200 Social Work MCQ with Answer

200 Social Work MCQ with Answer

200 Social Work MCQ with Answer 

200 Social Work MCQ with Answer is a comprehensive collection of multiple choice questions and answers covering a wide range of topics in social work. This resource is perfect for students preparing for social work entrance examinations, as well as social workers who want to brush up on their knowledge. The questions are well-written and cover all the essential concepts in social work, making it an essential tool for anyone who wants to succeed in this field.

 1. Blocking a wish or desire from expression is termed as

(A) Denial

(B) Repression

(C) Projection

(D) Regression

Answer: (B)


2. Which among the following is not a component of client case worker relationship?

(A) Autonomy

(B) Confidentiality

(C) Empathy

(D) Sympathy

Answer: (D)


3. _____ is the first settlement in U.K. which is associated with group work.

(A) Charity organisation society

(B) Neighbourhood guild

(C) Toynbee Hall

(D) Hull house

Answer: (C)


4. Social learning theory is associated with

(A) Albert Bandura

(B) Julian Rotter

(C) Walter Mischel

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)


5. Amartya Sen is associated with which of the following concepts?

(A) Freedom

(B) Human Rights

(C) Basic Needs

(D) Economic Rights

Answer: (B)


6. Which among the following is not a symptom of schizophrenia?

(A) Paranoia

(B) Vocational function

(C) Auditory hallucination

(D) Disorganized thinking

Answer: (B)


7. Mean difference is also called as

(A) Standard error

(B) Variance

(C) Co-efficient

(D) Correlation

Answer: (B)


8. Which of the following is an antisocial element?

(A) Clique

(B) Crowd

(C) Organised group

(D) Gang

Answer: (D)


9. The review of questionnaire with the object of increasing accuracy is

(A) Coding

(B) Editing

(C) Recording

(D) Decoding

Answer: (B)


10. The book entitled “Two Treaties on

Civil Government” is by

(A) Hegel

(B) John Lock

(C) James Mill

(D) Bentham

Answer: (B)

11. The ‘Employees Provident Fund and (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act’ was passed in the year

(A) 1948

(B) 1952

(C) 1961

(D) 1976

Answer: (B)


12. Social group work as a method does not help

(A) individuals to enhance social functioning through purposeful group experience.

(B) community to solve problems of groups in a community.

(C) provide a context in which individuals help each other.

(D) individuals and groups to influence and change social situations.

Answer: (B)www.netugc.com


13. Who propounded that social action is mass betterment through propaganda and social legislation, a method of bringing about a change in the social environment of the clients?

(A) M.V. Murthy

(B) Peter Lee

(C) Philip Kohler

(D) Mary Richmond

Answer: (D)


14. Which Article of Constitution of India suggests for the protection from social injustice and all forms of exploitation and promotion of economic and educational interests of the weaker sections of the people?

(A) Article 44

(B) Article 45

(C) Article 46

(D) Article 47

Answer: (C)


15. Example of Personality Test includes

(A) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

(B) Rorschach Inkblot test

(C) Thematic Apperception test

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)


16. The largest professional social work association in the United States is:

(A) International Federation of Social Workers

(B) National Association of Social Workers

(C) American Association of Social Workers

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


17. The Central Government Scheme to prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation is

(A) Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana

(B) Swadhar Yojana Scheme

(C) Ujjawala Scheme

(D) Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana

Answer: (C)


18. Conscientization model is associated with

(A) Mary Richmond

(B) Paul Chowdhary

(C) Paul Friere

(D) Perlman

Answer: (C)


19. Which among the following is not an award instituted by the Ministry of Labour and Employment?

(A) Shram Awards

(B) National Safety Awards

(C) Viswakarma Awards

(D) Arjuna Awards

Answer: (D)


20. The flexibility in handling change is termed as

(A) Altruism

(B) Innovation

(C) Adaptability

(D) Aggressiveness

Answer: (C)

21. The two main forms of social stratification are

(A) Class and Estate

(B) Society and Community

(C) Caste and Class

(D) Family and Kinship

Answer: (C)


22. The book ‘Social Diagnosis’ was written by

(A) H.H. Perlman

(B) Mary Richmond

(C) Trecker

(D) Herbert Bisno

Answer: (B)


23. The points of scatter plots will seem randomly distributed among the quadrants when little _____ exists between the variables.

