8 Principles of social case work

8 Principles of social case work

8 Principles of social case work 

Social case work is a method of helping individuals, families, and groups to cope with problems and achieve their goals. It is based on the belief that everyone has the potential to change and improve their lives.

Social work is a helping profession. It has been evolved from charity and transformed into a scientific knowledge for helping individuals to overcome their problem. However, Social Casework is the primary method of social work which deals with the psychosocial problem of individuals and help to cope effectively in the social environment. It is very much concerned with the social adjustment and development of individuals towards more satisfying human relations. Let us discuss the principles of social casework.

Principles of social casework.

Principles are the standard verbalized statement of a particular phenomenon. In general, it is understood as the rules, law, concepts and fundamental truth. It is also understood as a hypothesis that is to be tested by the empirical observation for the experimentation which may forward as a guide to action. Similarly following are the principles that guide social caseworkers to initiate the treatment process of social casework.

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8 Principles of social case work

  1. Principle of Individualization 
  2. Principles of a meaningful relationship
  3. Principles of Purposeful expression of feeling 
  4. Principles of control emotional involvement 
  5. Principles of acceptance 
  6. Principles of non-judgmental attitudes
  7. Principles of client self-determination
  8. Principles of confidentiality 

1-Principles of individualization 

Individualization is the recognition and understanding of each client 's unique qualities and the differential use of principles and methods in assisting each towards a better adjustment. No personal are alike their problem may be the same but the cause of the problem may differ. Individualization is based upon the right of human beings to be individuals and to be treated not just as a human being but a human being with these personal differences.

2-Principles of a meaningful relationship

The aim of establishing a meaningful relationship with the client in the social casework process is to change the behavior of the client and to  make the client more comfortable for the further process. A meaningful relationship can be developed through the demonstration and showing interest in the client's problem. The client should be convinced of the warmth and behavior of the worker.

3-Principels of purposeful expression of feeling 

Purposeful expression of the feeling is the recognition of the client's need to express his/her feeling freely. Here the caseworker listen carefully neither discouraging nor condemning the expression of the feeling. Sometimes stimulation and encouraging them when they are therapeutically useful as a part of the social casework process and service.

4-Principles of Control emotional involvement 

Whenever the client is expressing his or her problem the worker must respond to all the feelings of the client with all his knowledge and principles without emotionally involved.  The control of emotional involvement in the case worker's sensitivity to the client feeling and un understanding of their meaning, 

5-Principles of acceptance 

Principles of Acceptance are defining about accepting the client as the way he or she is in life. The principles where the caseworker perceived and deals with the client as he really is including his strength and weakness's congenial and uncongenial qualities, his positive and negative attitudes, his constructive and deconstructive without any prejudices. The worker should not feel hostile toward client behavior differ from the approved one. The purpose of acceptance is a therapeutic approach to help the social caseworker to understand the client as he really is, thus making casework more effective the principles o acceptance is significantly important.

6-Principles of  nonjudgmental attitudes

Non-judgmental attitudes are the quality of the caseworker relationship. It is based on the conviction that the worker should not judge the client on the basis of the problem and circumstances of the client.   

7-Principle of Client self determination.

The principles of client self-determination are the practical recognition of the right and need of the client to freedom in making own choice and decision in the casework process. The caseworkers have the corresponding duty to respect the right of the client and allow them to make and take their decision.

8-Principles of confidentiality 

Confidentiality is the preservation of the secret information regarding details of the client including the problem. The social caseworker plays very crucial roles in keeping the information given by the client during the casework process as secrete as possible. In social casework, the principles of keeping the information confidential is the right of the client . It is an ethical practice and obligation of the social caseworker,


The principles of social caseworkers are applied to establish meaningful relationships between client and social caseworker. Relationship are the medium through which changes are brought in the behavior and personality of the client.

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