100 Sociology MCQ with Answer

100 Sociology MCQ with Answer

Socialworkin presenting 200 Sociology MCQ with answers to help you to prepare for your UGC NET exam as well to prepare for your different entrance tests. Go through the following.
100 Sociology MCQ with Answer 
1. The system under which boys and girls are allowed to mix with each other and are given maximum permissible mixing facility by society before marriage is known as:
A.     probationary marriage
B.     experimental marriage
C.     compassionate marriage
D.     none of these
2. If in a family, the offspring’s inherit the mother’s name, the family is called-
A.     matronymic
B.     patronymic
C.     matripotestal
D.     matrilineal
3. Which family is formed by an individual when he marries and has children?
A.     Family of orientation
B.     Family of pro-creation
C.     Nuclear family
D.     Conjugal
4. The eldest male member of the Tarwad is known as____________.
A.     patriarch
B.     Karnavan
C.     Nokna
D.     none of the above
5. When the offsprings inherit the father’s name, the family is called-
A.     patronymic
B.     patrilineal
C.     patriarchal
D.     conjugal
6. Who among the following follow the matrilineal family system?
A.     Nairs of Kerala
B.     Bhils
C.     Kadars
D.     Muslims
7. In ______ family the husband goes to live in the house of his wife.
A.     matrilineal
B.     matriarchal
C.     joint family
D.     matripotestal
8. In______ family, the wife goes and lives in the house of her husband.
A.     patrilocal
B.     patrilineal
C.     bilateral
D.     joint family
9. One’s wife’s brother is one’s_________.
A.     primary kin
B.     tertiary kin
C.     affinal secondary kin
D.     secondary kin
10. The Sema Naga use_________ for mother, father’s, brother’s wife and mother’s sister.
A.     hepu
B.     aja
C.     ami
D.     shi
11. If in a kinship system, maternal uncle enjoys a pre-eminent place in the life of his nephews and nieces as a matter of convention, the kinship usage is called_____________.
A.     avunculate
B.     amitate
C.     couvade
D.     matriliny
12. Which one of the following statements about kinship is NOT true?
A.     Its usages create group of kins
B.     It creates relationship structure
C.     It defines role of different relationships
D.     It indicates expected behaviour of kins
13. The principle or set of principles by which ego’s consanguineal relatives are determined is technically known as-
A.     rules of residence
B.     rules of kinship
C.     rules of descent
D.     none of the above
14. The Child Marriage Act amended in___________ (year) raised the minimum age of marriage for girls from 15 to 18 years.
A.       1986
B.       1976
C.       1929
D.      1991
15. A world Conference on the issues of women was organised by the United Nations in 1975.
Which among the following was the venue?
A.     Mexico
B.     Beijing
C.     Copenhagen
D.     Nairobi
16. Mark out the factor contributing to high maternal mortality rate-
A.     Antenatal Care
B.     Education
C.     Increase in the number of working women
D.     Early Marriage
17. Dialectic of Sex was authored by-
A.     Shulamith Firestone
B.     Babuef
C.     Farah Naqvi
D.     Deepa Mehta
18. Who was the chairperson of the National Commission on Self Employed Women and Women in Informal Sector in 1987?
A.     Vina Mazumdar
B.     Ela Bhat
C.     Madhuri Shah
D.     Armati Desai
19. Who maintained that those who perform successfully in terms of society’s values will be ranked highly and they will be likely to receive a variety of rewards.
A.     Parsons
B.     Davis
C.     Durkheim
D.     Redcliffe Brown
20. Which of the following is employed to mean the numerous sub-divisions of a varnal?
A.     Jati
B.     Caste
C.     Gotra
D.     None of the above
Ans. (a)  
21. According to Marx, various forms of exploitative mode of production have been _______________.
A.     slavery, feudalism, and capitalism
B.     slavery, barbarism and capitalism
C.     slavery, bourgeoisie, and capitalism
D.     none of the above
Ans. (a)
22. According to Marx’s classic phrase, the proletariat are a _____________.
A.     class in themselves
B.     class for themselves
C.     class by themselves
D.     class through themselves
Ans. (a)
23. According to Weber____________, refers to the unequal distribution of economic rewards whereas ___________refers to the unequal distribution of social honour.
