MCQ on Principle of Community Organization

The following MCQ with the answer is based on The principle of Community Organization.

  1. What is community organization? A) A process of identifying community problems and leaving them unaddressed B) A process of identifying community needs or objectives, finding resources to address them and developing cooperative attitudes and practices in the community C) A process of identifying community needs or objectives, finding resources to address them and implementing changes without community involvement D) A process of identifying community needs or objectives, finding resources to address them and implementing changes without considering the ethical framework involved in community work

Answer: B) A process of identifying community needs or objectives, finding resources to address them and developing cooperative attitudes and practices in the community

  1. Who defined community organization as a process by which a community identifies its needs or objectives, gives priority to them, develops confidence and will to work at them, finds resources (internal and external) to deal with them, and in doing so, extends and develops cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices in the community? A) Murray G. Ross B) Community workers C) Indian government D) NGOs

Answer: A) Murray G. Ross

  1. What is the Principle of Specific Objectives in community organization? A) Developing a blueprint for the entire work to be undertaken B) Formulating specific objectives of working with different client groups and community-oriented objectives C) A flexible approach to organization D) Rotating leadership

Answer: B) Formulating specific objectives of working with different client groups and community-oriented objectives

  1. What is the Principle of Planning in community organization? A) Developing a blueprint for the entire work to be undertaken B) Formulating specific objectives of working with different client groups and community-oriented objectives C) A flexible approach to organization D) Rotating leadership

Answer: A) Developing a blueprint for the entire work to be undertaken

  1. What is the Principle of People's Participation in community organization? A) Developing a blueprint for the entire work to be undertaken B) Formulating specific objectives of working with different client groups and community-oriented objectives C) A flexible approach to organization D) Involving people in the community cooperative venture

Answer: D) Involving people in the community cooperative venture

  1. What is the Principle of Inter-Group Approach in community organization? A) Developing a blueprint for the entire work to be undertaken B) Formulating specific objectives of working with different client groups and community-oriented objectives C) Focusing on the dominant groups in the community D) Focusing only on the smaller groups in the community

Answer: B) Formulating specific objectives for working with different client groups and community-oriented objectives

  1. What is the Principle of Democratic Functioning in community organization? A) Focusing on the dominant groups in the community B) Focusing only on the smaller groups in the community C) Involving people in the community cooperative venture D) Encouraging people to remain passive and allow others to take decisions for them

Answer: C) Involving people in the community cooperative venture

  1. What is the Principle of Flexible Organization in community organization? A) Developing a blueprint for the entire work to be undertaken B) Formulating specific objectives of working with different client groups and community-oriented objectives C) Focusing on the dominant groups in the community D) A flexible approach to organization to accommodate people with varied abilities to function effectively

Answer: D) A flexible approach to organization to accommodate people with varied abilities to function effectively


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