(A) Difference

(B) Correlation

(C) Regression

(D) Association

Answer: (B)


24. The specific characteristic of a subject that assumes one or more different values is called as

(A) Data

(B) Variable

(C) Hypothesis

(D) Scale

Answer: (B)


25. International Women’s Year was

(A) 1979

(B) 1978

(C) 1975

(D) 1976

Answer: (C)


26. The chronic condition present from birth with impaired adaptation towards daily demands is

(A) Mental illness

(B) Mental retardation

(C) Both of the above

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


27. Repression is also known as

(A) Roaming in the past

(B) Isolation

(C) Rationalization

(D) Inhibition of threatening impulse

Answer: (D)


28. The base of age pyramid in India is broad due to

(A) High death rate

(B) High morbidity

(C) High birth rate

(D) High maternal mortality

Answer: (C)


29. Difficulty in falling asleep is called

(A) Hyposomnia

(B) Anorexia nervosa

(C) Insomnia

(D) Bulimia nervosa

Answer: (C)


30. Public Interest Litigation as a concept originated in ________


(B) UK

(C) Australia

(D) India

Answer: (A)


31. The book ‘Social Work Philosophy’ is written by

(A) Herbert Bisno

(B) Lindomen

(C) Thorndike

(D) Trecker

Answer: (A)


32. Who amongst the following is a leading contributor to our understanding of groups as a system?

(A) Bogardus

(B) Davis

(C) Talcott Parsons

(D) Garvin

Answer: (C)


33. Which one of the following is not a correctional programme/service?

(A) Anti-beggary programme

(B) Prison welfare services

(C) Community based youth club

(D) Special school for juvenile offenders

Answer: (C)


34. Psycho social theory was propagated by

(A) Sigmund Freud

(B) Skinner

(C) Hamilton

(D) Perlman

Answer: (C)


35. _______ helps in reclassification of variables and causal inferences.

(A) Research design

(B) Analysis of data

(C) Sampling procedure

(D) Sampling frame

Answer: (B)


36. The influence of one variable on the other can be analysed by using

(A) Correlation

(B) t-test

(C) Chi-square test

(D) Regression

Answer: (D)


37. Which among the following does not come under probability sampling?

(A) Simple Random Sampling

(B) Stratified Sampling

(C) Purposive Sampling

(D) Cluster Sampling

Answer: (C)


38. Which one of these are techniques of social case work?

(A) Universalization

(B) Encouraging

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of (A) and (B)

Answer: (C)

 39. Probation means:

(A) Release on licence

(B) Release on bail

(C) Conditional suspension of punishment

(D) Suspension of punishment

Answer: (C)

40. Which of the following is the most important task of an effective group leader?

(A) Enforce group discipline

(B) Assert group to achieve the desired goal

(C) Exert decisions unilaterally

(D) Punish a social group behaviour

Answer: (B)


41. Latent learning is an example of

(A) Avoidance learning

(B) Cognitive learning

(C) Escape learning

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


42. The book entitled ‘The Mentality of Apes’ by Wolfgang Kohler, is about

(A) Latent learning

(B) Insight learning

(C) Escape learning

(D) Avoidance learning

Answer: (B)


43. Who amongst the following scholars has described tribal population as ‘submerged humanity’?

(A) Dr. Ghuryewww.netugc.com

(B) A.V. Thakkar

(C) Dr. Das and others

(D) K.D. Gangrade

Answer: (C)


44. Correlation is a statistical tool for

(A) Discovering and measuring the relationship and expressing it in a brief formula.

(B) Measuring dispersion.

(C) Calculation of variation.

(D) Locating the point around which variables cluster.

Answer: (A)


45. Marriage is defined as

(A) An approved social pattern for establishing a family.

(B) A socially sanctioned union of male and female.

(C) A contract for production and maintenance of children.

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)


46. The part of mind that lies on reality is

(A) Id

(B) Ego

(C) Super Ego

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


47. Which among the following is not the purpose of Human Resource Planning?

(A) Configuring fixed skill setup for the departments in a same manner.

(B) Analyze people market environment.

(C) Forecasting future skill requirement.

(D) Optimum use of currently employed human resources.

Answer: (A)


48. Article 41 of Indian Constitution states

(A) Free compulsory education for all children up to 14 years of age.

(B) Right to Education and work.

(C) Educational and cultural relations with foreign countries.

(D) Educational grants for the benefit of Anglo-Indian communities.

Answer: (B)


49. Classical conditioning was propagated by

(A) Ivan Pavlov

(B) Sigmund Freud

(C) Maslow

(D) Thorndike

Answer: (A)


50. Golden Triangle is

(A) known as three areas of a continent where drug supply is common.

(B) known as a set of three countries producing heroin.

(C) a combination of three countries with sound economic position.

(D) a combination of three countries with poor economic position.

Answer: (B)

51. One of the following is not present in single parent families:

(A) Kin relationship

(B) Step relationship

(C) Parental relationship

(D) Biological relationship

Answer: (B)


52. Human life is mostly influenced by

(A) Friends

(B) Family

(C) School

(D) Colleagues

Answer: (B)


53. Juvenile crime can be prevented mainly by

(A) Good parenting and family support.

(B) Peer pressures.

(C) Unrestricted freedom by parents.

(D) Over indulgence by family.

Answer: (A)

 54.One of the following is not the function of a social worker in a juvenile residential institution:

(A) Administration

(B) Maintaining case records

(C) Court hearing of cases

(D) Publishing research papers

Answer: (D)

55.Which one of the following is not apart of social case work process?

