25 MCQ on Indian Society: Composition, Classification and Stratification

25 MCQ on Indian Society: Composition, Classification and Stratification

25 MCQ on Indian Society: Composition, Classification and Stratification

 1. Question: Indian society is often classified into how many main varnas in the traditional caste system?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 Answer: c. 4

2. Question: The concept of "Jatis" in Indian society refers to: a. Religious rituals b. Caste groups or subgroups c. Political parties d. Educational institutions Answer: b. Caste groups or subgroups

3. Question: Which of the following is considered as the "scheduled caste" in India? a. Brahmins b. Rajputs c. Dalits d. Vaishyas Answer: c. Dalits

4. Question: Who coined the term "Harijan" to refer to the untouchables in India? a. Mahatma Gandhi b. B.R. Ambedkar c. Jawaharlal Nehru d. Subhas Chandra Bose Answer: a. Mahatma Gandhi

5. Question: The term "tribes" in India primarily refers to: a. Rural population b. Indigenous communities c. Urban settlers d. Religious groups Answer: b. Indigenous communities

6. Question: The concept of "Sati" in Indian society refers to: a. Female infanticide b. Forced marriage c. Widow self-immolation d. Child marriage Answer: c. Widow self-immolation

7. Question: The largest religious minority in India is: a. Christianity b. Islam c. Sikhism d. Buddhism Answer: b. Islam

8. Question: The "creamy layer" concept is related to: a. Reservation policy b. Rural development c. Industrialization d. Cultural heritage Answer: a. Reservation policy

9. Question: The caste system in India is primarily based on: a. Economic status b. Birth and occupation c. Educational qualifications d. Political affiliations Answer: b. Birth and occupation

10. Question: The concept of "Purdah" in Indian society refers to: a. Female literacy b. Gender segregation and modesty c. Dowry system d. Women's empowerment Answer: b. Gender segregation and modesty

11. Question: The term "Feminization of poverty" refers to: a. Women being the majority of the poor population b. Economic growth benefiting women the most c. Women's participation in politics d. Female literacy rates increasing rapidly Answer: a. Women being the majority of the poor population

12. Question: "Jajmani system" in Indian villages refers to: a. Village council b. Religious rituals c. Economic relationship between different castes d. Village sanitation system Answer: c. Economic relationship between different castes

13. Question: The "Green Revolution" in India mainly impacted the: a. Agricultural sector b. Industrial sector c. Educational sector d. Healthcare sector Answer: a. Agricultural sector

14. Question: The term "Adivasi" refers to: a. Urban population b. Indigenous tribal population c. Religious minority d. Rural population Answer: b. Indigenous tribal population

15. Question: The concept of "reservation" in Indian society primarily aims to provide: a. Equal opportunities to all b. Economic subsidies to businesses c. Political power to the elite d. Special privileges to certain groups based on historical disadvantages Answer: d. Special privileges to certain groups based on historical disadvantages

16. Question: The term "Sanskritization" in Indian social context refers to: a. Adoption of modern lifestyles b. Embracing foreign cultures c. Upliftment of lower castes through imitation of higher castes d. Promotion of indigenous languages Answer: c. Upliftment of lower castes through imitation of higher castes

17. Question: The "National Commission for Scheduled Castes" is a constitutional body in India that: a. Promotes Hinduism b. Protects the rights of Scheduled Castes c. Advocates for linguistic minorities d. Supports the upper castes Answer: b. Protects the rights of Scheduled Castes

18. Question: The term "brain drain" in the context of Indian society refers to: a. Decreased intellectual capabilities b. Rural to urban migration c. Emigration of highly skilled individuals to other countries d. Overpopulation in urban areas Answer: c. Emigration of highly skilled individuals to other countries

19. Question: The "Green Belt Movement," founded by Wangari Maathai, is associated with environmental activism in which country? a. India b. China c. Kenya d. Brazil Answer: c. Kenya

20. Question: The "Untouchability Offences Act" in India aims to: a. Abolish the caste system b. Criminalize discrimination against Scheduled Castes c. Promote inter-caste marriages d. Enforce religious conversions Answer: b. Criminalize discrimination against Scheduled Castes

21. Question: The "Fifth Schedule" of the Indian Constitution is related to: a. Fundamental Rights b. Scheduled Tribes c. Directive Principles of State Policy d. Citizenship Answer: b. Scheduled Tribes

22. Question: The "National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)" in India aims to: a. Improve healthcare facilities in rural areas b. Promote industrialization in rural areas c. Address urban healthcare disparities d. Ensure free healthcare for all citizens Answer: a. Improve healthcare facilities in rural areas

23. Question: The "Naxalite Movement" in India is primarily associated with: a. Religious revivalism b. Tribal rights and insurgency c. Political parties d. Economic reforms Answer: b. Tribal rights and insurgency

24. Question: The "National Policy for Empowerment of Women" in India focuses on: a. Advancing women's political participation b. Encouraging child marriage c. Promoting male dominance d. Restricting women's education Answer: a. Advancing women's political participation

25. Question: The term "Reservation" in India primarily pertains to: a. Booking seats in educational institutions and jobs for specific categories b. Advance hotel bookings c. Traffic regulations d. Flight bookings Answer: a. Booking seats in educational institutions and jobs for specific categories


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