30 MCQ on Concept of Family and Marriage

30 MCQ on Concept of Family and Marriage

30 MCQ on Concept of Family and Marriage

 1. Question: Family is typically defined as:

a. A group of people related by blood or marriage b. Individuals living together in a community c. A group of people sharing a common profession d. Friends who support each other Answer: a. A group of people related by blood or marriage

2. Question: Marriage is generally characterized by: a. Legal and social recognition of a partnership b. Living together without any legal binding c. A strong friendship d. A contractual financial arrangement Answer: a. Legal and social recognition of a partnership

3. Question: Monogamy refers to: a. Having multiple spouses at the same time b. Having one spouse at a time c. Not getting married d. Being romantically involved without marriage Answer: b. Having one spouse at a time

4. Question: Which form of marriage involves a person having more than one spouse at the same time? a. Monogamy b. Polygyny c. Polyandry d. Bigamy Answer: b. Polygyny

5. Question: In a matrilocal residence, the newly married couple typically resides with: a. The husband's family b. The wife's family c. An independent household d. The extended family Answer: b. The wife's family

6. Question: Patriarchy is a social system where: a. Power and authority are held by men b. Power and authority are shared equally between men and women c. Power and authority are held by women d. Power and authority are not relevant Answer: a. Power and authority are held by men

7. Question: A nuclear family consists of: a. Parents and their children b. Extended relatives living together c. Siblings living together d. Grandparents and grandchildren Answer: a. Parents and their children

8. Question: Which type of marriage involves a woman having more than one husband at the same time? a. Monogamy b. Polygyny c. Polyandry d. Bigamy Answer: c. Polyandry

9. Question: The cultural practice of marrying within a specific social, cultural, or ethnic group is called: a. Exogamy b. Endogamy c. Monogamy d. Polygamy Answer: b. Endogamy

10. Question: A matriarchal family structure is one in which: a. Women have primary authority and control b. Men have primary authority and control c. Authority and control are equally shared d. There's no specific authority or control structure Answer: a. Women have primary authority and control

11. Question: A family system where multiple generations live together in the same household is called: a. Extended family b. Nuclear family c. Blended family d. Single-parent family Answer: a. Extended family

12. Question: Which form of marriage involves a person being married to two or more spouses simultaneously without their knowledge or consent? a. Monogamy b. Polygyny c. Polyandry d. Bigamy Answer: d. Bigamy

13. Question: Bilateral descent refers to: a. Tracing kinship through both parents' families b. Tracing kinship only through the father's family c. Tracing kinship only through the mother's family d. Not considering kinship in a family Answer: a. Tracing kinship through both parents' families

14. Question: Serial monogamy is a pattern in which: a. An individual has multiple spouses simultaneously b. An individual has only one spouse throughout their lifetime c. An individual has one spouse at a time, but may have more than one spouse over their lifetime d. An individual does not get married Answer: c. An individual has one spouse at a time, but may have more than one spouse over their lifetime

15. Question: Levirate marriage involves: a. A man being married to multiple women b. A woman having multiple husbands c. A man marrying the widow of his deceased brother d. A woman marrying the widower of her deceased sister Answer: c. A man marrying the widow of his deceased brother

16. Question: Cohabitation refers to: a. Living together as a couple without being married b. Arranged marriage c. Living with extended family members d. Separation after marriage Answer: a. Living together as a couple without being married

17. Question: The term "consanguinity" in relation to family refers to: a. Blood relationship b. Marriage ceremony c. Shared household d. Inheritance Answer: a. Blood relationship

18. Question: A matrilocal residence refers to a living arrangement where: a. The husband and wife live with or near the wife's family b. The husband and wife live with or near the husband's family c. The couple lives separately from both families d. The couple alternates living with each family Answer: a. The husband and wife live with or near the wife's family

19. Question: Exogamy refers to the practice of marrying: a. Outside one's own social or cultural group b. Within one's own social or cultural group c. Multiple partners at the same time d. Without legal recognition Answer: a. Outside one's own social or cultural group

20. Question: A single-parent family is characterized by: a. One parent raising the child or children b. Both parents raising the child or children c. Extended family involvement in raising the child or children d. No parental involvement Answer: a. One parent raising the child or children

21. Question: The term "patrilineal descent" means tracing descent through the: a. Father's ancestral line b. Mother's ancestral line c. Both parents' ancestral lines d. Siblings' ancestral lines Answer: a. Father's ancestral line

22. Question: A blended family is one in which: a. Parents bring in children from previous relationships b. Only one parent is present c. The family is living in a different culture d. Extended family is involved in child-rearing Answer: a. Parents bring in children from previous relationships

23. Question: A consanguineous family is a family where: a. There are close blood relationships among family members b. The family practices endogamy c. There is no genetic relation among family members d. The family practices exogamy Answer: a. There are close blood relationships among family members

24. Question: The practice of having only one spouse at a time is known as: a. Monogamy b. Polygamy c. Bigamy d. Polyandry Answer: a. Monogamy

25. Question: The family provides various functions, including: a. Socialization, economic cooperation, emotional support b. Isolation, financial gain, career development c. Social exclusion, independence, emotional detachment d. Economic competition, cultural isolation, emotional stress Answer: a. Socialization, economic cooperation, emotional support

26. Question: In a patriarchal family structure: a. The father or eldest male is the head of the family b. The mother or eldest female is the head of the family c. Authority is shared equally between parents d. There is no specific head or authority Answer: a. The father or eldest male is the head of the family

27. Question: The term "affinal kin" refers to: a. Relatives by marriage b. Blood relatives c. Extended family d. Adopted family members Answer: a. Relatives by marriage

28. Question: A family system where one or both parents are not biologically related to the children is known as: a. Blended family b. Single-parent family c. Extended family d. Nuclear family Answer: a. Blended family

29. Question: Levirate marriage is a practice where: a. A woman marries the brother of her deceased husband b. A man marries the sister of his deceased wife c. A man marries multiple wives simultaneously d. A woman marries multiple husbands simultaneously Answer: a. A woman marries the brother of her deceased husband

30. Question: The family system where several generations live in the same household is known as: a. Extended family b. Nuclear family c. Blended family d. Single-parent family Answer: a. Extended family


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