A.     class, caste
B.     power, prestige
C.     class, status
D.     caste, class
Ans. (c)
24. Which tribe names their girls’ dormitory as ‘yo’?
A.     Konayak Naga
B.     Muria
C.     Angami Naga
D.     Bhotia
Ans. (a)
25. Find the odd one out-
A.     Dalya
B.     Podh
C.     Kaman
D.     Gotul
Ans. (d)
26. Tribe is a ________ group whereas caste is a _________ group.
A.     social, territorial
B.     political, territorial
C.     territorial, social
D.     social, religious
Ans. (c)
27. In Madhya Pradesh, shifting cultivation is named as ___________.
A.     Podh
B.     Jhum
C.     Dahiya
D.     Koman
Ans. (c)
28. Which of the following tribes is expert in cultivation?
A.     Tharo
B.     Chenchu
C.     Irula
D.     Onge
Ans. (a)
29. Viewing the geographic area covered by the system as a circle, the-travel only clockwise and ___________ travel only counter _________ clockwise.
A.     Soulva, Mwali
B.     Mwali, Soulva
C.     Soulva, shell necklace
D.     none of the above
Ans. (a)
30. Kula exchange system is distinctly different for common barter called __________ , since it involves a higher level of trust.
A.     Mwali
B.     Soulva
C.     Gimwali
D.     none of the above
Ans. (c) 
 31. ___________ means giving up self-interest or hostility for the sake of mutual benefit.
A.     Negative reciprocity
B.     Balanced reciprocity
C.     Generalized reciprocity
D.     Exchange of gifts
Ans. (b)
32. Kula exchange consists of the circulation of two items, i.e., __________ and ____________.
A.     Shell armbands and Mwali
B.     Mwali and Soulva
C.     Shell disc necklace and Soulva
D.     none of the above
Ans. (b)
33.___________ is an exchange transaction that involves direct movement of goods or services between parties.
A.     Redistribution
B.     Barter
C.     Market exchange
D.     None of the above
Ans. (d)
34. The impact of urbanization during medieval period worked through:
A.     Artisans in the towns
B.     Army on move
C.     Nobles, chiefs and Jagirdars
D.     Petty government officials
Ans. (c)
35. Which among the following do you think was NOT the function of the ancient Panchayat?
A.     To advise the king in day-to-day matters of administration
B.     To look after the local matters, including the collection of revenue
C.     To provide the public facility
D.     To provide in all matters cooperation to the local people and to invite the same in working out of the local problems
Ans. (a)
36. What do you think is the importance of Panchayat System?
A.     It make possible the participation of the village community in the working of the body politic
B.     It encourages initiative and enterprise for the common good at the local level
C.     It gives individuality, character and a sense of responsibility to the village community
D.     All of the above
Ans. (d)
37. How have the development of transport and communication helped the growth of cities? Mark out the correct answer-
A.     The local transport added to the population of the city by extending its boundaries
B.     It connected different parts of the city
C.     It connected the city with the different parts of the country
D.     All of the above
Ans. (a)
38. Which of the following terms was used for an ordinary fortified town where inland trade was an important activity?
A.     Pattana
B.     Nagara
C.     Rajdhani
D.     Kheta
Ans. (b)
39. The change from the occupational role to the retirement role is an example of situation involving a degree of
A.     role -detachment
B.     role discontinuity
C.     preferential role
D.     primary role
Ans. (b)
40. The precedence of one role over another is called
A.     Role primary
B.     Role order
C.     Preferential role
D.     Primary role
Ans. (a)
41. Behaviour of an individual in a particular role providing a pattern or model upon which another individual bases his behaviour in performing the same role is called
A.     Role model
B.     Role pattern
C.     Role actor
D.     Model
Ans. (a)
