MCQ on Task-Centred and Crisis Theories.

Test your knowledge of Task-Centred and Crisis Theories with this comprehensive multiple-choice quiz. Challenge yourself and learn more about these important social work theories with this interactive quiz. Perfect for students and professionals looking to enhance their understanding of social work practice.

Read: More MCQ on task-centered approaches and radical approaches

  1. What is the task-centred approach in social work practice? a. A goal-orientated and progressive method of social work practice built on research and focused on problem-solving. b. A social work practice that involves providing counselling services to clients in crisis situations. c. A method of social work practice that emphasizes individualized and person-centred support for clients. d. A social work practice that focuses on providing resources and referrals to clients in need.

Answer: a. A goal-orientated and progressive method of social work practice built on research and focused on problem-solving.

  1. How is crisis intervention related to the task-centred approach? a. They both focus on providing resources and referrals to clients in need. b. They both prioritize the establishment of communication and the development of feelings with individuals that circumstances can become better. c. They both are based on anti-oppressive practice. d. They both focus on problem-solving and deal with brief interventions.

Answer: d. They both focus on problem-solving and deal with brief interventions.

  1. What is the crisis theory? a. The theory that individuals who learn new skills to resolve their crises are on the other hand strengthened in coping with future crisis situations. b. The theory that crises are actually determined by the responses of individuals to specific stressful circumstances or events and their responses to them. c. The theory that it is necessary for skilled intervention to take place to strengthen the coping mechanisms of individuals during a crisis. d. The theory that crises develop only when individuals perceive specific events to be significant and threatening, try to handle such events with their usual coping strategies without success, and are not able to use other alternatives.

Answer: b. The theory that crises are actually determined by the responses of individuals to specific stressful circumstances or events and their responses to them.

  1. What are some indicators that an individual is experiencing a crisis? a. Increased social activity and energy levels. b. Decreased ability to concentrate. c. Feelings of happiness and contentment. d. Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns.

Answer: d. Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns.

  1. What are the seven stages of crisis intervention? a. Assessment, exploration of available strengths and resources, goal setting, implementation of plan, evaluation and adjustment of plan, follow up, and termination of relationship. b. Listening, validation, acceptance, normalisation, reassurance, education, and advocacy. c. Provisioning of skilled intervention, assessment of the openness of individuals experiencing crises to learning of new skills and mechanisms for coping, and the use of social resources to help in restoring individuals to their prior functional levels. d. Establishment of communication and development of feelings with individuals that circumstances can become better, assessment of situation, exploration of available strengths and resources, goal setting with the use of such strengths and resources, implementation of plan, teaching of new skills and mobilisation of other support if required, evaluation and adjustment of the plan, and follow up and termination of relationship.

Answer: d. Establishment of communication and development of feelings with individuals that circumstances can become better, assessment of situation, exploration of available strengths and resources, goal setting with the use of such strengths and resources, implementation of plan, teaching of new skills and mobilisation of other support if required, evaluation and adjustment of the plan, and follow up and termination of relationship.


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