10 MCQ on Social Work Concept and Charity 17th February 2023

10 MCQ on Social Work Concept and Charity 17th February 2023

 1-What is the primary reason that social work is not well-recognized as a profession?

a) The use of social relationships as the primary medium of professional practice.

b) The inability to demonstrate tangible results that follow from its practice.

c) Confusion in respect of various terms used while teaching in the classroom.

d) The practice is mainly focused on changing personality structure of people.

Answer: b) The inability to demonstrate tangible results that follow from its practice.

2-What is the main concern of social work practice?

a) Changing personality structure of people.

b) Demonstrating tangible results.

c) Changing the social structure and system in society.

d) Providing alms and other benevolent actions to the needy.

Answer: c) Changing the social structure and system in society.

3-Why is it important to clarify and define the varied kinds of concepts used in social work?

a) To show the distinction between similar concepts used in other social sciences.

b) To demonstrate tangible results that follow from its practice.

c) To provide clarity in terms of the concepts used.

d) To show the difference between social work and charity.

Answer: c) To provide clarity in terms of the concepts used.

4-Which term is often mistakenly considered as social work?

a) Sociology.

b) Psychology.

c) Charity.

d) Religion.

Answer: c) Charity.

5-What is the definition of charity, according to the Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary?

a) The act of changing the personality structure of people.

b) The use of social relationships as the primary medium of professional practice.

c) Charitable actions, as alms giving or performing other benevolent actions for the needy.

d) The act of changing the social structure and system in society.

Answer: c) Charitable actions, as alms giving or performing other benevolent actions for the needy.

6-What is the earliest reference to charity in Hinduism?

a) The Atri Samhita.

b) The Rig Veda.

c) The Vedas.

d) The Bhagavad Gita.

Answer: b) The Rig Veda.

7-What is the equivalent of charity in Islam?

a) Prayer.

b) Waqf.

c) Zuckat.

d) Fitrah.

Answer: a) Prayer.

8-What is one of the five basic tenets of Islam related to charity?

a) Waqf.

b) Zuckat.

c) Fitrah.

d) Sadqa.

Answer: b) Zuckat.

9-What is Sadqa or Khairat in Islam?

a) The alm which everyone can give according to his or her wish or desire.

b) Dedication of property for purposes of charity.

c) The act of distributing sweets, hits and even money among friends, relatives and the poor.

d) The act of sacrificing a goat and dividing the meat among the poor.

Answer: a) The alm which everyone can give according to his or her wish or desire.

10-Which religion advocates love for the neighbors as an important duty?

a) Judaism.

b) Christianity.

c) Islam.

d) Hinduism.

Answer: a) Judaism.


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