10 MCQ on Role of Ideology in Models of Social Action

10 MCQ on Role of Ideology in Models of Social Action

  1. What is the role of ideology in models of social action? a) Ideology is not relevant to models of social action. b) Ideology shapes the goals and values of social action. c) Ideology determines the strategies and tactics used in social action. d) Ideology only affects the outcomes of social action.

Answer: b

  1. According to the functionalist perspective, how does ideology contribute to social stability? a) By promoting individual freedom and autonomy b) By challenging established norms and values c) By providing a shared sense of purpose and identity d) By creating conflict and tension within society

Answer: c

  1. What is the main criticism of the rational choice model of social action? a) It assumes that individuals always act in their own self-interest. b) It neglects the role of emotions and values in decision-making. c) It does not account for the influence of social norms and cultural factors. d) It is too simplistic and cannot account for the complexity of social behavior.

Answer: b

  1. According to the Marxist perspective, how does ideology serve the interests of the ruling class? a) By promoting a sense of solidarity among all members of society b) By providing a way to challenge established power structures c) By convincing workers to accept their exploitation as natural and just d) By encouraging individuals to prioritize their own individual interests over the collective good

Answer: c

  1. Which model of social action emphasizes the importance of social norms and values? a) Rational choice model b) Functionalist model c) Symbolic interactionist model d) Conflict model

Answer: c

  1. According to the conflict perspective, how does ideology contribute to social inequality? a) By promoting individualism and competition over cooperation and solidarity b) By providing a shared sense of identity and purpose among all members of society c) By challenging established power structures and promoting social change d) By reinforcing existing power structures and legitimizing the status quo

Answer: d

  1. Which model of social action emphasizes the role of power and domination in social relations? a) Rational choice model b) Functionalist model c) Symbolic interactionist model d) Conflict model

Answer: d

  1. What is the main difference between the rational choice model and the symbolic interactionist model of social action? a) The rational choice model emphasizes individual decision-making, while the symbolic interactionist model focuses on group dynamics. b) The rational choice model assumes that individuals always act in their own self-interest, while the symbolic interactionist model recognizes the importance of social norms and values. c) The rational choice model assumes that social action is primarily motivated by economic factors, while the symbolic interactionist model emphasizes the importance of social interaction and communication. d) The rational choice model focuses on the outcomes of social action, while the symbolic interactionist model emphasizes the process of social interaction.

Answer: b

  1. According to the functionalist perspective, how does ideology contribute to social integration? a) By promoting individualism and self-reliance b) By challenging established norms and values c) By providing a shared sense of purpose and identity d) By creating conflict and tension within society

Answer: c

  1. Which model of social action emphasizes the importance of collective action and social movements? a) Rational choice model b) Functionalist model c) Symbolic interactionist model d) Conflict model

Answer: d

Related - Role of Ideology in Models of Social Action


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