60 MCQ on Arab Culture and Islamic Studies

60 MCQ on Arab Culture and Islamic Studies

 1. Arabia is the cradle of

(A) Roman Race

(B) Dravidian Race

(C) Aryan Race

(D) Semetic Race

Answer: (D)


2. The Himayarite Kingdom was established in

(A) North Arabia

(B) South Arabia

(C) East Arabia

(D) West Arabia

Answer: (B)


3. The city of Makkah was established by

(A) Hadhrat Adam

(B) Hadhrat Nuh

(C) Hadhrat Ibrahim

(D) Hadhrat Muhammad

Answer: (C)


4. Nabigha Zubyani belonged to

(A) Jahiliya Period

(B) Mukhazrami Period

(C) Umdayyad Period

(D) Abbasid Period

Answer: (A)


5. Al-Rub’ al-Khali (the Empty Quarter) is located in

(A) Iran

(B) Iraq

(C) Arabia

(D) Egypt

Answer: (C)


6. The pre-Islamic Arabs were

(A) Fire worshipers

(B) Buddhists

(C) Idol-worshipers

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


7. The prophet’s mother, Hadhrat Aminah, belonged to the tribe of

(A) Quraysh

(B) Banu Najjar

(C) Banu Makhzum

(D) Banu S‘adwww.netugc.com

Answer: (B)


8. The pre-Islamic Arabs excelled in

(A) Architecture

(B) Poetry

(C) Painting

(D) Prose

Answer: (B)


9. The first verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad are in Surah

(A) Al-Fatiha

(B) Al-Alaq

(C) Al-Ikhlas

(D) Al-Fath

Answer: (B)


10. The State established by the Prophet Muhammad was

(A) Shura-based

(B) Hereditary Monarchy

(C) Military Regime

(D) Dictatorship

Answer: (A)

11. Which event of the Islamic History has been described as Fath-e-Mubeen in the Holy Quran?

(A) Badr

(B) Uhad

(C) Conquest of Makkah

(D) Treaty of Hudaybia

Answer: (D)


12. The Muwa Khat as a social system was introduced by the Prophet Muhammad at

(A) Madina

(B) Taif

(C) Makkah

(D) Khaybar

Answer: (A)


13. The Jewish tribes living in Madina were

(A) Banu Qainuqa

(B) Banu Nadhir

(C) Banu Quraiza

(D) All of above

Answer: (D)


14. The Jews Khaybar were expelled in the year

(A) 510 A.D.

(B) 638 A.D.

(C) 626A.D.

(D) 629 A.D.

Answer: (D)


15. The Treaty of Hudaybia was signed between

(A) Muslims and Christians

(B) Muslims and Jews

(C) Muslims and Mushrikeen

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


16. The only lady who claimed prophet hood was

(A) Sajah bint Harith

(B) Shaheen bint Harith

(C) Musliha

(D) Musailima

Answer: (A)


17. The Battle of Yamama was fought during the Caliphate of

(A) Abu Bakr

(B) Umar

(C) Uthman

(D) Ali

Answer: (A)


18. The Battle of Qadsiyah was fought during the period of

(A) Ali

(B) Uthman

(C) Umar

(D) Abu Bakr

Answer: (C)


19. The Battle of Siffeen was fought between

(A) Ali and Abdullah

(B) Ali and Muawiya

(C) Ali and Talha

(D) Ali and Zubair

Answer: (B)


20. The Battle of Camel was fought between

(A) Ali and Muawiya

(B) Yazeed and Husayn

(C) Ayesha and Umar

(D) Ali and Ayesha

Answer: (D)

21. Who among the Rashidi Caliphs was not martyred?

(A) Abu Bakr

(B) Umar

(C) Uthman

(D) Ali

Answer: (A)


22. Zual-Nurain was the title of

(A) Ali

(B) Uthman

(C) Umar

(D) Abu Bakr

Answer: (B)


23. Khalid ibn Waleed was sacked by

(A) Ali

(B) Uthman

(C) Umar

(D) Abu Bakr

Answer: (C)


24. Umayyad Dynasty was established in the year

(A) 650 A.D.

(B) 661 A.D.

(C) 750 A.D.

(D) 850 A.D.

Answer: (B)


25. The widest expansion of the Islamic State under the Umayyad took place during the rule of

(A) Walid

(B) Hisham

(C) Umar II

(D) Sulayman

Answer: (A)


26. The capital of the Umayyad Dynasty was

(A) Madina

(B) Baghdad

(C) Damascus

(D) Kufa

Answer: (C)


27. The Dome of Rock was built during the reign of

(A) Hisham

(B) Walid

(C) Ameer Muawiya

(D) Abdul Malik

Answer: (D)


28. The military commander of the Muslim Army, Musa ibn Nusayr belonged to the period of

(A) Umayyads

(B) Abbasids

(C) Fatimids

(D) Saljuqs

Answer: (A)


29. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?www.netugc.com

(A) Abdul Malik – Ottoman

(B) Shahjahan – Mughal Empire

(C) Muhammad Al-Fatih – Constantinople

(D) The Fatimids – Jamial al- Azhar

Answer: (A)


30. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(A) Qutub Minar – Lodhi Dynasty

(B) Mansuri Hospital – Mamluk Dynasty

(C) Quwwatul Islam Mosque – Mughal Empire

(D) Sultan Salim – Fatimid Dynasty

Answer: (B)


