30 MCQ on Personality Theories

30 MCQ on Personality Theories

Looking for a comprehensive and interactive way to put your Personality Theories knowledge to the test? Look no further than our MCQ quiz! Our multiple-choice questions cover the key concepts and theories of personality, providing a fun and effective way to enhance your understanding of this fascinating subject. Whether you're a student, researcher, or simply someone with a keen interest in the topic, our MCQ quiz is an excellent tool for testing your knowledge and improving your retention of key concepts. So why wait? Take our Personality Theories MCQ quiz today and see how much you know!

You can also read: Important Topic on Personality Theories 

MCQ on Personality Theories

1-How many basic dimensions of personality are there in the Big 5 Personality Traits?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Answer: d) 5

2-Which of the following is not one of the Big 5 Personality Traits?

a) Creativity

b) Agreeableness

c) Conscientiousness

d) Neuroticism

Answer: a) Creativity

3-Which personality trait represents a range between extreme extraversion and extreme introversion?

a) Agreeableness

b) Conscientiousness

c) Openness

d) Neuroticism

Answer: c) Openness

4-People who are high in openness tend to be:

a) Adventurous and creative

b) Dislikes abstract or theoretical concepts

c) Not very imaginative

d) Resist new ideas

Answer: a) Adventurous and creative

5-Which personality trait is defined by high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors?

a) Extraversion

b) Agreeableness

c) Conscientiousness

d) Neuroticism

Answer: c) Conscientiousness

6-Which personality trait emphasizes imagination and insight the most out of all five personality traits?

a) Extraversion

b) Agreeableness

c) Openness

d) Neuroticism

Answer: c) Openness

7-People who are high in conscientiousness tend to be:

a) Disorganized and less structured

b) Procrastinates important tasks

c) Pay attention to detail

d) Make messes and don't take care of things

Answer: c) Pay attention to detail

8-Which of the following acronyms can be used to remember the Big 5 Personality Traits?





Answer: b) OCEAN

9-Which researcher's list contained 4,000 personality traits?

a) Gordon Allport

b) Raymond Cattell

c) Hans Eysenck

d) McCrae & Costa

Answer: a) Gordon Allport

10-Which personality trait involves sadness or emotional instability?

a) Extraversion

b) Agreeableness

c) Conscientiousness

d) Neuroticism

Answer: d) Neuroticism

11-Which personality trait is characterized by kindness?

a) Extraversion

b) Agreeableness

c) Conscientiousness

d) Neuroticism

Answer: b) Agreeableness

12-People who are low in openness may:

a) Enjoy new things

b) Focus on tackling new challenges

c) Struggle with abstract thinking

d) Be very creative

Answer: c) Struggle with abstract thinking

13-People who are high in conscientiousness may:

a) Fail to complete necessary or assigned tasks

b) Dislike structure and schedules

c) Enjoy having a set schedule

d) Makes messes and doesn't take care of things

Answer: c) Enjoy having a set schedule

14-Which theory suggested a three-factor theory of personality?

a) Gordon Allport

b) Raymond Cattell

c) Hans Eysenck

d) McCrae & Costa

Answer: c) Hans Eysenck

15-Which personality trait is focused on imagination and insight?

a) Extraversion

b) Agreeableness

c) Openness

d) Neuroticism

Answer: c) Openness

16-Extraversion is a personality trait characterized by which of the following?

A) Low energy in social situations

B) Reserved behavior

C) Talkativeness

D) Careful thinking before speaking

Answer: C) Talkativeness

17-People high in extraversion tend to gain energy in which type of situations?

A) Social situations

B) Solitary situations

C) Competitive situations

D) Creative situations

Answer: A) Social situations

18-Which of the following is a characteristic of introverts?

A) Enjoy being the center of attention

B) Have a wide social circle of friends

C) Feel energized when around other people

D) Prefer solitude

Answer: D) Prefer solitude

19-Which of the following is a trait of individuals who are low in extraversion?

A) Enjoys meeting new people

B) Finds it easy to make new friends

C) Dislikes making small talk

D) Say things before thinking about them

Answer: C) Dislikes making small talk

20-Agreeableness is a personality trait that includes which of the following attributes?

A) Moodiness

B) Altruism

C) Arrogance

D) Deception

Answer: B) Altruism

21-People who are high in agreeableness tend to be more what?

A) Competitive

B) Trustworthy

C) Manipulative

D) Guarded

Answer: B) Trustworthy

22-Which of the following is a trait of individuals who are low in agreeableness?

A) Enjoys helping and contributing to the happiness of other people

B) Insults and belittles others

C) Assists others who are in need of help

D) Cares about others

Answer: B) Insults and belittles others

23-Neuroticism is a personality trait characterized by which of the following?

A) Emotional instability

B) Sociability

C) Altruism

D) Competitiveness

Answer: A) Emotional instability

24-Individuals who are high in neuroticism tend to experience which of the following?

A) Emotional resilience

B) Irritability

C) Objective thinking

D) Stable mood

Answer: B) Irritability

25-Positive personality traits include which of the following?

A) Aggressiveness

B) Arrogance

C) Ambition

D) Coldness

Answer: C) Ambition

26-Negative personality traits are those that may be more harmful than helpful. Which of the following is a negative personality trait?

A) Respectful

B) Unreliable

C) Objective

D) Considerate

Answer: B) Unreliable

27-If you score high in openness, you are more likely to have which positive personality trait?

A) Creativity

B) Humility

C) Graciousness

D) Thoroughness

Answer: A) Creativity

28-What is the heritability of conscientiousness, as suggested by a study of identical and fraternal twins?

A) 44%

B) 41%

C) 53%

D) 61%

Answer: B) 41%

29-Studies show that which of the following big five personality traits tend to increase as people grow older?

A) Extraversion

B) Neuroticism

C) Openness

D) Agreeableness

Answer: D) Agreeableness

30-Longitudinal studies suggest that big five personality traits tend to be relatively stable over the course of what?

A) Adolescence

B) Childhood

C) Adulthood

D) Old age

Answer: C) Adul

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