(A) Treatment

(B) Assessment

(C) Study

(D) Content Analysis

Answer: (D)

56. Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) is the programme of

(A) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

(B) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

(C) Ministry of Human Resource Development

(D) Ministry of Agriculture

Answer: (C)


57. Services provided for weaker sections of the society are called

(A) Community Services

(B) Voluntary Services

(C) Public Welfare Services

(D) Social Welfare Services

Answer: (D)


58. Louis Braille Day is being observed on

(A) 5th January

(B) 6th January

(C) 7th January

(D) 8th January

Answer: (A)


59. Institutional Redistributive Model of Social Policy is associated with

(A) Capitalist State

(B) Communist State

(C) Totalitarian State

(D) Welfare State

Answer: (D)


60. The concept of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) means

(A) The average number of children born to an adult women during her life time.

(B) The average number of children born to an adult male during his life time.

(C) The average number of children born in a family.

(D) The average rate of growth of population.

Answer: (D)


61. Who among the following is associated with Gestalt therapy?

(A) C.R. Rogers

(B) Sigmund Freud

(C) Perls and Perls

(D) B.F. Skinner

Answer: (C)


62. Trickle down theory of development holds that:

(A) Global prosperity spreads to domestic economy.

(B) Development spreads downwards through greater demand for labour.

(C) Rate of growth of economy is inversely proportional to the rates of taxation.

(D) None of the above.

Answer: (B)


63. UN principles for older persons come into force in the year

(A) 1990

(B) 1999

(C) 1981

(D) 1991

Answer: (D)


64. Decision making means

(A) Choosing among alterations

(B) Choosing among alternatives

(C) Choosing for allocations

(D) All the above

Answer: (B)


65. Which of the following is not a principle of group work?

(A) Progressive programme experience

(B) Specific objectives

(C) Group experiment planning

(D) Continuous evaluation

Answer: (C)


66. Team building involves

(A) Recognizing active members of the team.

(B) Recognizing those members who contribute for the growth of the team.

(C) Recognizing all the members of the team.

(D) Recognizing knowledgeable members of the team.

Answer: (C)


67. The ultimate goal of Women’s Self Help Group is

(A) Saving money

(B) Taking loans

(C) Getting revolving fund

(D) Empowerment

Answer: (D)


68. The full form of MDP is

(A) Mean Democratic Participation

(B) Major Development Project

(C) Methods Development Plan

(D) Manic Depressive Psychosis

Answer: (D)


69. Main source of India’s Social Policy is

(A) Social Legislation

(B) Five Year Plans

(C) Directive Principles of State Policy

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


70. Grape-wine communication relates to

(A) Formal communication

(B) Informal communication

(C) Upward communication

(D) Downward communication

Answer: (B)

 71.Which one of the following is not apart of social case work process?

(A) Treatment

(B) Assessment

(C) Study

(D) Content Analysis

Answer: (D)

72. In order to find the degree of relationships, we have to use a statistical test called

(A) t-test

(B) Anova

(C) Chi-square test

(D) Pearson’s correlation

Answer: (D)

73. “Papers on Social Work – An Indian Perspective” was written by

(A) G.R. Banerjee

(B) G.R. Madan

(C) Sachdev

(D) Marula Siddaiah

Answer: (A)

74. World Summit on Social Development was held in the year

(A) 1994

(B) 1995

(C) 1996

(D) 1963

Answer: (A)

75. The Theory of Demographic transition includes

(A) High birthrate and high death rate

(B) Rapidly falling death rate and high birthrate

(C) Low birthrate and low death rate

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

76. Pilot study refers towww.netugc.com

(A) Preliminary testing of the tools used for the research.

(B) Follow up study done within a year after the original study.

(C) Preliminary study conducted on a limited scale before the original study.

(D) Macro level study undertaken to test the hypothesis.

Answer: (C)

77.What Rights are Human Rights?

(A) Rights which are provided by Constitution of India.

(B) Rights which are Fundamental.

(C) Rights provided to all human beings by nature.

(D) Rights desired by human beings.

Answer: (C)

78. Diagnostic School of Social Case Work was developed by

(A) Ross

(B) Jung

(C) Rank

(D) Mead

Answer: (D)

79. Public Interest Litigation refers to

(A) Mechanism to provide justice out of the Court.

(B) To provide speedy justice.

(C) To provide justice to poor, needy and weaker sections of society with the help of the NGOs’ and media.

(D) None of the above.

Answer: (C)

80. Paulo Friere’s approach could be briefly stated as

(A) Organization of services for people.

(B) Mobilization of community leaders.

(C) Action-reflection process with people.

(D) Identification of target systems for work.

