20 MCQ on Attitude formation with answers

20 MCQ on Attitude formation with answers

Looking for a quick and easy way to test your knowledge of attitude formation? Look no further! This blog post presents 20 multiple-choice questions on the topic, with answers included. Test yourself on topics such as cognitive dissonance, self-perception theory, and social learning theory, and see how much you really know about the psychology of attitudes.

You can also read: Interesting topic of Psychology 

MCQ on Attitude formation

1-How do psychologists define attitudes?

A) A learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain way.

B) A person's belief about a particular subject.

C) A person's feeling towards an object or event.

Answer: A

2-What are the three components of attitude?

A) Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral.

B) Emotional, Physical, and Cognitive.

C) Positive, Negative, and Neutral.

Answer: A

3-Which component of attitude involves a person's thoughts and beliefs about a subject?

A) Affective Component.

B) Cognitive Component.

C) Behavioral Component.

Answer: B

4-What is the difference between explicit and implicit attitudes?

A) Explicit attitudes are conscious, while implicit attitudes are unconscious.

B) Implicit attitudes are conscious, while explicit attitudes are unconscious.

C) Explicit attitudes are positive, while implicit attitudes are negative.

Answer: A

5-Which of the following is a factor that can influence attitude formation?

A) Age

B) Height

C) Experience

Answer: C

6-What is classical conditioning, and how is it related to attitude formation?

A) Classical conditioning is a type of learning where a neutral stimulus is paired with a response to create a learned response. It is used in advertising to influence attitudes towards a particular product.

B) Classical conditioning is a type of attitude that is formed through direct personal experience.

C) Classical conditioning is a type of social factor that influences attitude formation.

Answer: A

7-Which social factor can have a strong influence on attitudes?

A) Personal beliefs.

B) Social norms.

C) Emotional experiences.

Answer: B

8-Which component of attitude influences behavior?

A) Affective Component.

B) Cognitive Component.

C) Behavioral Component.

Answer: C

9-What is an example of an attitude?

A) A person's favorite color.

B) A person's favorite movie.

C) A person's opinion on the death penalty.

Answer: C

10-Can attitudes change over time?

A) Yes, attitudes can change due to experience or exposure to new information.

B) No, attitudes are fixed and unchangeable.

C) Attitudes can only change if a person is forced to change them.

Answer: A

11-Which of the following is NOT one of the ways attitudes can form?

A) Direct experience

B) Social influence

C) Formal education

D) Decision-making

Answer: D

12-How does operant conditioning affect attitudes?

A) It creates positive emotional reactions to an object, person, or event.

B) It can be used to strengthen desirable attitudes and weaken undesirable ones.

C) It can change attitudes after observing the behavior of others.

D) It leads to cognitive dissonance.

Answer: B

13-Which theory of persuasion suggests that people can alter their attitudes by being motivated to listen and think about the message?

A) Classical conditioning

B) Elaboration likelihood theory

C) Dissonance theory

D) Observational learning

Answer: B

14-What is cognitive dissonance?

A) A phenomenon in which a person experiences psychological distress due to conflicting thoughts or beliefs.

B) A form of observational learning.

C) A process by which positive emotional reactions are associated with a target object.

D) An attitude shift caused by repeated expressions of attitudes.

Answer: A

15-How can attitudes change through observational learning?

A) By creating positive emotional reactions to a target object.

B) By strengthening desirable attitudes and weakening undesirable ones.

C) By changing attitudes after observing the behavior of others.

D) By reducing cognitive dissonance.

Answer: C

16-Which of the following factors can influence the strength of an attitude?

A) Expertise in the subject

B) Expectation of a favorable outcome

C) Personal experience

D) All of the above

Answer: D

17-What is one way in which people may alter their attitudes to better align them with their behavior?

A) By creating cognitive dissonance.

B) By changing their actions.

C) By developing positive emotional reactions to a target object.

D) By observing the behavior of others.

Answer: B

18-Which theory of persuasion suggests that messages that are thought-provoking and appeal to logic are more likely to lead to permanent changes in attitudes?

A) Classical conditioning

B) Elaboration likelihood theory

C) Dissonance theory

D) Observational learning

Answer: B

19-What is one example of how conditioning processes can be used to influence attitudes?

A) Creating positive emotional reactions to a target object through classical conditioning.

B) Strengthening desirable attitudes and weakening undesirable ones through operant conditioning.

C) Changing attitudes after observing the behavior of others through observational learning.

D) All of the above.

Answer: D

20-How can attitudes and behavior be misaligned?

A) People can support a particular candidate or political party yet fail to vote.

B) People always behave according to their attitudes.

C) People only develop attitudes through direct experience.

D) Attitudes and behavior are always perfectly aligned.

Answer: A


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