50 MCQ on Abnormal Psychology

50 MCQ on Abnormal Psychology

1. Partial or total inability to recall
A.      amnesia
B.      phobia
C.      stress
D.     anxiety
Answer- a  
2. Fear of water is
A.      zoophobia
B.      hydrophobia
C.      algophobia
D.     pyrophobia
Answer- b
3. Term used to describe the phenomenon the person becomes amnesic and departs home with a new identity
A.      amnesia
B.      fugue
C.      ptsd
D.     phobia
Answer- b
4. Dream analysis is practiced by -----
A.      psycho analyst
B.      behaviorism
C.      psychiatrist
D.     neurologist.
Answer- a
5. Any detrimental characteristics that is either innate or acquired is :
A.      temperament b
B.      genetic vulnerability
C.      inherited
D.     constitutional liability.
Answer- a
6. Serotonin is a
A.      hormone
B.      disorder
C.      medicine
D.     neurotransmitter
Answer- d
7. Hippocrates classified all mental disorders into:
A.      four
B.      six
C.      two
D.     three
Answer- d
8. Disorder which consists of physical complaints without any physical pathology is termed as –
A.      dissociative disorders
B.      somatoform disorders
C.      depression
D.     stress.
Answer- b
9. Disorder by which the person feels that his certain body parts are with an ugly appearance:
A.      dysmorphic disorder
B.      phobia
C.      dissociation
D.     schizophrenia
Answer- a
10. Clinical term for fear of public places
A.      algophobia
B.      agoraphobia
C.      claustrophobia
D.     ochlophobia
Answer- b
11. Outcome of a person’s efforts to deal with stress and meet his or her needs is ------
A.      adjustment
B.      resilience
C.      stressor
D.     etiology
Answer- a
12. ICD is published by ------- a. WHO b. APA c .PSA d .UNO39. Perception without stimulus is known as ______
A.      hallucination
B.      delusion
C.      illusion
D.     sublimation
Answer- a
13. Unshakeable false belief keeping out of cultural norms
A.      hallucination
B.      delusion
C.      illusion
D.     sublimation
Answer- a
14. Hypnosis is dealt with
A.      behaviorism
B.      mesmerism
C.      psychoanalysis
D.     functionalism
Answer- b
15. Negative stress is known as –
A.      eustress
B.      distress
C.      depression
D.     anxiety
Answer- b
16. Predisposition or vulnerability to develop a disorder is ----
A.      stress
B.      diatheses
C.      diagnosis
D.     displacement.
Answer- b
17. Excessive emotional attachment of a daughter for her father
A.      electra complex
B.      oedipus complex
C.      inferiority complex
D.     superiority complex
Answer- a
18. Excessive emotional attachment of a son for his mother
A. electra complex
B. oedipus complex
C. inferiority complex
D. superiority complex
Answer- b
19. Feigning of symptoms to maintain the personal benefits that a sick role may provide.
A.      malingering
B.      factitious disorder
C.      somatoform disorder
D.     hypochondriacs.
Answer- b
20. Thwarting of a need or a desire is
A.      frustration
B.      conflict
C.      aggression
D.     pressure.
Answer- a
21. Preoccupations based on misinterpretations of bodily symptoms ,with the fear that one has a serious disease.
A.      hypochondriacs
B.      obsessions
C.      compulsions
D.     amnesia
Answer- a
22. Partial loss of sensitivity is --------
A.      anesthesia
B.      analgesia
C.      hypersthesia
D.     hypertension.
Answer- a
23. MZ twins are otherwise known as :
A.      identical
B.      quadruples
C.      dz
D.     non identical
Answer- a
24. Write the odd one
A.      delusion
B.      repression
C.      denial
D.     sublimation
Answer- a
25. Fear of animals
A.      hydrophobia
B.      zoophobia
C.      claustrophobia
D.     monophobia
26. Shock therapy is otherwise known as---
A.      eeg
B.      ect
C.      cat
D.     mri
Answer- b
27. Clinical term for causal factor
A.      epidemiology
B.      etiology
C.      prognosis
D.     relapse
Answer- b
28. Feeling of apprehension due to the anticipation of danger
A.      fear
B.      anxiety
C.      depression
D.     stress
Answer- b
29. Persistent and disproportionate fear of some specific object or situation that presents little or no actual danger to the person.
A.      depression
B.      phobia
C.      mania
D.     stress
Answer- b
30. Mood disorders are formerly known as ---
A.      depression
B.      anxiety disorders
C.      affective disorders
D.     somatoform disorders
Answer- c
31. Which disorder is formerly called as Briquet’s disorder
A. somatization disorder
B.      pain disorder
C.      hypochondriasis
D.     mania
Answer- a
32. Preoccupation with certain aspects of the body
A.      OCD
B.      gad
C.      bdd
D.     ptsd
Answer- c
33. In ________one’s sense of self is temporarily lost.
A.      depersonalization
B.      derealisation
C.      hypochondriasis
D.     anxiety
Answer- a
34. Failure to recall previously stored personal information
A.      dissociative amnesia
B.      somatoform disorders
C.      hypochondriasis
D.     phobia
Answer- a
35. ______means flight
A.      fugue
B.      amnesia
C.      projection
D.     relapse
Answer- a
36. ----is an example of behavior therapy
A.      flooding
B.      dream analysis
C.      psychoanalysis
D.     counselling
Answer- a
37. Overt repetitive behaviors or more covert mental acts
A.      obsessions
B.      compulsions
C.      suppression
D.     stereotypes
Answer- b
38. Study of the distribution of disorders in a given population
A.      epidemiology
B.      prevalence
C.      prognosis
D.     relapse
Answer- a
39. The primary method of treatment for demonic possession was
A.      exorcism
B.      mass madness
C.      psychotherapy
D.     flooding
Answer- a
40. Who believed that hysteria is caused by the uterus?
A.      Aristotle
B.      Plato
C.      Hippocrates
D.     morgan

Answer- b

41. A condition in which people believed themselves possessed by wolves
A.      lycanthropy
B.      somatoform disorders
C.      hypochondriasis
D.     phobia
Answer- a
42. Dancing mania is a part of ------
A.      dissociation
B.      mass madness
C.      exorcism
D.     trephination
Answer- b
43. Founder of American psychiatry
A.      pinel
B.      rush
C.      burtonn
D.     freud
Answer- b
44. Who is the person behind the rise of mental hygiene movement?
A.      dorothea dix
B.      pinel
C.      hippocrates
D.     plato
Answer- a
45. Who is the author of the book A Mind that is found in itself ?
A.      rush
B.      dorothe dix
C.      clifford beers
D.     pinel
Answer- c
46. Free Association is dealt with
A.      behaviorism
B.      mesmerism
C.      psychoanalysis
D.     functionalism
Answer- c
47. Classical conditioning is put forward by
A.      wolpe
B.      pavlov
C.      skinner
D.     bandura
Answer- b
48. Who is the father of Behaviorism?
A.      john b watson
B.      pavlov
C.      skinner
D.     bandura
Answer- a
49. Who put forward operant conditioning?
A.      wolpe
B.      pavlov
C.      skinner
D.     bandura
Answer- c
50. Process by which stimulus increases the probability of desirable behavior
A.      punishment
B.      reinforcement
C.      shaping
D.     chaining


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