60 MCQ on Culture and Ethnic Study with answer

60 MCQ on Culture and Ethnic Study with answer

 1. Which Indian Academy is promoting dance, drama and music?
a)    Sahitya Academy
b)   Lalit Kala Academy
c)     National School of Drama
d)   Sangeet Academy
Answer: d
2. The word ‘Sathyameva Jayate’ is taken from __________
a)    Yajur Veda
b)   Atharva Veda
c)     Mundaka Upanishad
d)   Sam Veda
Answer: c
3. According to the cultural history of India ‘Panchayatan’ is:
a)    An assembly of elders of village
b)   A religious sect
c)     Temple construction style
d)   Functionary of an administration
Answer: c
4. Dandia’ is a popular dance of
a)    Punjab
b)   Gujarat
c)     Tamil Nadu
d)   Maharashtra
Answer: b
5. Where is Pushkar Fair held?
a)    Udaipur
b)   Jaisalmer
c)     Jodhpur
d)   Ajmer
Answer: d
6. Sattriya is a classical dance form of which State?
a)    Manipur
b)   Uttar Pradesh
c)     Assam
d)   Andhra Pradesh
Answer: c
7. Which of the following folk dance forms is associated with Gujarat?
a)    Nautanki
b)   Garba
c)     Kathakali
d)   Bhangra
Answer: b
8. In which of the following styles of dance the story/ theme is always taken from Mahabharata and Ramayana?
a)    Bharatanatyam
b)   Mohiniattam
c)     Odissi
d)   Kuchipudi
Answer: a
9. The Rath Yatra at Puri is celebrated in honour of which Hindu deity
a)    Ram
b)   Jaganath
c)     Shiva
d)   Vishnu
Answer: b
10. Which one of the following is not a feature of North Indian temple architecture?
a)    Sikhara
b)   Garbha Griha
c)     Gopura
d)   Pradakshina
Answer: c
11. Who amongst the following is renowned in the field of painting?
a)    Prof. T.N. Krishnan
b)   Ram Kinkar
c)     Raja Ravi Varma
d)   Parveen Sultana
Answer: c
12. Rock cut architecture in Harappan culture context has been found at—
a)    Kotdiji
b)   Amri
c)     Dhaulabira
d)   Kalibangan
Answer: c
13. Bhagavata Mela, a folk form of performing arts is native to :
a)    Assam
b)   Gujarat
c)     Karnataka
d)   Tamil Nadu
Answer: c
14. Where was first Madarsa set up by the British in India ?
a)    Calcutta (Kolkata)
b)   Madras (Chennai)
c)     Bombay (Mumbai)
d)   Delhi
Answer: a
15. Guru Birju Maharaj is a maestro of which of the following Classical dance forms?
a)    Kathakali
b)   Manipuri
c)     Mohiniattam
d)   Kathak
Answer: d
16. ‘Bull’ in Buddhism is associated with which event of Buddha’s life ?
