25 MCQ on Research Methods III: Qualitative Research

25 MCQ on Research Methods III: Qualitative Research

25 MCQ on Research Methods III: Qualitative Research 

Question 1: Qualitative research aims to: a) Quantify variables and relationships b) Understand and interpret phenomena c) Establish cause-and-effect relationships d) Conduct experiments in a controlled environment

Answer: b) Understand and interpret phenomena

Question 2: The primary data collection methods in qualitative research include: a) Surveys and questionnaires b) Experiments and field trials c) Interviews and observations d) Statistical analysis of existing data

Answer: c) Interviews and observations

Question 3: Which of the following is an essential characteristic of qualitative research? a) Standardized data collection instruments b) Generalizability of findings c) In-depth exploration of a specific context d) Emphasis on statistical significance

Answer: c) In-depth exploration of a specific context

Question 4: In qualitative research, the term "triangulation" refers to: a) Collecting data at three different time points b) Using multiple methods or sources to validate findings c) Analyzing data using three different statistical tests d) Conducting research in three different geographical locations

Answer: b) Using multiple methods or sources to validate findings

Question 5: A key principle of qualitative research is: a) Neutrality and detachment from the research subject b) Aim for generalizable results to a broader population c) The researcher's active engagement and interpretation of the data d) Strong control over variables and conditions

Answer: c) The researcher's active engagement and interpretation of the data

Question 6: Which of the following is a qualitative data analysis technique? a) ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) b) Content analysis c) Chi-square test d) Regression analysis

Answer: b) Content analysis

Question 7: The concept of "saturation" in qualitative research refers to: a) Reaching a point where no new information or themes emerge from the data b) The overemphasis on a single perspective c) Including a diverse range of participants d) The variability in data collection methods

Answer: a) Reaching a point where no new information or themes emerge from the data

Question 8: A researcher conducting qualitative research should focus on: a) Reducing biases and preconceived notions b) Manipulating independent variables for causal inference c) Standardizing data collection procedures d) Conducting extensive literature reviews

Answer: a) Reducing biases and preconceived notions

Question 9: The process of organizing, categorizing, and interpreting qualitative data is known as: a) Descriptive statistics b) Data synthesis c) Inferential analysis d) Data reduction

Answer: d) Data reduction

Question 10: Which of the following is a characteristic of a qualitative research question? a) It is usually closed-ended b) It focuses on a single variable c) It is broad and exploratory d) It demands statistical analysis

Answer: c) It is broad and exploratory

Question 11: In grounded theory, what is the process of constant comparison? a) Comparing the study with existing literature b) Comparing initial data with subsequent data to identify patterns c) Comparing quantitative and qualitative data d) Comparing the study's results with those of a previous study

Answer: b) Comparing initial data with subsequent data to identify patterns

Question 12: Ethnography is a qualitative research approach primarily concerned with: a) Exploring individuals' subjective experiences and meanings b) Understanding a specific culture or social group c) Analyzing historical documents and archives d) Conducting experiments in a controlled environment

Answer: b) Understanding a specific culture or social group

Question 13: Which of the following is a type of qualitative sampling technique? a) Convenience sampling b) Stratified random sampling c) Quota sampling d) Random sampling

Answer: a) Convenience sampling

Question 14: The concept of reflexivity in qualitative research refers to: a) The process of collecting data from multiple sources b) The researcher's awareness of their influence on the study c) The use of open-ended questions in interviews d) The iterative nature of data analysis

Answer: b) The researcher's awareness of their influence on the study

Question 15: Which of the following is a common qualitative data collection technique? a) Surveys b) Focus groups c) Experiments d) Case-control studies

Answer: b) Focus groups

Question 16: A research approach that seeks to understand the experiences and perspectives of individuals is: a) Case study b) Grounded theory c) Phenomenology d) Ethnography

Answer: c) Phenomenology

Question 17: Which of the following is a potential limitation of qualitative research? a) Difficulty in interpreting findings b) Limited depth of understanding c) Overemphasis on researcher subjectivity d) High cost of data collection

Answer: c) Overemphasis on researcher subjectivity

Question 18: In qualitative research, what is meant by the "researcher's role as an instrument"? a) The researcher plays an active role in data collection and interpretation b) The researcher uses various instruments to collect data c) The researcher remains objective and detached throughout the study d) The researcher's role is passive, only collecting data without interpretation

Answer: a) The researcher plays an active role in data collection and interpretation

Question 19: A researcher conducting qualitative research should pay attention to: a) External validity and generalizability b) Randomized controlled trials c) Statistical significance of results d) Richness and depth of data

Answer: d) Richness and depth of data

Question 20: Which of the following is a key step in qualitative data analysis? a) Conducting inferential statistics b) Identifying themes and patterns c) Determining sample size d) Conducting surveys

Answer: b) Identifying themes and patterns

Question 21: In qualitative research, "member checking" refers to: a) Checking the accuracy of transcriptions b) Validating the findings with participants c) Randomly selecting participants for the study d) Collecting data from multiple sources

Answer: b) Validating the findings with participants

Question 22: A qualitative researcher should be aware of "reflexivity" to: a) Increase the sample size b) Understand the cultural context of the study c) Recognize and address their biases and preconceptions d) Ensure anonymity of the participants

Answer: c) Recognize and address their biases and preconceptions

Question 23: Which of the following is a type of qualitative interview? a) Structured interview b) Survey interview c) Cross-sectional interview d) Semi-structured interview

Answer: d) Semi-structured interview

Question 24: The process of ensuring that the findings of a qualitative study are consistent and repeatable is known as: a) Validity b) Reliability c) Triangulation d) Saturation

Answer: b) Reliability

Question 25: Which of the following is a common technique used for data collection in case study research? a) Surveys b) Participant observation c) Experimental manipulation d) Randomized controlled trials

Answer: b) Participant observation


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