25 MCQ on Social Learning and Motivation

25 MCQ on Social Learning and Motivation

25 MCQ on Social Learning and Motivation

 1. Question: According to Albert Bandura's social learning theory, learning occurs through:

a. Classical conditioning b. Operant conditioning c. Observation and imitation d. Reinforcement and punishment Answer: c. Observation and imitation

2. Question: In the context of social learning theory, what is a critical factor for observational learning to occur? a. Reinforcement b. Attention c. Punishment d. Classical conditioning Answer: b. Attention

3. Question: A person's belief in their ability to perform a specific task is known as: a. Self-efficacy b. Self-esteem c. Self-concept d. Self-determination Answer: a. Self-efficacy

4. Question: The process by which individuals evaluate their own actions and abilities in relation to others is called: a. Social comparison b. Self-determination c. Self-efficacy d. Self-esteem Answer: a. Social comparison

5. Question: According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for belongingness and love falls under which category? a. Physiological needs b. Esteem needs c. Love and belongingness needs d. Self-actualization needs Answer: c. Love and belongingness needs

6. Question: Extrinsic motivation involves: a. Engaging in an activity for personal satisfaction b. Engaging in an activity for external rewards or to avoid punishment c. Engaging in an activity for the love of the task itself d. Engaging in an activity for self-improvement Answer: b. Engaging in an activity for external rewards or to avoid punishment

7. Question: The process of observing and internalizing the norms and values of a group is known as: a. Assimilation b. Acculturation c. Socialization d. Segregation Answer: c. Socialization

8. Question: In the context of social learning, reinforcement can be: a. External or internal b. Only external c. Only internal d. Negative or positive Answer: a. External or internal

9. Question: The theory of learned helplessness suggests that individuals may become passive and unresponsive if they believe: a. They have control over their environment b. They have no control over their environment c. Their environment is predictable d. They have intrinsic motivation Answer: b. They have no control over their environment

10. Question: According to Vroom's expectancy theory, motivation is influenced by: a. Expectancy, instrumentality, and valence b. Reinforcement and punishment c. The availability of resources d. Socioeconomic factors Answer: a. Expectancy, instrumentality, and valence

11. Question: The drive-reduction theory of motivation proposes that motivation arises from: a. Biological needs and drives to reduce discomfort b. Social expectations and norms c. Cognitive evaluations and beliefs d. Emotional experiences and expressions Answer: a. Biological needs and drives to reduce discomfort

12. Question: According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for safety and security falls under which category? a. Physiological needs b. Safety needs c. Love and belongingness needs d. Esteem needs Answer: b. Safety needs

13. Question: The "overjustification effect" refers to: a. An external reward undermining intrinsic motivation b. An internal reward reinforcing intrinsic motivation c. The reinforcement of extrinsic motivation d. The reinforcement of intrinsic motivation Answer: a. An external reward undermining intrinsic motivation

14. Question: According to the self-determination theory, intrinsic motivation is driven by: a. External rewards and punishments b. Internal needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness c. Observational learning and imitation d. Social comparisons and competition Answer: b. Internal needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness

15. Question: Which of the following is an example of a psychological need according to the self-determination theory? a. Physiological well-being b. Autonomy c. Safety d. Financial stability Answer: b. Autonomy

16. Question: According to Bandura's social learning theory, what plays a crucial role in the acquisition of new behaviors? a. Classical conditioning b. Operant conditioning c. Imitation and modeling d. Reinforcement and punishment Answer: c. Imitation and modeling

17. Question: In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which level represents the need for self-esteem, achievement, competence, and independence? a. Physiological needs b. Esteem needs c. Love and belongingness needs d. Self-actualization needs Answer: b. Esteem needs

18. Question: According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, what is the relationship between arousal and performance? a. Linear b. Inverse c. U-shaped d. Exponential Answer: c. U-shaped

19. Question: The desire to attain a higher level of personal growth and fulfillment is associated with which psychological theory? a. Self-determination theory b. Maslow's hierarchy of needs c. Expectancy theory d. Equity theory Answer: b. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

20. Question: According to Vroom's expectancy theory, what is instrumentality? a. Belief that effort will lead to performance b. Belief that performance will lead to rewards c. The value placed on a particular reward d. The valence of rewards Answer: b. Belief that performance will lead to rewards

21. Question: The process of acquiring information or behavior by watching and imitating others is known as: a. Reinforcement b. Conditioning c. Social learning d. Motivation Answer: c. Social learning

22. Question: According to the self-determination theory, what is autonomy? a. The need to belong to a group b. The need to feel competent and effective c. The need to be self-sufficient and in control of one's actions d. The need for safety and security Answer: c. The need to be self-sufficient and in control of one's actions

23. Question: The arousal theory of motivation suggests that individuals seek to maintain: a. Low levels of arousal to conserve energy b. Moderate levels of arousal for optimal performance c. High levels of arousal to increase productivity d. Intrinsic motivation at all times Answer: b. Moderate levels of arousal for optimal performance

24. Question: In operant conditioning, positive reinforcement involves: a. Adding a pleasant stimulus to increase a behavior b. Removing an aversive stimulus to increase a behavior c. Adding an aversive stimulus to decrease a behavior d. Removing a pleasant stimulus to decrease a behavior Answer: a. Adding a pleasant stimulus to increase a behavior

25. Question: The need to build and maintain positive relationships with others falls under which level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs? a. Physiological needs b. Esteem needs c. Love and belongingness needs d. Self-actualization needs Answer: c. Love and belongingness needs


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