Answer: (C)

81. Which of the following is not a social process?

(A) Accommodation

(B) Acculturation

(C) Annihilation

(D) Assimilation

Answer: (C)

82. Which of the following is a correct matching?

(A) Juvenile Justice Act – 1985

(B) Untouchability Offences Act – 1954

(C) Dowry Prohibition Act – 1962

(D) Factories Act – 1948

Answer: (D)

83. Panchayati Raj Institutions in India have brought about one of the following:

(A) Eradication of untouchability

(B) Land ownership to depressed classes

(C) A formal representation of weaker sections in village governance

(D) Spread of education

Answer: (C)


84. Who is the author of the book “Social Group Work – A Helping Process”?

(A) Wilson G and Ryland

(B) Trecker H.B.

(C) Philips H.U.

(D) Konopka G.

Answer: (D)


85. The objective of Social Legislation is

(A) To solve social problems.

(B) To bridge the gap between current needs and existing laws.

(C) To make new laws.

(D) To review the laws and problems.

Answer: (B)

86. Manifestation of repressed ideas in the form of finer things is

(A) Sublimation

(B) Ambivalence

(C) Compensation

(D) Fixation

Answer: (A)


87. Who gave the concept of ‘Looking glass self’?

(A) Karl Marx

(B) G.H. Mead

(C) C.H. Cooley

(D) M.K. Gandhi

Answer: (C)


88. ‘Operationalization of Variables’ in social work research means

(A) Making the variables simple enough to understand

(B) Making the variables measurable

(C) Arranging the variables in a logical order

(D) Making the variables fit for research.

Answer: (B)


89. Which one of the following is not a correct matching?

(A) Arya Samaj – Swami Dayanand Saraswati

(B) Bhrahma Samaj – Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(C) Prarthana Samaj – Ramabai Ranade

(D) Satysodhak Samaj – Jyothiba Phule

Answer: (C)


90. The book ‘Social Diagnosis’ was written by

(A) Mary Richmond

(B) Joseph Luft

(C) Perelman

(D) Ross

Answer: (A)

91. ‘Reassurance’ is one of the techniques that come under the broad category of

(A) Directives

(B) Information seeking

(C) Minimal responses

(D) Complex responses

Answer: (A)www.netugc.com


91. ‘Normative System’ refers to

(A) system of rules and norms of the society.

(B) culture of the society.

(C) conventional behaviour of the society.

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)


93. The presence of which of the following will indicate the diversity of population?

(A) Secondary association

(B) Social tolerance

(C) Secondary control

(D) Social mobility

Answer: (A)


94. In which among the following States in India, Community Development Programme was first initiated in 1952?

(A) Tamil Nadu

(B) Punjab and Haryana

(C) Uttar Pradesh

(D) Rajasthan

Answer: (D)


95. Which is/are the approaches to community organization?

(A) Community driven development

(B) Social capital formation

(C) Ecological sustainable development

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)


96. Which of the following is used to indicate the reliability of an estimate?

(A) Universe

(B) Statistical significance

(C) Sampling method

(D) Confidence interval

Answer: (D)

97. Which among the following is the department created under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment from May 2012?

(A) Department of Higher Education

(B) Department of Disability Affairs

(C) Department of Health Research

(D) Department of Rural Development

Answer: (B)

98. What is the correct sequence of sympathetic and parasympathetic division given below?

(A) Thoracic – Sacral – Cranial – Cervical – Lumbar

(B) Cranial – Lumbar – Thoracic – Cervical – Sacral

(C) Sacral – Cervical – Thoracic – Cranial – Lumbar

(D) Sacral – Cranial – Cervical – Thoracic – Lumbar

Answer: (C)


99. The human ear can generally hear sounds ranging from

(A) 20 – 1000 Hz

(B) 10 – 2000 Hz

(C) 20 – 2000 Hz

(D) 1000 – 5000 Hz

Answer: (C)

100. The phi-phenomenon, stroboscopic motion, induced motion and autokinetic motion are all

(A) Pictorial cues

(B) Apparent motion

(C) Double images

(D) Non-verbal cues

Answer: (B)


101. Which one of the following is the most important feature of the defence mechanism of Rationalization?

(A) Going back to an earlier stage of development.

(B) Justifying one’s actions.

(C) Magically atoning for certain acts that give rise to guilt.

(D) Attributing one’s emotions to other persons.

Answer: (B)

102. “People control basic anxiety by moving toward, away from, and against others.”

Which group of personality psychologists theorized this statement?

(A) Psychoanalytic

(B) Neo-Freudian

(C) Social learning

(D) Cognitive

Answer: (B)


103. A psychotic person would probably score the highest on which MMPI-2 scale?

(A) Depression

(B) Hysteria

(C) Schizophrenia

(D) Mania

Answer: (C)

 104. Micro sleep occurs mainly due to one of the following:

(A) Sleep disorder

(B) Drugged state

(C) Sleep deprivation

(D) Dreaming state

Answer: (C)


105. Self-Efficacy is

(A) A person’s mental model of his or her ability and attitudes.

