25 MCQ on Social Work and its Relationship to other Disciplines

25 MCQ on Social Work and its Relationship to other Disciplines

25 MCQ on Social Work and its Relationship to other Disciplines

 1. Question: The post-Gandhian era in India saw a shift in social work towards a focus on:

a. Individual development b. Community development c. Urbanization d. Political activism Answer: b. Community development

2. Question: The 'Green Revolution' in the post-Gandhian era primarily aimed at improving: a. Industrial growth b. Agricultural productivity c. Access to education d. Healthcare facilities Answer: b. Agricultural productivity

3. Question: The 'Right to Information Act' (RTI) in the post-Gandhian era promotes: a. Transparency and accountability in governance b. Centralized decision-making c. Censorship d. Monopoly of information Answer: a. Transparency and accountability in governance

4. Question: The 'National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA)' in the post-Gandhian era aims to provide: a. Subsidies to urban industries b. Guaranteed employment to rural households c. Tax incentives to farmers d. Educational opportunities to the youth Answer: b. Guaranteed employment to rural households

5. Question: The 'Midday Meal Scheme' in the post-Gandhian era focuses on: a. Women's empowerment b. Enhancing industrial productivity c. Providing nutritious meals to school children d. Skill development in rural areas Answer: c. Providing nutritious meals to school children

6. Question: The 'National Health Mission (NHM)' in the post-Gandhian era aims to improve: a. Agricultural productivity b. Educational facilities c. Healthcare services d. Housing conditions Answer: c. Healthcare services

7. Question: The 'Clean India Mission (Swachh Bharat Abhiyan)' in the post-Gandhian era addresses issues related to: a. Environmental pollution b. Urbanization c. Political corruption d. Economic disparities Answer: a. Environmental pollution

8. Question: In the post-Gandhian era, social work has increasingly embraced technology for: a. Centralized governance b. Communication and advocacy c. Suppression of dissent d. Political lobbying Answer: b. Communication and advocacy

9. Question: The 'Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)' in the post-Gandhian era aims to provide: a. Subsidies for urban businesses b. Employment opportunities in rural areas c. Affordable housing to all d. Tax exemptions to the middle class Answer: c. Affordable housing to all

10. Question: The 'National Food Security Act (NFSA)' in the post-Gandhian era focuses on ensuring: a. Employment opportunities b. Universal access to quality healthcare c. Food security for all d. Clean drinking water Answer: c. Food security for all

11. Question: The 'Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act' in the post-Gandhian era aims to: a. Ensure equal opportunities and protection for persons with disabilities b. Promote urbanization c. Curb religious extremism d. Advocate for labor rights Answer: a. Ensure equal opportunities and protection for persons with disabilities

12. Question: The 'Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)' in the post-Gandhian era is designed to provide: a. Employment opportunities for urban youth b. Universal basic income c. Livelihood security to rural households d. Tax benefits to rural communities Answer: c. Livelihood security to rural households

13. Question: The 'Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act' in the post-Gandhian era focuses on: a. Empowering marginalized communities b. Restricting civil liberties c. Strengthening local governance d. Promoting economic growth Answer: b. Restricting civil liberties

14. Question: The 'Goods and Services Tax (GST)' introduced in the post-Gandhian era aims to: a. Simplify the tax system b. Increase taxes on essential goods c. Promote income inequality d. Curb inflation Answer: a. Simplify the tax system

15. Question: The 'Startup India' initiative in the post-Gandhian era aims to promote: a. Rural entrepreneurship b. Urbanization c. Industrial monopoly d. Innovation and entrepreneurship Answer: d. Innovation and entrepreneurship16. Question: The 'Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY)' in the post-Gandhian era is related to:

a. Agricultural reforms b. Health insurance for below poverty line families c. Women's empowerment d. Promotion of small-scale industries Answer: b. Health insurance for below poverty line families

17. Question: The 'National Skill Development Mission' in the post-Gandhian era aims to: a. Enhance industrial growth b. Promote literacy c. Provide skill training to youth d. Subsidize agriculture Answer: c. Provide skill training to youth

18. Question: The 'National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM)' in the post-Gandhian era focuses on: a. Rural development b. Urban poverty alleviation and skill development c. Providing free housing to the urban poor d. Promoting religious harmony Answer: b. Urban poverty alleviation and skill development

19. Question: The 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' initiative in the post-Gandhian era is related to: a. Women's safety b. Rural employment c. Urbanization d. Child labor eradication Answer: a. Women's safety

20. Question: The 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)' in the post-Gandhian era aims to provide: a. Universal healthcare b. Clean drinking water to all c. Quality education to all children d. Subsidized food grains to all families Answer: c. Quality education to all children

21. Question: The 'Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)' in the post-Gandhian era focuses on: a. Rural development b. Child protection and welfare c. Economic reforms d. Rural electrification Answer: b. Child protection and welfare

22. Question: The 'Digital India' initiative in the post-Gandhian era aims to: a. Encourage traditional farming practices b. Promote urbanization c. Transform India into a digitally empowered society d. Promote traditional handicrafts Answer: c. Transform India into a digitally empowered society

23. Question: The 'Mahila Shakti Kendra' scheme in the post-Gandhian era focuses on: a. Women's empowerment b. Employment for rural youth c. Environmental conservation d. Skill development for urban youth Answer: a. Women's empowerment

24. Question: The 'Make in India' initiative in the post-Gandhian era aims to boost: a. Urbanization b. Agricultural growth c. Rural employment d. Industrial growth and investment Answer: d. Industrial growth and investment

25. Question: The 'One Rank One Pension (OROP)' scheme in the post-Gandhian era is related to: a. Civil service reforms b. Retirement benefits for government employees c. Women's reservation in politics d. Agricultural reforms Answer: b. Retirement benefits for government employees


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