a)    Birth
b)   Great departure
c)     Enlightenment
d)   Mahaparinirvan
Answer: a
17. Which among the following is a folk dance of India?
a)    Kathakali
b)   Mohiniattam
c)     Garba
d)   Manipuri
Answer: c
18. What was the main effect of vedic culture an Indian history ?
a)    Solidification of race
b)   Progress of Metaphysics
c)     Development of Sanskrit
d)   None of these
Answer: c
19. Which of the following is a popular folk dance of Maharashtra?
a)    Garba
b)   Dandiya
c)     Tamasha
d)   Bhangra
Answer: c
20. In which language was the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita originally written?
a)    Prakrit
b)   Apabhramsa
c)     Pali
d)   Sanskrit
Answer: d
21. The oldest form of composition of Hindustani vocal music is :
a)    Dhrupad
b)   Thumri
c)     Gazal
d)   None of these
Answer: a
22. The Paintings of Ajanta depict stories of the—
a)    Mahabharata
b)   Panchatantra
c)     Jatakas
d)   Ramayana
Answer: c
23. Kathak is the principal classical dance of :
a)    Southern India
b)   Northern India
c)     Eastern India
d)   Western India
Answer: b
24. Buddha’s preachings were mainly related to—
a)    Purity of thought and conduct
b)   Belief in one god
c)     Practice of rituals
d)   Idol worship
Answer: a
25. Mughal painting flourished during the reign of—
a)    Shahjahan
b)   Akbar
c)     Aurangzeb
d)   Jahangir
Answer: d
26. The Flamingo Festival is celebrated in__?
a)    Kerala
b)   Bengal
c)     Uttar Pradesh
d)   Andhra Pradesh
Answer: d
27. The Sangai Festival is organized in __
a)    Manipur
b)   Assam
c)     Meghalaya
d)   Tamil Nadu
Answer: a
28. Race:   
a)    is based on fixed traits.
b)   is a socially constructed category.
c)     is the same as ethnicity.
d)   is based on shared biological traits.
Answer: b
29. Ethnicity is based on:
a)    shared geography.
b)   a common language.
c)     physical traits that are shared in common.
d)   a shared cultural heritage.
Answer: d
30. Which of the following statements about race and ethnicity are correct?
a)    Race and ethnicity are quite similar.
b)   People can easily modify their race and not their ethnicity.
c)     Race involves more variability and mixture than ethnicity.
d)   None of the above.
Answer: d
31. Authoritarian Personality Theory is associated with:
a)    W. I. Thomas
b)   Robert Merton
c)     Emory Bogardus
d)   T. W. Adorno
Answer: d
32. Which theory proposes that powerful people use prejudice to justify their oppression of others?
a)    scapegoat theory
b)   cultural theory
c)     conflict theory
d)   authoritarian personality theory
Answer: c
33. Which pattern of majority/minority interaction is based on social differences and equality?
a)    assimilation
b)   segregation
c)     pluralism
d)   fenacide
Answer: c
34. In what year were Canada's Aboriginal peoples entitled to vote in federal elections?
a)    1798
b)   1865
c)     1935
d)   1960
Answer: d
35. In the 2001 census what proportion of the Canadian population was born outside of Canada?
a)    36 percent
b)   46 percent
c)     19 percent
d)   11 percent
Answer: c
36. Since 1981, what percent of new immigrants to Canada are members of a visible minority group?
a)    53 percent
b)   30 percent
c)     19 percent
d)   70 percent
Answer: d
37. Most British Canadians of English, Scottish, and Welsh descent:         
a)    have entered into top positions in the economy.
b)   have not faced prejudice and discrimination.
c)     were highly skilled and motivated by the "Protestant Work ethic."
d)   all of the above.
Answer: d
39. The assertion that almost everyone expresses some prejudice because it is embedded in culture sums up which theory?
a)    authoritarian personality theory
b)   scapegoat theory
c)     cultural theory
d)   conflict theory
Answer: c
40. Which of the following is true about a minority category?
a)    A minority category always represents a numerical minority (i.e.,   less than 50 percent of the population).
b)   A minority category has a distinctive social identity.
c)     A minority category has a subordinate place in society.
d)   Both the second and third answers are correct.
Answer: d
41. Which of the following involves judgments about individuals that are not based on direct knowledge of the people being judged?
a)    prejudice
b)   racism
c)     stereotyping
d)   all of the above.
Answer: d
42. The belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another is best referred to as:    
a)    racism.
b)   stereotype.
c)     discrimination.
d)   prejudice.
Answer: a
43. The process whereby minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture is called:
a)    assimilation.
b)   segregation.
c)     genocide.
d)   pluralism.