(B) A generalised evaluative attitude toward the self that influences both moods and behaviour

(C) The process by which a person comes to know or perceive the personal attributes

(D) A set of beliefs that one can perform adequately in a particular situation.

Answer: (D)


106. Which one of the following is a product in Guilford’s model?

(A) Evaluation

(B) Cognition

(C) Transformation

(D) Symbols

Answer: (C)

107. Abstract, idealized representation that captures an average or typical member of a category of things is referred to as

(A) Exemplar

(B) Prototype

(C) Concept

(D) Schemas

Answer: (B)


108. Working memory involves which of the following?

(A) Storage capacity and Biographical information

(B) Semantic information and Processing capacity

(C) Storage capacity and Processing capacity

(D) Biographical information and Semantic information

Answer: (C)

109. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a primary group?

(A) Personal orientationwww.netugc.com

(B) Long term orientation

(C) Relations are end in themselves

(D) Relations are means to an end

Answer: (D)


110. Who, of the following, is the author of the book “Economy and Society”?

(A) Max Weber

(B) Anthony Giddens

(C) E. Durkheim

(D) A. Comte

Answer: (A)


111. Which one of the following is not an element of rural community?

(A) We-feeling

(B) Cultural diversity

(C) Territory

(D) Self-sufficiency

Answer: (B)


112. Choose the correct sequence of following in order of increasing complexity:

(A) Hunting, Gathering, Agrarian, Pastoral, Industrial and Post-industrial societies

(B) Gathering, Pastoral, Hunting, Industrial and Post-industrial societies

(C) Hunting, Pastoral, Agrarian, Industrial and Post-industrial societies

(D) Agricultural, Gathering, Hunting, Horticultural, Industrial and Post-industrial societies

Answer: (C)

113. Sociology is characterised by a perspective that places ________ in the foreground.

(A) Individual

(B) Unique social events

(C) Social interaction

(D) Culture

Answer: (C)

114. When two people interact with each other, they form

(A) A society

(B) An institution

(C) An association

(D) A dyadic group

Answer: (D)


115. Which one of the following Max Muller believed to be the earliest form of religion?

(A) Naturism

(B) Monoism

(C) Animism

(D) Fetishism

Answer: (A)


116. Ridicule is a

(A) Social sanction

(B) Social norm

(C) Mores

(D) Folkway

Answer: (A)


117. The term ‘Reference group’ was first introduced by

(A) Hyman

(B) Merton

(C) Srinivas

(D) Cooley

Answer: (A)

118. The pivotal methodology of functionalist is

(A) Conjectural history

(B) Library work

(C) Field work

(D) Content analysis

Answer: (C)


119. To Mead the ‘generalised others’ and ‘significant others’ are the creators of

(A) I

(B) Me

(C) Ego

(D) Super ego

Answer: (B)


120. The collection of roles that goes with a given status is termed as

(A) Multiple roles

(B) Conflict of roles

(C) Role set

(D) Summation of roles

Answer: (C)

 121. Who said that the social stratification in India is based on ‘purity and pollution’?

(A) M.N. Srinivas

(B) A.R. Desai

(C) Louis Dumont

(D) Yogendra Singh

Answer: (C)

122. Who has given functional theory of social stratification?

(A) T.B. Bottomore

(B) K. Davis

(C) W.E. Moore

(D) Karl Marx

Answer: (B)

123. “Culture is man’s guide, it liberates as well as enslaves him as all guides do.” Which of the following school represents this view?

(A) Evolutionary School

(B) Marxian School

(C) Diffusionistic School

(D) Culture-personality School

Answer: (D)


124. The term ‘Sociological Imagination’ was coined by whom?

(A) P. Berger

(B) C.W. Mills

(C) A. Giddens

(D) J.S. Mill

Answer: (B)

125. Every man in society occupies a number of statuses. Different statuses associated with a single person are known as

(A) Status inconsistency

(B) Status sequences

(C) Status set

(D) Status succession

Answer: (C)

 126. According to Dahrendorf, Marx’s Theory of Class Conflict is

(A) to be rejected universally

(B) to be accepted universally

(C) to be accepted and modified generally

(D) to be rejected, accepted and modified contextually

Answer: (D)


127. The process whereby the helpless human infant gradually becomes a self-aware, knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of the culture into which he or she was born is known as

(A) Re-socialization

(B) Social position

(C) Socialization

(D) Shared understanding

Answer: (C)


128. Stages of cognitive-development related socialization was proposed by

(A) H. Mead

(B) S. Freud

(C) C.H. Cooley

(D) J. Piaget

Answer: (D)

129.Which of the following dimensions is not included in the definition of ‘Health’ of World Health Organization?

