20 MCQ on Social Casework Practice in Indian Context

20 MCQ on Social Casework Practice in Indian Context

20 MCQ on Social Casework Practice in the Indian Context

1. Question: What is the primary goal of social casework in India? a) Providing financial assistance b) Enhancing the individual's social functioning c) Advocating for policy changes d) Facilitating community events Answer: b) Enhancing the individual's social functioning

2. Question: In social casework, what does the term "assessment" refer to? a) Evaluating the client's progress b) Identifying strengths and needs c) Assigning a diagnosis d) Setting intervention goals Answer: b) Identifying strengths and needs

3. Question: Which approach is often utilized in social casework to understand an individual's problems and circumstances? a) Psychoanalytic approach b) Behavioral approach c) Cognitive approach d) Humanistic approach Answer: a) Psychoanalytic approach

4. Question: What is an essential characteristic of a social caseworker in India? a) Strict adherence to traditional values b) Objective and non-judgmental attitude c) Prescribing religious practices d) Promoting cultural assimilation Answer: b) Objective and non-judgmental attitude

5. Question: What does the term "case plan" mean in social casework? a) The process of assessing a case b) A detailed strategy for assisting a client c) Legal documentation of a case d) Financial management for a case Answer: b) A detailed strategy for assisting a client

6. Question: In the Indian context, what is the significance of family in social casework? a) It is a barrier to individual progress b) It is irrelevant to social casework practice c) It is an essential unit for assessment and intervention d) It is the main cause of societal issues Answer: c) It is an essential unit for assessment and intervention

7. Question: What is a key ethical principle in social casework practice in India? a) Maintaining client confidentiality b) Encouraging dependency on the caseworker c) Overruling client autonomy d) Ignoring client's cultural beliefs Answer: a) Maintaining client confidentiality

8. Question: Which is a crucial step in the process of intervention in social casework? a) Diagnosing mental health disorders b) Building rapport with the client c) Assigning blame to the client d) Disregarding client input Answer: b) Building rapport with the client

9. Question: In Indian social casework, what is the importance of community resources? a) To replace individual effort b) To strengthen community bonds c) To minimize intervention efforts d) To limit access to support Answer: b) To strengthen community bonds

10. Question: What does the term "empowerment" mean in social casework? a) Encouraging dependency on external support b) Strengthening the client's capacity and control over their life c) Discouraging self-sufficiency d) Isolating the client from their community Answer: b) Strengthening the client's capacity and control over their life

11. Question: What is a common challenge faced in social casework in India? a) Limited cultural diversity b) Accessible resources for every case c) A lack of qualified caseworkers d) Homogeneous client needs Answer: c) A lack of qualified caseworkers

12. Question: What is a primary aim of social casework intervention? a) Controlling the client's decisions b) Addressing the root causes of problems c) Providing financial assistance d) Isolating the client from their support system Answer: b) Addressing the root causes of problems

13. Question: What is a critical skill for a social caseworker in India? a) Being authoritarian in approach b) Active listening and empathy c) Ignoring cultural norms d) Relying solely on textbooks for guidance Answer: b) Active listening and empathy

14. Question: In social casework, what does "strengths-based approach" mean? a) Focusing on the weaknesses of the client b) Emphasizing the client's abilities and resources c) Prioritizing external assistance over self-reliance d) Ignoring the client's unique situation Answer: b) Emphasizing the client's abilities and resources

15. Question: How does advocacy play a role in social casework practice in India? a) By promoting the caseworker's agenda b) By lobbying for government funding c) By promoting the client's rights and needs d) By minimizing community involvement Answer: c) By promoting the client's rights and needs

16. Question: What is the primary objective of social casework assessment in India? a) Identifying client's needs and strengths b) Diagnosing mental health disorders c) Assigning blame for the client's situation d) Implementing immediate intervention Answer: a) Identifying client's needs and strengths

17. Question: In social casework, what does the term "interdisciplinary collaboration" refer to? a) Caseworkers collaborating with other professionals for holistic client care b) Competing with professionals from different fields c) Avoiding collaboration to maintain independence d) Rejecting professional advice from other fields Answer: a) Caseworkers collaborating with other professionals for holistic client care

18. Question: What is an essential step in developing a case plan in social casework practice? a) Imposing a predefined plan on the client b) Collaboration with the client to set achievable goals c) Disregarding the client's input to maintain control d) Avoiding any specific plan to maintain flexibility Answer: b) Collaboration with the client to set achievable goals

19. Question: In Indian social casework, what is the significance of cultural competence? a) Ignoring cultural differences for standardization b) Adhering strictly to one's own culture c) Understanding and respecting diverse cultural backgrounds d) Promoting cultural assimilation at any cost Answer: c) Understanding and respecting diverse cultural backgrounds

20. Question: What role does self-awareness play in social casework practice in India? a) Ignoring one's biases and assumptions b) Acknowledging and addressing one's biases and assumptions c) Avoiding self-reflection to maintain objectivity d) Imposing personal beliefs on the client Answer: b) Acknowledging and addressing one's biases and assumptions


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