42. Which among the following is not true regarding, ‘reflexive role taking’?
A.     Taking the role of another by viewing oneself from the point of view of the other
B.     Reflexive role taking allows a person to become object in himself as other’s see him
C.     The concept of reflexive role taking is like precedence of one role over another.
D.     The concept of reflexive role taking is similar to the Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self.
Ans. (c)
43. Reflexive role-taking is defined by
A.     C.H. Cooley
B.     G.H. Mead
C.     M. Mead
D.     R. Linton
Ans. (b)
44. Name the sociologist who had made distinction between achieved status and ascribed status.
A.     R.K. Merton
B.     K. Davis
C.     C.H. Cooley
D.     R. Linton
Ans. (d)
45. Who has given the concept of status-set?
A.     T. Parsons
B.     K. Davis
C.     R.K. Merton
D.     Parson
Ans. (c)
46. Who among the following has examined the effect of modern division of labour on work and leisure?
A.     T. Veblen
B.     Huntington
C.     G. Friedmann
D.     R. Centres
Ans. (c)
47. Who holds the view that? Vedas says that family property is not property of the family. But was the property of the head of house, usually the father, and that the other members of the family only had moral claims upon it which the father could ignore.
A.     Macdonell and Keith
B.     Max Muller
C.     Sachchidanand
D.     S.C. Dubey
Ans. (a)
48. Rural and urban centres have co-existed in India, except for a brief interlude during the
A.     Indus valley
B.     Medieval period
C.     Rig-vedic period
D.     Gupta period
Ans. (c)
49. Rural and urban centres share some common facets of life. They show
A.     Antagonism
B.     Contradiction
C.     Cooperation
D.     Interdependence
Ans. (d)
50. It can be said that in India and perhaps also in……… , the political role of the priestly class has shaped political thought and religion.
A.     Byzatium
B.     Byzatium, the Inca Empire and Ancient Egypt
C.     China and Mesopotamia
D.     China and Japan
Ans. (b)
51. The term ‘Legitimacy’ stands for
A.     Attachment
B.     Coercion
C.     Lawfulness
D.     Absolute power
Ans. (c)
52. As compared to Marx’s analysis, Weber’s analysis of social stratification is
A.     Simple
B.     Exhaustive
C.     More complex and diversified
D.     Ambiguous
Ans. (c)
53. Whose opinion is this?
‘Stratification is an inevitable part of all human societies. If value consensus is an essential component of all societies, then it follows that some form of stratification will result from the ranking of individuals in terms of common value.’
A.     K. Marx
B.     K. Davis
C.     M. Tumin
D.     T. Parsons
Ans. (d)
54. The Indian approach to planning is
A.     Democratic
B.     Totalitarian
C.     Communistic
D.     Dictatorial
Ans. (a)
55. Which of the following statements are false?
1. Caste activities have greatly decreased in all villages since development planning has been undertaken.
2. Industrialisation and expansion of development administration has stimulated the growth of the middle class
3. With development planning India has been able to solve its basic problems of unemployment, population growth and poverty
4. India’s development planning has given special focus to integrate women into the development process.
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 1 and 4
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 2 and 4
Ans. (a)
56. Which tribal group practices two religions (old tribal cult and Mahayana Buddhism)?
A.     Bhotia
B.     Gaddi
C.     Sherdukpens
D.     Kolam
Ans. (c)
57. Which among the following tribal group is supposed to be the most primitive on Indian mainland?
A.     Khasi
B.     Jorwas
C.     Kadar
D.     Mundas
Ans. (c)
58. The theory of diet principle in social demography was given by
A.     Burnham
B.     Double day
C.     D. Ricardo
D.     K. Mannheim
Ans. (b)
59. Optimum Population Theory was given by
A.     Edwin Canon
B.     J.S. Mills
C.     Adam Smith
D.     H. Spencer
Ans. (a)
60. Who defined family in this way?
‘The family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption; constituting a single household, interacting and intercommunicating with each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and father, brother and sister; creating a common culture’.
A.     L.H. Morgan
B.     Maclver and Page
C.     E.W. Burgess and H. J. Locke
D.     Park and Burgess
Ans. (c) 
 61. Who defined family as a ‘group of persons whose relations to one another are based upon consanguinity and who are therefore kin to one another.’?
