjoberg (1960) divided cities into two types, the pre-industrial city and the industrial city, which he did because of how different they were in technology. People and animals work together to make money in pre-industrial cities, which don't have advanced machines. Industrial cities have a lot of energy sources that come from fossil fuels and atomic power, like electricity. People who lived in the pre-industrial neighborhoods had strong ties of ethnicity and religious allegiance that helped them stay together. They had strong family ties, and there was little social disorganization. Industrial production was not yet the main issue.

Herbert Gans, on the other hand, thinks these things are part of the main city or inner city. He says that the people who live in the suburbs, on the other hand, live in a different way, which is called quasi primary. The loss of kinship and other important community ties in the city is replaced by neighborliness. Professional and other secondary ties aren't as close as neighborhood ties, but they're still more important than kinship and extended family.

Understanding Urban Community 

  • It is urban if: 1) the places that meet the following requirements are urban; 2) the cities and towns that meet the following criteria are urban. a) Population not less than 5,000, b) Density of Population 1,000 people per square mile 9400 people per square km, c) 75% of workers are not in agriculture.
  • Census 2001 makes a difference between statutory towns and census towns:
  • Every place with a town hall, city councilor another type of government that has been approved by the state is a "statutory town." These are places that have been approved by state law.
  • Census towns, on the other hand, are places with a population of at least 5,000, at least 75% of the male working population working in non-agricultural jobs, and at least 400 people per square kilometer. People use the term "urban agglomeration" to talk about how cities spread across the country and how they grow. 
It refers to a town and its adjoining urban outgrowths, or two or more towns that are physically close together and any urban outgrowths that are close to them, like a city or town. Railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, military camps, and so on are all examples of outgrowth. These areas may be close to a statutory town or city but inside the revenue limits of a village or villages that are near the town or city. If an urban agglomeration has more than 20,000 people, then the core town or at least one of the other constituent towns must be a legal town. With these basic rules, urban agglomerations could be formed in the following way. One or more contiguous outgrowths of a city or town, two or more nearby towns with or without outgrowths, and a city and one or more nearby towns with their outgrowths all make up a single spread. People from urban areas live in cities. There is a lot of diversity and complexity in these communities. The people who live in cities are from many different groups.


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