31. The Mosque of Cordova was built by

(A) Tariq ibn Ziyad

(B) Musa ibn Nusayr

(C) Abdur Rahman I

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


32. Ziryab was the court musician of

(A) Hisham I

(B) Abdur Rahman I

(C) Harun al-Rasheed

(D) Abdur Rahman II

Answer: (D)


33. The duration of the Abbasid Dynasty was

(A) 621 – 1360

(B) 750 – 1258

(C) 670 – 1250

(D) 740 – 1248

Answer: (B)


34. Bayt al-Hikmah was an academy founded for the

(A) Translation and Research

(B) Promotion of Architecture

(C) Promotion of Music

(D) Promotion of Art and Paintings

Answer: (A)


35. The great musician Ibrahim al- Mawsili is associated with

(A) The Umayyads

(B) The Saljuqs

(C) The Abbasids

(D) The Fatimids

Answer: (C)


36. Arrange the following Caliphs in order in which they ruled. Use the code given the below:

(i) Hadi

(ii) Mansur

(iii) Mahdi

(iv) Ameen


(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(B) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

(C) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)

(D) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)

Answer: (D)


37. Baghdad was sacked by the Mongols in

(A) 1258

(B) 1360

(C) 1549

(D) 1247

Answer: (A)


38. Al-Idrisi made significant contribution in the field of

(A) Medicine

(B) Geography

(C) Chemistry

(D) Architecture

Answer: (B)


39. Jabir ibn Hayyan was a great Muslim scientist in the field of

(A) Philosophy

(B) Astronomy

(C) Chemistry

(D) Physics

Answer: (C)


40. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched:

(A) Nizamuddin Tusi – Taj Mahal

(B) Abul Qasim Qaim – Ghaznavids

(C) Muhammad ibn Qasim – Spain

(D) Barmakids – Abbasids

Answer: (D)


41. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(A) Pyramids – India

(B) Obaidullah – Fatimid

(C) Izzuddin Aibak – Mamluk

(D) Salahuddin Ayyubi – Crusades

Answer: (A)


42. Al-Khawarizmi was a great

(A) Geographer

(B) Mathematician

(C) Theologian

(D) Sufi

Answer: (B)


43. The institution of vizirate was introduced in Islamic polity by

(A) Harun al-Rasheed

(B) Hadi

(C) Abul Abbas Saffah

(D) Mahdi

Answer: (C)


44. The author of Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb is

(A) Zakaria al-Razi

(B) Al-Farabi

(C) Ibn Tufail

(D) Ibn Sina

Answer: (D)


45. The Quran was collected and compiled during the period of

(A) Abu Bakr

(B) Umar al-Faruq

(C) Ali Ibn Abi Talib

(D) Umar Ibn Abdul-Aziz

Answer: (A)


46. Who among the following is known for emphasizing Nazm-e-Quran?

(A) Abul Ala Maududi

(B) Hameeduddin Farahi

(C) Mufti Mohd. Shafi

(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Answer: (B)


47. Which Surah of the Quran is not preceded by Bismillah?

(A) Nuh

(B) Ibrahim

(C) Tauba

(D) Kahf

Answer: (C)


48. The last Quranic verse was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in

(A) Muzdalfa

(B) Mount Safa

(C) Marwah

(D) Arafat

Answer: (D)


49. There is everything except Tafsir in

(A) Tafsir Razi

(B) Tafsir Tabri

(C) Tafsir Jalalain

(D) Tafsir Kashshaf

Answer: (A)


50. Jami al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Quran was written by

(A) Imam Razi

(B) Muhammad Ibn Jareer al- Tabari

(C) Imam Zamakhshari

(D) Imam Suyuti

Answer: (B)


51. Tafsir Tarjumanul Quran was written by

(A) Abul Ala Maududi

(B) Ameen Ahsan Islahi

(C) Abul Kalam Azad

(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Answer: (C)


52. Which of the following collections of Hadith is regarded as most authentic?

(A) Mishkat

(B) Sunan Darmi

(C) Jami Tirmizi

(D) Sahih al-Bukhari

Answer: (D)


53. Which of the following is included in Sihah Sittah?

(A) Sahih Muslim

(B) Mishkat

(C) Reyadh al-Saliheen

(D) Hujjatullah al-Baligha

Answer: (A)


54. Imam Abu Daud was born in

(A) Nishapur

(B) Sijistan

(C) Bukhara

(D) Isfahan

Answer: (B)


55. Kitab al-Kharaj was authored by

(A) Abu Hanifa

(B) Imam Muhammad

(C) Abu Yusuf

(D) Imam Malik

Answer: (C)


56. Imam Darul Hijra is the title of

(A) Imam Muslim

(B) Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal

(C) Imam Shafai

(D) Imam Malik

Answer: (D)


57. Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal was born in

(A) Baghdad

(B) Marv

(C) Rayy

(D) Damascus

Answer: (A)


58. Fatawa Tatar-Khania is based on

(A) Hanafi School of Law

(B) Maliki School of Law

(C) Shafai School of Law

(D) Hanbali School of Law

Answer: (A)


59. Which of the following is not treated as a source of Islamic law?

(A) Hadith

(B) Ilham

(C) Ijma

(D) Quran

Answer: (B)


60. Which of the following is not a school of Fiqh?

(A) Hanafi

(B) Hanbali

(C) Wasiti

(D) Maliki

Answer: (C)



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