A.     J. Goody
B.     Kingsley Davis
C.     Maclver and Page
D.     L.H. Morgan
Ans. (b)
62. Middle quartile is known as:
A.     median
B.     mode
C.     harmonic mean
D.     geometric mean
Ans. (a)
63. In a distribution of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, the x̅ is 30, the sum of deviations from x̅ will be:
A.       0
B.       60
C.       30
D.      15
Ans. (a)
64. Froebel, the well-known child educationist was a:
A.     Realist from the United Kingdom
B.     French psychologist
C.     Psychologist of the progressive education movement
D.     German educationist with poor education
Ans. (d)
65. Which one of the following correctly defines the concept of social structure?
A.     Socially assigned meaning to a particu­lar set of behavioural pattern
B.     The enduring, orderly and patterned relationships between elements of a society
C.     A group of individuals, sharing com­mon social background, aspirations and occupations
D.     A set of behavioural patterns shared by different cultures
Ans. (B)
66. Consider the following statement:
1. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 does not apply to members of any sched­uled tribes unless the Central Govern­ment by notification in the official ga­zette otherwise directs.
2. Under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) the right of mainte­nance extends not only to the wife and dependent children, but also to indi­gent parents and divorced wives.
Which of the statements given above is/are Correct?
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans. (C)
67. ‘Before and after’ observations are made in studies involving:
A.     Exploratory Design
B.     Experimental Design
C.     Descriptive Design
D.     Cross-cultural Design
Ans. (D)
68. The distribution of data is symmetrical when:
A.     Mean value is equal to that of mode.
B.     Mean value is equal to that of median.
C.     Median value is equal to that of mode.
D.     Mean, median and mode values are equal.
Ans. (C)
69. According to Radcliffe-Brown, which of the following does not contribute to the integra­tion and survival of the society?
A.     Kinship system
B.     Leadership
C.     Lineage
D.     Rituals
Ans. (B)
70. Which of the following requisites is appli­cable to symbolic system of Malinowski?
A.     Production and distribution of con­sumer goods
B.     Social control and regulation of behaviour
C.     Organisation and execution of authority
D.     Communal rhythm in daily life and activities
Ans. (B)
71. According to_________________ method, an ideal is constructed from concrete cases and then a particular case is evaluated according to the degree of its approximation to the ideals.
A.     Inverse deductive
B.     Comparative
C.     Ideal type
D.     Experimental
Ans. (c)
72. _____________ is a set of techniques to measure attractions and repulsion in interpersonal relation ‘in quantitative and diagrammatic terms’.
A.     Social statistics
B.     Sociometry
C.     Social survey
D.     Quantitative method
Ans. (b)
73. The method of sociometry was first used by:
A.     Weber
B.     Sorokin
C.     Lipset
D.     G. L. Moreno
Ans. (d)
74. In India language has:
A.     Helped in promoting national unity
B.     Stood in the way of national integration
C.     Created no problem at any level
D.     Played health role in national life
Ans. (a)
75. According to_________ society is a web of social relations.
A.     Cooley
B.     Maclver
C.     Parsons
D.     Leacock
Ans. (b)
76. The concept of ‘Themes’ has been given by:
A.     Ruth Benedict
B.     Linton
C.     Boas
D.     Opler
Ans. (d)
77. Who of the following said that culture is “totality of group ways of thought”?
A.     White
B.     Malinowski
C.     Joseph Piper
D.     A.F. Walter Paul
E.      CC. North
Ans. (d)
78. Groups have been classified as Primary and Secondary by:
A.     Sumner
B.     Miller
C.     Cooley
D.     Giddings
Ans. (d)
79. ______ is the most conspicuous example of secondary group.
A.     Army
B.     Nation
C.     Neighbourhood
D.     Modern large scale organization
Ans. (c)
80. Who of the following has said that “Crowd is a physically compact organisation of human beings brought into direct, temporary and unorganised contact with one another”?
A.     Sheriff and Sheriff
B.     Gillin and Gillin
C.     Britt
D.     Maclver
Ans. (a) 
 81. A group in which a person is born and which he must join is called as:
A.     Congregate group
B.     Genetic group
C.     Primary group
D.     Voluntary group
Ans. (b)
82. According to_________, “Status is a place in a particular system which a certain individual occupies at a particular time.”
