Principle of Individualization Question and answer

Principle of Individualization Question and answer

Read: MCQ on Principles of Individualization

1-What is individualization?

A. Individualization is the recognition and understanding of each client’s unique qualities and the differential use of principles and methods in assisting each of them toward a better adjustment.

2-What is the importance of individualization in casework?

A. Individualization is important in casework to meet the particular needs of individual clients and to help them use their abilities and resources for self-help in order to work towards problem resolution and better adjustment.

3-According to Biestek, why is individualization important?

A. Biestek believes that individualization is important because each person is a unique entity and has the right to be treated not just as a human being, but as a human being with personal differences.

4-What are the prerequisites for the application of the principle of individualization? 

A. The prerequisites for the application of the principle of individualization are an open and unbiased attitude, knowledge of human behavior, listening and observing, moving with the client's pace, and the ability to enter into the feelings of people.

5-Why is an open and unbiased attitude important for caseworkers?

A. An open and unbiased attitude is important for caseworkers because it helps them to be objective and free from pre-conceived notions and prejudices when assessing a client's problem and life situation.

6-What is the role of interdisciplinary knowledge in casework?

A. Interdisciplinary knowledge is imperative for caseworkers to deal with the complex human behaviors of people with diverse personalities.

7-Why are attentive listening and observation important in casework?

A. Attentive listening and observation are important in casework to gain a holistic understanding of the client and to analyze non-verbal communication, which can yield a lot of information for the caseworker.

8-Why is moving with the client's pace important in casework?

A. Moving with the client's pace is important in casework to build trust between the worker and the client, as well as to allow time for the client to develop trust in the caseworker.

9-What is the significance of recognizing the uniqueness of each person in casework?

A. Recognizing the uniqueness of each person in casework implies the realization that each person's coping strategies are different and every person responds to his/her life situations in a distinct manner. Individualization requires sensitivity and a response to these feelings.

10-What is the role of warmth in casework?

A. The role of warmth in casework is the principle quality of the response to the feelings of the client, which is important in recognizing the uniqueness of each person and responding to their individualized reactions to situations.


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