10 MCQ on Research Design

10 MCQ on Research Design

1) What is the purpose of research design?
A) To develop a hypothesis
B) To select a sample
C) To determine the methods for data collection and analysis
D) All of the above
Answer: C

2) What is the difference between a quantitative and qualitative research design?
A) The type of data collected
B) The methods used for data collection
C) The methods used for data analysis
D) All of the above
Answer: D

3) Which of the following is not a type of research design?
A) Experimental design
B) Descriptive design
C) Correlational design
D) Probability design
Answer: D

4) What is the difference between an independent and dependent variable?
A) The independent variable is manipulated by the researcher, while the dependent variable is measured
B) The dependent variable is manipulated by the researcher, while the independent variable is measured
C) Both the independent and dependent variables are manipulated by the researcher
D) Both the independent and dependent variables are measured
Answer: A

5) What is a research hypothesis?
A) A tentative explanation for a phenomenon
B) A statement that is proven to be true
C) A prediction of what the researcher expects to find
D) A statement of fact
Answer: C

6) What is the difference between internal and external validity?
A) Internal validity refers to the degree to which the results can be generalized, while external validity refers to the degree to which the study is free from bias
B) External validity refers to the degree to which the results can be generalized, while internal validity refers to the degree to which the study is free from bias
C) Internal validity refers to the degree to which the study is free from bias, while external validity refers to the degree to which the results are consistent across different populations
D) External validity refers to the degree to which the study is free from bias, while internal validity refers to the degree to which the results are consistent across different populations
Answer: B

7) What is the purpose of a control group in an experimental design?
A) To provide a baseline against which to compare the experimental group
B) To ensure that the results are consistent across different populations
C) To eliminate the effects of extraneous variables
D) To manipulate the independent variable
Answer: A

8) What is a cross-sectional research design?
A) A design in which data is collected at one point in time
B) A design in which data is collected over a period of time
C) A design in which data is collected from a representative sample of the population
D) A design in which data is collected from a non-representative sample of the population
Answer: A

9) What is the purpose of a pilot study?
A) To test the feasibility of the research design
B) To test the reliability and validity of the measures
C) To determine the appropriate sample size
D) To collect preliminary data
Answer: A

10) What is the difference between a random sample and a convenience sample?
A) A random sample is selected using a random process, while a convenience sample is selected based on availability or willingness to participate
B) A random sample is selected based on availability or willingness to participate, while a convenience sample is selected using a random process
C) A random sample is a type of probability sample, while a convenience sample is a type of non-probability sample
D) A convenience sample is a type of probability sample, while a random sample is a type of non-probability sample
Answer: A


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