(A) Physical

(B) Occupational

(C) Mental

(D) Social

Answer: (B)


130. Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) includes the following:

(A) Infant mortality rate, per capita calorie intake and life expectancy

(B) Infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate and life expectancy

(C) Literacy status, infant mortality rate and life expectancy at birth

(D) Literacy status, life expectancy at 1 year of age, infant mortality

Answer: (D)

131. Years of life lost due to premature death and years lived with disability adjusted for the severity of the disability is known as

(A) Human Development Index (HDI)

(B) Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE)

(C) Disability adjusted life years (DALY)

(D) Sullivan’s Index

Answer: (C)

132. Scales used for assessing socioeconomic status of populations are following except:

(A) Likert Scale

(B) B.G. Prasad Scale

(C) Modified Kupuswamy Scale

(D) Modified Udai Parede Scale

Answer: (A)


133. Which level of prevention is applicable for implementation in a population which is not yet exposed to risk factors?

(A) Tertiary Prevention

(B) Secondary Prevention

(C) Primary Prevention

(D) Primordial Prevention

Answer: (D)


134. This is not a Primary Prevention

(A) Isoniazid (INH) to a baby who is breast-fed by a sputum positive tubercular mother

(B) Self breast examination

(C) Vitamin A supplementation to a baby

(D) Pulse Polio Immunization

Answer: (B)


135. The concept of ‘Hospice’ is related to

(A) Special group of people helping the old and terminally ill patients.

(B) An association running orphanages for abandoned children.

(C) Family Health Advisory Service

(D) Euthanasia for terminally ill patients

Answer: (A)


136. This is incorrect in relation to International classification of Diseases and Deaths (ICD-10)

(A) The 10th revision consists of 21 major chapters.

(B) The 10th revision of ICD took place in 1995.

(C) It is revised once in 10 years.

(D) It is the standard for international comparison of morbidity and mortality.

Answer: (B)


137. If a drug prevents mortality but does not effectively cure then which of the following is true:

(A) Incidence will decrease

(B) Incidence will increase

(C) Prevalence will decrease

(D) Prevalence will increase

Answer: (D)


138. Seasonal variation of a disease can be assessed by

(A) Comparing the prevalence of disease

(B) Comparing the incidence of disease

(C) Calculating the survival rate

(D) Calculating the mortality rate

Answer: (B)

139.All of the following diseases require surveillance according to WHO except:

(A) Chicken-pox

(B) Yellow fever

(C) Malaria

(D) Rabies

Answer: (A)


140. Salk vaccine is a

(A) Live vaccine

(B) Live attenuated vaccine

(C) Killed vaccine

(D) Toxoid

Answer: (C)


141. The most widely used strain of rubella virus for vaccine production is

(A) HPV/77

(B) Japanese To 336

(C) RA 27/3

(D) Cendehill virus

Answer: (C)


142. All of the following are reasons for rapid spread of influenza except:

(A) Short incubation period

(B) Large number of subclinical cases

(C) Presence of cross immunity

(D) Short duration of immunity

Answer: (C)


143. Which of the following characteristics are true for a ‘Case Control Study’?

(A) Both exposure and outcome have occurred before start of a study.

(B) It cannot test causal hypothesis.

(C) Relative risk can be calculated.

(D) A long period of follow up is required.

Answer: (A)


144. The area is aid to be hyper endemic if spleen rate exceeds

(A) 10%

(B) 30%

(C) 50%

(D) 70%

Answer: (C)

145. The book ‘The Intellectual Crisis in American Public Administration’ deals with

(A) New Public Administration

(B) Ecological Approach

(C) Developmental Approach

(D) Public Choice Approach

Answer: (D)


146. Which one of the following is not Taylor’s mechanisms of Management?

(A) Using a routing system

(B) Employing a mnemonic system

(C) Employing a modern cost system

(D) Using a gang plank.

Answer: (D)


147. Which is not true about the Indian Independence Act, 1947?

(A) Two Dominions were constituted – India and Pakistan.

(B) The Suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian States would lapse.

(C) The Constituent Assembly would function as the Legislative Assembly for the interim period.

(D) The Governor General would have limited power to assent to any Bill in the name of His Majesty.

Answer: (D)


148. The Royal Commission on Decentralisation was headed by

(A) Lord Dalhousie

(B) Lord HobHouse

(C) Lord Rippon

(D) Lord Mayo

Answer: (B)


149. Who of the following has described authority as the supreme co-ordinating power?

(A) Karl Marx

(B) F.W. Riggs

(C) Max Weber

(D) Mooney and Reiley

Answer: (D)

150. Which one of the following is not correct regarding Downs’ categorization of Bureaucrats?

(A) Climbers

(B) Voters

(C) Advocates

(D) Statesmen

Answer: (B)


151. The phrase ‘developmental bureaucracy’ was coined by

(A) La Palambora

(B) Fred. W. Riggs

(C) William Siffin

(D) Edward Weidner

Answer: (A)


152. Which one of the following terms does not apply to the Vice-President of India?

(A) He may be removed by Impeachment.

(B) He may resign by writing to the President.

(C) He may be removed by a Rajya Sabha Resolution and agreed to by the Lok Sabha.