Answer: a
44. Scientific' theories in the nineteenth century tried to explain race in naturalistic terms. Which of the following ideas was not considered?
a)    genetics
b)   evolution
c)     height
d)   brain size
Answer: c
45. Ethnic identity refers to:
a)    the objective categories of ethnicity used in the census
b)   a felt sense of group membership on the basis of religion, language, or history
c)     the imposition of a racial label on a minority by a powerful majority
d)   the fragmented and pluralistic nature of ethnicity
Answer: b
46. Warner and Myrdal claimed that black former slaves were not joining the 'ethnic melting pot' of the North American cities because:
a)    the white population did not believe in liberty, equality, and democracy
b)   they wanted to retain a strong sense of their original ethnic identity
c)     they were not prepared to leave the Southern states and move to North America
d)   the promise of citizenship was contradicted by continued discrimination
Answer: d
46. Theories of racialized discourse suggest that:
a)    race is an objective way of categorizing people on biological grounds
b)   the idea of race is socially constructed through powerful ideologies
c)     race relations in Britain and America can be traced back to colonial times
d)   people choose their racial identity and this becomes fixed
Answer: b
47. After slavery was abolished in the USA and British Empire, policy makers claimed that former slaves migrating to these cities would experience:
a)    assimilation
b)   adaptation
c)     discrimination
d)   compensation
Answer: a
48. Warner's study of the city of Natchez in the American Deep South showed that the 'colour line' there was:
a)    no longer a powerful influence upon race relations
b)   a way of marking out the land so that black people had less space for housing
c)     a new policy that had been introduced to assimilate black and white groups
d)   a sharp division between black and white castes, underpinned by beliefs about white superiority
Answer: d
49. The 'Great Migration' of 1916-1919 meant that Chicago became an ethnically diverse city. The consequence of this was:
a)    assimilation: all racial boundaries were dissolved by the 'ethnic melting pot'
b)   multiculturalism: all ethnic identities were celebrated equally
c)     most ethnic groups were integrated into mainstream society, but the black population remained in the city's ghettos
d)   racism: the white host population were hostile and prejudiced towards migrants
Answer: c
50. In Patterson's study of Brixton, it was found that:
a)    black and white residents competed for economic resources
b)   African-Caribbean migrants were concentrated in the poorest and most expensive housing
c)     white working class communities resented the arrival of black families
d)   all of the above
Answer: d
51. The 'new racism' refers to:
a)    a subtler form of prejudice, masked by nationalist pride
b)   a post-modern deconstruction of racist ideas to reveal their lack of depth
c)     racist practices found in newly emerging areas of social life, such as cyberspace
d)   an anti-fascist movement which challenges nationalist politics
Answer: a
52. The Macpherson Report highlighted the increasing problem of:
a)    hate crimes: violence against ethnic minorities simply because of their race
b)   institutional racism: systematic forms of disadvantage built into the routines and practices of social institutions
c)     overt racism in the police force that must be tackled by institutional reforms
d)   growing numbers of asylum seekers in need of long term accommodation
Answer: b
53. Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration ?
a)    political oppression
b)   employment opportunities
c)     food shortages
d)   population pressures
Answer: b
54. What is the systematic elimination of one ethnic group at the hands of another called ?
a)    ethnic cleansing
b)   institutional racism
c)     genocide
d)   scapegoating
Answer: c
55. What is the idea that racism pervades all of society’s structures in a systematic way called ____________?
a)    new racism
b)   cultural racism
c)     ethnocentrism
d)   institutional racism
Answer: d
56. A minority group is one that is both disadvantaged and______________?
a)    has some sense of collective or group solidarity
b)   numerically small compared to the main social group
c)     identifiably different from others in a society
d)   holds views contrary to the social norm
Answer: a
57. Why do sociologists use the category race ?
a)    it distinguishes between biological and social factors
b)   it denotes something fixed and unchanging
c)     it is social category which has real effects on people’s lives
d)   it enables comparisons between groups in different countries
Answer: c
58. Which one of the following is not one of the four migration trends identified by Castles and Miller (1993) ?
a)    acceleration
b)   diversification
c)     globalization
d)   regionalization
e)    feminization
Answer: d
59. Approximately what percentage of the global population currently lives outside their country of birth ?
a)    3%
b)   15%
c)     25%
d)   40%
Answer: a
60. Prohibiting intermarriage across ethnic groups the physical separation of groups and restrictions on contact between ethnic groups are examples of______________?
a)    resource allocation
b)   ethnocentrism
c)     discrimination
d)   group closure
Answer: d


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