MCQ on Functionalism with answer

1-What is structural-functionalism in sociology?

a) It is the idea that society is like a biological organism with various parts working together

b) It is the idea that society is structured hierarchically with various leaders and followers

c) It is the idea that social institutions are defined by their functions for maintaining the social whole

d) It is the idea that social change is driven by economic factors

Answer: c) It is the idea that social institutions are defined by their functions for maintaining the social whole

2-Who were the two prominent sociologists who evaluated the idea of structural-functionalism in American sociology?

a) B. Malinowski and A.R. Radcliffe-Brown

b) Emile Durkheim and Herbert Spencer

c) Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton

d) Max Weber and Karl Marx

Answer: c) Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton

3-What is the main idea behind the notion of social function in sociology?

a) Social institutions must serve the interests of the powerful

b) Social phenomena are the result of individual choices and actions

c) Social structures and institutions have functions that must be understood to maintain the social whole

d) Social change is driven by historical contingencies and events

Answer: c) Social structures and institutions have functions that must be understood to maintain the social whole

4-What is the difference between Herbert Spencer's view of society and that of Auguste Comte?

a) Spencer viewed society as an organism, while Comte viewed it as a social contract

b) Spencer focused on the external world, while Comte focused on human conceptions

c) Spencer believed in the progressive increase in size and interdependence of social aggregates, while Comte did not

d) Spencer believed in the division of labor in society, while Comte did not

Answer: b) Spencer focused on the external world, while Comte focused on human conceptions

5-Who is regarded as the founder of French sociology and developed a rigorous methodology combining empirical research with sociological theory?

a) Talcott Parsons

b) B. Malinowski

c) Emile Durkheim

d) R.K. Merton

Answer: c) Emile Durkheim

6-Who among the following is known as the dominant theorist of the 20th century?

a) Karl Marx

b) Emile Durkheim

c) Talcott Parsons

d) Max Weber

Answer: c) Talcott Parsons

7-What is the main idea behind Parsons' functionalism?

a) The social system is a product of historical factors.

b) The social system is a result of the conflict between different classes.

c) The social system is comprised of interrelated parts that work together to maintain order.

d) The social system is a result of the interplay of power relations.

Answer: c) The social system is comprised of interrelated parts that work together to maintain order.

8-What are the three types of motives according to Parsons?

a) Cognitive, Cathetic, and Evaluative

b) Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical

c) Cognitive, Physical, and Evaluative

d) Physical, Emotional, and Evaluative

Answer: a) Cognitive, Cathetic, and Evaluative

9-Which subsystem is responsible for fulfilling the basic needs of food and shelter in society?

a) Political subsystem

b) Cultural subsystem

c) Economic subsystem

d) Personality subsystem

Answer: c) Economic subsystem

10-Who attempted to overcome the shortcomings of functionalism advanced by its founders?

A) Robert King Merton

B) Talcott Parsons

C) Durkheim

D) Radcliffe-Brown

Answer: A) Robert King Merton

11-According to Merton, what does the term 'function' refer to?

A) Organic process

B) Vital process

C) Biological process

D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

12-What is the key concept that Durkheim and Radcliffe-Brown have adopted?

A) Function

B) Adaptation

C) Adjustment

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Function

13-According to Merton, what is the problem with the earlier definition of function?

A) It only takes note of stability and not change

B) It does not observe the positive contribution of an item to the social or cultural system

C) It observes only the positive contribution of an item to the social or cultural system

D) None of the above

Answer: C) It observes only the positive contribution of an item to the social or cultural system

14-What is the counter notion of 'dysfunction' introduced by Merton?

A) Those observed consequences which lessen the adaptation or adjustment of a given system

B) Those observed consequences which make for the adaptation or adjustment of a given system

C) Those observed consequences which are simply irrelevant for the system under consideration

D) None of the above

Answer: A) Those observed consequences which lessen the adaptation or adjustment of a given system


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