(D) He may seek re-election for any number of times.

Answer: (A)

153. Which one of the following is not a Constitutional Body?

(A) Union Public Service Commission

(B) Finance Commission

(C) University Grants Commission

(D) Election Commission

Answer: (C)


154. The Statutory Status was given to the erstwhile Minorities Commission in the year:

(A) 1994

(B) 1978

(C) 1993

(D) 1990

Answer: (A)


155. Which Independent State merged into Indian Union with the consent of the people?

(A) Jammu & Kashmir

(B) Sikkim

(C) Goa

(D) Hyderabad

Answer: (B)


156. Who opposed the entry of Political Parties to the Local Bodies Election?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru

(B) Jaiprakash Narayan

(C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

(D) Abdul Kalam Azad

Answer: (B)


157. Which one of the following Institutions is responsible for Social Audit?

(A) Gram Sabha

(B) Village Panchayat

(C) Intermediate Panchayat (Panchayat Samiti)

(D) District Panchayat (Zila Parishad)

Answer: (A)

158. A status group, according to Max Weber, is characterised by

(A) Occupation

(B) Educational background

(C) Life-style

(D) Family background

Answer: (C)


159. Who among the following is regarded as the technological determinist of social change?

(A) E. Durkheim

(B) G. Simmel

(C) T. Veblen

(D) T. Malthus

Answer: (C)


160. The theoretical perspective that asserts that there are discernible stages which the society goes through more than once or even repeatedly is termed as

(A) Repeated Evolutionary Theory

(B) Unilinear Evolutionary Theory

(C) Cyclical Evolutionary Theory

(D) Reflexive Evolutionary Theory

Answer: (C)


161. Who among the following describes society as ‘sui-generis’?

(A) Radcliffe Brown

(B) Malinowski

(C) E. Durkheim

(D) R. Benedict

Answer: (C)

162. Who among the following does not adopt the functional approach to the understanding of social phenomena?

(A) J. Alexander

(B) K. Davis

(C) R.K. Merton

(D) J. Habermas

Answer: (D)


163. The view that authority relations are the main cause of social conflict was held by whom?

(A) M. Weber

(B) K. Marx

(C) R. Collins

(D) R. Dahrendorf

Answer: (D)


164. Who among the following has classified status in terms of salient status, dominant status and controlling status?

(A) T. Parsons

(B) R.K. Merton

(C) W.E. Moore

(D) H.M. Johnson

Answer: (B)


165. What is common to magic, religion and science?

(A) Observation and experimentation

(B) Equal influence on human beings

(C) Orientation towards the unknown

(D) Orientation towards the supernatural

Answer: (C)


166. Who among the following is a proponent of dialectical approach to the study of Indian society?

(A) M.N. Srinivas

(B) D.P. Mukherjee

(C) A. Beteille

(D) Y.B. Damle

Answer: (B)


167. Which type of research aims to describe a social situation, social event, social system, social structure etc.?

(A) Basic research

(B) Descriptive research

(C) Empirical research

(D) Explanatory research

Answer: (B)


168. A university has 7530 students and a researcher draws 10 percent sample from it amounting to a total of 753. This is called

(A) Sample size

(B) Sample ratio

(C) Sample element

(D) Purposive sampling

Answer: (B)


169. Which technique of qualitative data collection is followed by researcher to understand people and their behaviour through direct, focused and non-verbal interaction in their natural setting?

(A) Interview

(B) Observation

(C) Case study

(D) Above all

Answer: (B)


170. According to Karl Marx, which of the following are elements of the forces of production?

(A) Technology and capital

(B) Capital, labour and technology

(C) Science and technology

(D) Capital, labour, science and technology

Answer: (C)


171. Who among the following used the concept of ‘interaction ritual’ in his theory?

(A) R. Collins

(B) L. Coser

(C) E. Durkheim

(D) H. Blumer

Answer: (A)


172. Who among the following argues that the withdrawal of legitimacy from an existing system of inequality is a critical precondition for conflict?

(A) R. Dahrendorf

(B) L. Coser

(C) R. Collins

(D) J. Habermas

Answer: (B)


173. Thematic and text analyses are used in

(A) Path analysis

(B) Data analysis

(C) Form analysis

(D) Content analysis

Answer: (D)

174.Which of the following is not a Civil Right?

