10 GK MCQs on Indian Polity Parliamentary System in India

1- Which of the following is not a feature of Parliamentary Government? 

(A) Resolution of lower house

(B) Collective liability

(C) Leadership of the Prime Minister

(D) Single Executive

Ans- D

2- Which of the following is not an advantage of the Presidential System?

A) Permanent Government

(B) Confirmation in policies

(C) Limited Representation

(D) Government by experts

Ans- C

3- "Parliamentary Government" is another name for....

(A) Cabinet Government

(B) Responsible Government

(C) Westminster forms of government

(D) All of the above

Ans- D

4- Which of the following statements is false?

(A) According to the 42nd and the 44th amendment, it is compulsory for president to comply with the advice of the Council of Ministers.

(B) Presidential System is based on double executive.

(C) According to the Article 74 the Council of Ministers works under the leadership of the Prime Minister.

(D) Article 74 and 75 provides parliamentary system in the center.

Ans. B

5- Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of the parliamentary system?

(A) Compressed representation

(B) Uncertainty of policies

(C) Temporary Government

(D) All of the above

Ans. D

6- Which of the following is not a characteristic of the federal government?

(A) Written Constitution

(B) Flexible Constitution

(C) Supremacy of the Constitution

(D) Independent Judiciary

Ans. B

7- Which of the following features has nothing to do with the Presidential System?

(A) Governance of the Prime Minister

(B) Single Executive

(C) Single Membership

(D) Dissolution of lower house is baned

Ans. A

8- Which of the following is incorrect?

(A) Lok Sabha represents the people of India.

(B) The Rajya Sabha represents the states.

(C) There are only 98 topics in the center list at this time.

(D) Rajya Sabha protects the state with unnecessary interference from the Center

Ans. C

9- In the Federal Government................

(A) All the powers and functions are vested in the Central Government and Regional Government.

(B) All powers are divided into Central Government and Regional Government

(C) Both A and B

(D) None of the above

Ans. B

10- Which country's model is India's federal system based on?

(A) Canada

(B) UK

(C) America

(D) Japan

Ans. A


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