28 MCQ on Component of Social Work
1-What is social case work?
A. The art of doing different things for and with different people to achieve their own and society's betterment
B. A method of working with groups to solve social problems
C. A process of solving psychological problems of an individual
D. A way of working with an individual to solve social and psychological problems
Answer: D
2-What is the definition of a "client" in social work terminology?
A. A person who is seeking help for inappropriate goals
B. A person who seeks help for themselves or another person
C. A person who is causing problems in the social functioning of another person
D. A person who seeks help as a means to reach their own goals or ends
Answer: B
3-What are the four components of social casework?
A. The person, the group, the place, the plan
B. The individual, the community, the environment, the process
C. The person, the problem, the place, the process
D. The individual, the family, the society, the solution
Answer: C
4-What are the psychological aspects of an individual's life?
A. The interpersonal experiences of the individual
B. The thoughts and feelings which occupy the mind within an individual
C. The social experiences of the individual
D. The external forces that affect the individual's life
Answer: B
5-What are the social aspects of an individual's life?
A. The interpersonal experiences of the individual
B. The thoughts and feelings which occupy the mind within an individual
C. The social experiences of the individual
D. The external forces that affect the individual's life
Answer: A
6-According to Felix Biestik, what are the seven needs of clients as they come to the helping situation?
A. To be dealt with as a type or category, to express negative feelings only, to be judged and condemned for their difficulties
B. To be dealt with as an individual, to express feelings both positive and negative, to be accepted as a person of worth
C. To be judged and condemned for their difficulties, to be dealt with as a type or category, to make choices and decisions concerning one's own life
D. To be accepted as a person of worth, to express positive feelings only, to be dealt with as a type or category
Answer: B
7-What is the role of the social worker in social case work?
A. To impose solutions on the client
B. To understand the client as a unique person in a unique situation
C. To judge and condemn the client for their difficulties
D. To deal with the client as a type or category
Answer: B
8-What is the "nucleus" of social case work?
A. The person seeking help
B. The professional representative
C. The process of helping
D. The place where the professional representative works
Answer: B
9-What are the three forces of personality structure according to Freud?
A. Life forces, ethical values and principles, patterns of coping with stress
B. Life forces, patterns of interpersonal relationships, ethical values and principles
C. Id, ego, super ego
D. Id, patterns of coping with stress, super ego
Answer: C
10-What is the ultimate goal of social case work?
A. To impose solutions on the client
B. To help the client achieve their own and society's betterment
C. To judge and condemn the client for their difficulties
D. To deal with the client as a type or category
Answer: B
11-What is the problem?
a) A solution to an obstacle
b) An opportunity for growth
c) An obstacle or hindrance in normal functioning of an individual
d) A normal part of life
Answer: C)
12-What are the dimensions in which a problem may arise?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
Answer: D)
13-When does an intrapersonal problem arise?
a) Due to some external cause or situation
b) Due to personal issues of an individual
c) Due to ailments in certain body parts or physical illness
d) Due to poverty
Answer: B)
14-Which of the following is an example of a physiological problem?
a) Anxiety
b) Depression
c) Prolonged disease
d) Poverty
Answer: D)
15-What is the main aim of casework?
a) To provide a solution to a problem
b) To identify the cause of the problem
c) To provide an intervention to breaks or modify the cause-and-effect chain of problems
d) To ignore the problem and hope it goes away
Answer: C)
16-What are the three main considerations in the choice of problem focus in social casework?
a) The client’s age, gender, and occupation
b) The client’s wants, the caseworker’s professional judgment, and what the agency can offer
c) The client’s physical and mental health, family history, and education level
d) The client’s social class, political views, and religious beliefs
Answer: B)
17-What is ‘the place’ in social casework?
a) A physical location where a person comes for help with his/her problem
b) A mental space where a person comes for help with his/her problem
c) A virtual location where a person comes for help with his/her problem
d) A social gathering where people discuss their problems
Answer: A )
18-How many social casework agencies be classified?
a) Based on the weather conditions of their location
b) Based on the color of their logo
c) Based on the source of support, source of professional authority, and special function and area of concern
d) Based on their size
Answer: C)
19-What is the main role of a social agency?
a) To break down the society
b) To create problems for individuals and groups
c) To protect members of a society by helping individuals and groups against social breakdowns and promoting better human functioning
d) To ignore the problems of individuals and groups
Answer: C)
20-What is the role of trained caseworkers in a social agency?
a) To create problems for individuals and groups
b) To make clients feel worse about their problems
c) To assist people in better social functioning
d) To judge and blame clients for their problems
Answer:C) To assist people in better social functioning
21-What is the first step in the problem-solving process according to Mary Richmond in 1917?
a) Study
b) Diagnosis
c) Treatment
d) Intake
Answer: D)
22-Which stage in the problem-solving process involves understanding the nature of the cause of the problem?
a) Diagnosis
b) Study
c) Treatment
d) Intake
Answer: A)
23-What are the three types of diagnosis in the problem-solving process?
a) Static, dynamic and clinical diagnosis
b) Clinical, etiological and dynamic diagnosis
c) Clinical, dynamic and static diagnosis
d) Etiological, static and clinical diagnosis
Answer: B)
24-What is the last step in the problem-solving process?
a) Diagnosis
b) Study
c) Intake
d) Treatment
Answer: D)
25-What are the four components of the problem-solving process?
a) Assessment, planning, action and evaluation
b) Planning, evaluation, diagnosis and termination
c) Assessment, diagnosis, action and termination
d) Assessment, planning, action and termination
Answer: D)
26-Which stage in the problem-solving process involves understanding the situation of the person?
a) Assessment
b) Planning
c) Action
d) Termination
Answer: A)
27-What is the purpose of the casework process?
a) To provide immediate relief to the client
b) To engage the client with his/her problem
c) To diagnose the problem of the client
d) To terminate the relationship between the client and the agency
Answer: B)
28-What are some resources that a person may need in order to resolve a given problem in daily living?
a) Money, medical care and scholarship
b) Nursery schools, foster homes and recreational facilities
c) Short-stay homes and material means
d) All of the above
Answer: D)