(A) Right to Life

(B) Right to Marriage

(C) Right to Education

(D) Right to Divorcewww.netugc.com

Answer: (C)


175. Who of the following was the main mover behind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

(A) Woodrow Wilson

(B) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(C) Thomas Paine

(D) Eleanor Roosevelt

Answer: (D)


176. Third Generation of Human Rights is also known as

(A) Citizen’s Rights

(B) Developmental Rights

(C) Group Rights

(D) Women’s Rights

Answer: (C)


177. At the time of adoption of the declaration of the right of development by the U.N. General

Assembly in 1986 only State to express its divert was

(A) The United States of America

(B) Peoples Republic of China

(C) Iran

(D) France

Answer: (A)


178. Which one of the following determines that the Indian constitution is federal?

(A) A written and rigid constitution

(B) An independent judiciary

(C) Vesting of residuary power with the centre

(D) Distribution of powers between the centre and the states

Answer: (D)


179. Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was initiated in 1983 with the pioneering efforts of

(A) Justice R.N. Mishra

(B) Justice Chandrachud

(C) Justice P.N. Bhagawati

(D) Justice Venkatswami

Answer: (C)


180. Which of the following was the first international treaty having significant portents for International Human Rights Law?

(A) Congress of Vienna

(B) Geneva Convention

(C) League of Nations

(D) Treaty of Westphalia

Answer: (D)


181. Who of the following was the pioneer of United Nations Peace keeping operations?

(A) Trygve Li

(B) Kofi Annan

(C) U. Thant

(D) Dag Hammarjskold

Answer: (D)


182. Who among the following wrote the book ‘The Theory of Justice’?

(A) Thomas Hegal

(B) John Rawls

(C) Jean Jacques Rousseau

(D) Thomas Hobbes

Answer: (B)


183. Who among the following defined rights as “those conditions of social life without which no man can reacts in general, to be his best”?

(A) Harold J. Laski

(B) Bernard Bosanquet

(C) Leonard Hobhouse

(D) Hurst Hannum

Answer: (A)

184. In which case Supreme Court held that Parliament has no power to amend the Fundamental Rights?

(A) Golak Nath Case

(B) Sajjan Singh Case

(C) Shankari Prasad Case

(D) None of these

Answer: (A)


185. What is the full form of COFEPOSA?

(A) Conservation of Foreign Exchange & Prevention of Smuggling Act

(B) Conservation of Foreign Economy and Prevention of South Africa.

(C) Conservation of Foreign Export Problems of South Asia.

(D) None of these

Answer: (A)


186. Which one of the following sets of Articles in Part – III of the Constitution emphasis its secular character?

(A) Articles 8 to 11

(B) Articles 25 to 28

(C) Articles 45 to 48 A

(D) Articles 14 to 19

Answer: (B)


187. ‘No taxation without representation’ was the slogan of which of the following revolutions?

(A) Glorious Revolution of Britain

(B) Bolshevik Revolution

(C) French Revolution

(D) Chinese Revolution

Answer: (A)


188. Who was the first Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission in India?

(A) Rangnath Misre

(B) A.S. Anand

(C) J.S. Verma

(D) P.B. Gajendragadkar

Answer: (A)


189. Who of the following was not a member of the Fundamental Rights sub-committee of the Advisory Committee of Constituent Assembly in India?

(A) K.T. Shahwww.netugc.com

(B) B.R. Ambedkar

(C) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer: (D)

 190.Who of the following developed the notion of Human Development Index?

(A) Mohd. Yunus

(B) J.K. Galbraith

(C) Amartya Sen

(D) Mahbub-ul-Haq

Answer: (D)


191. Which of the following is not a new social movement?

(A) Environmental Movements

(B) Feminist Movements

(C) Peasant Movements

(D) Differently-Abled Rights Movements

Answer: (C)


192. Who among the following did not have an influence on shaping the thinking of Mahatma Gandhi?

(A) Ruskin Bond

(B) Leo Tolstoy

(C) Thoreau

(D) Ernest Hemingway

Answer: (D)


193. Husband and wife have a right to each other’s company. This right is called

(A) Legal Right

(B) Matrimonial Right

(C) Consortium Right

(D) Conjugal Right

Answer: (D)

194. The author of the book, ‘Practice of Social Research-Social Work perspectives’ is

(A) D.K. Lal Das

(B) H.B. Trecker

(C) J. Galtung

(D) Nan Lin

Answer: (A)


195. Detachment from work, inability to accomplish goals and emotional discharge is known as

(A) Blockade

(B) Burnout

(C) Ambiguity

(D) Lockout

Answer: (B)

 196. Which conference has brought in the concept of sustainable development?

(A) The Rio Conferencewww.netugc.com

(B) The Doha Conference

(C) The Montreal Conference

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


197. One of the following is not an aim of social policy.

(A) Balancing trade policies

(B) Elimination of poverty

(C) Maximization of welfare

(D) Pursuit of equality

Answer: (A)

198. Scientific attitude is based on

(A) Wishful thinking

(B) Spiritual thinking

(C) Consistent thinking

(D) Devotional thinking

Answer: (C)


199. ‘Concentric circle theory’ is associated with

(A) Peoples’ participation

(B) Economic status of the country

(C) Hydrological system

(D) Monitoring system

Answer: (A)


200. Who defined ‘Statistics as the Science of estimates and probabilities’?

(A) Bodington

(B) Bowley

(C) Fisher

(D) Agarwal

Answer: (A)


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