A.     Mazumdar
B.     Maclver
C.     Linton
D.     Kingsley Davis
Ans. (c)
83. Who has referred to ‘role’ as the dynamic aspect of status?
A.     Maclver
B.     Ralph Linton
C.     Merton
D.     Cooley
Ans. (d)
84. Norms regulate human behaviour through:
A.     informal controls
B.     social force
C.     physical force
D.     well established standards
Ans. (c)
85. ‘A rule requiring all men to have two wives would be valueless if sex ratio did not permit it’. From this, which of the following statements can be deduced?
A.     norms are standards of group behaviour
B.     norms incorporate value judgements
C.     norms are related to the events in the real world
D.     none of the above
Ans. (a)
86. Which one of the following cannot be covered under the category of positive sanctions?
A.     Praise
B.     Promotion
C.     Medals
D.     Disapproval of opponent’s action
Ans. (d)
87. Which one of the following is not covered under the category of informal sanctions?
A.     Physical torture
B.     Public opinion
C.     Imprisonment
D.     Death
Ans. (d)
88. When the child is able to judge the response of a group as a whole he is responding to a-
A.     significant others
B.     generalised others
C.     insignificant others
D.     none of the above
Ans. (b)
89. Suggestion is one of the basic principles of-
A.     human behaviour
B.     class
C.     socialization
D.     social process
Ans. (c)
90. According to A.W. Green conflict is the deliberate attempt to oppose, resist or coerce the will of another or others. In view of this which among the following involves conflict?
A.     Bullion merchants acting in a manner which resulted in shooting-up of the gold price
B.     The hustling at the bus stop
C.     Door crashing by the mob at the football stadium
D.     Racial discrimination enforced in South Africa
Ans. (d)
 91. Among the following mark out the item that does not involve conflict.
A.     The consumer resistance brought the prices of the commodities down
B.     Trade Union asking the workers to strike for a specified time
C.     A and B having failed to settle amongst themselves the ownership issue of a house, referred the matter to the Court of Law
D.     Effort by students to secure admission to Medical College
Ans. (d)
92. Among the _____ one is often obliged to marry one’s father’s widows, other than one’s own mother.
A.     Rengami Naga
B.     Kuki tribe
C.     Sema Naga
D.     Toda tribe
Ans. (c)
93. In a Muslim marriage, a wife can obtain release from her marriage by giving consideration to the husband whose consent is essential. This is called-
A.     dower
B.     mubarat
C.     khula
D.     talaq
Ans. (c)
94. Joint family system is on the decline; which is NOT the main cause for its disintegration?
A.     There is change from agricultural to industrial economy
B.     There is increased western influence
C.     There is increased pressure on land
D.     There is increased agricultural production
Ans. (d)
95. Which one of the following is NOT an important advantage of joint family system?
A.     It provides social security
B.     It encourages savings
C.     It makes leisure possible
D.     It helps in the development of good virtues
Ans. (b)
96. Modernisation has affected rural kinship most because:
A.     the people have become materialist
B.     means of communication have developed
C.     there has been migration from the villages to the cities
D.     the people have lost faith in worship of God
Ans. (c)
97. Kinship by nature is:
A.     always specific
B.     always unspecific
C.     never specific
D.     in some case specific, while others not
Ans. (d)
98. If a teacher leaves one school to work in another, this is called-
A.     downward mobility
B.     horizontal mobility
C.     vertical mobility
D.     none of the above
Ans. (b)
99. The status order, according to Weber, operates-
A.     to encourage social mobility, up or down
B.     to discourage social mobility, up or down
C.     to encourage upward social mobility but discourage downward social mobility
D.     to encourage group mobility, up or down
Ans. (b)
100. Which one of the following does not fall under the classification of tribes given by the Indian Conference of Social Work?
A.     those concerned with forests
B.     those concerned with a business
C.     those concerned with agriculture
D.     those living in urban and semi-urban areas
Ans. (b)
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